The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1129: Unblocking the Forge Island

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Something is wrong, something is wrong!

The Lord of the Earth stood in mid-air, his eyes fixed on the melting pot island, the streamer sky is still strong, the whole island is still trembling violently, like a louse shaking the body of a beast of epilepsy, but after shaking for so long, why hasn’t he been stunned? Shake up?

Obviously, the whole island gave myself a feeling of being a short-lived life, but survived tenaciously time and time again, and the power that continued to feel seemed to be very strong, but only a small part of it broke out, like, big Part of the power was abruptly suppressed.

The King of Shadows? With his personal strength, he forcibly controlled most of the power of the lava volcano with a radius of thousands of miles?

After thinking about it, the Lord of the Earth immediately thought of a way, a way that fits the current scene very well.

He attracted the power of all the lava volcanoes on the seabed for thousands of miles, trying to blow up the entire Furnace Island and turn everything in it into dust, including the Shadow King who was deceived by himself.

This plan is not without weaknesses. Sometimes the strongest point is the weakest point. The key points in this plan are also the same.

The magic circle always has a core. The core of this huge magic circle is in the underground lava lake of the General Stove Mansion. If the Shadow King reacts fast enough, rush to that place before the furnace island accumulates enough power, and then transfer these The condensed forces suppressed or even dispersed, and the crisis in Forge Island was not inevitable.

"Stove, it looks like you betrayed me." For a moment, the Lord of the Earth thought of many possibilities, and finally thought of a key figure: General Stove.

After thinking of this critical task, many problems were easily solved. The figure that ran away was not the King of Shadows. The reason why he appeared awkward and slow was not because he was seriously injured, but because of his original strength. How do you want to see that person’s back now? How familiar.

The one who fled was General Fireforge, he betrayed himself and took refuge in the Shadow King, under the pressure of death.

Give the earth armor to the General Stove, and send him out by special means to attract the attention of yourself and the sea king, but what about you? Are you still on Forge Island, or have you escaped?

The Lord of the Earth realized that he still didn't know enough about the Lord of Shadow, so he couldn't analyze his choice at this time.

If I were the King of Shadows, how would I choose?

As a king, your own safety is always the first thing. After using the furnace general to test and divert yourself and the sea king, it is definitely the first choice to escape quietly.

I saw General Stove’s back before, and thought it was the King of Shadows based on the fact that this huge magic circle had gathered too much magic power. It was definitely not easy to break through, and it would be impossible to succeed without paying some price. I thought I was the Shadow King. The king has been injured.

But deep down in his heart, he still doubted the possibility of the Shadow King's escape from injury, so he kept resisting without taking any action. As a result, his suspicion was correct. The Shadow King was able to send the General Stove out intact. He was certain. Even if he can leave without injury, the choice of the Shadow King is not easy to infer at this time.

If I were the King of Shadows and could leave the Forge Island without injury, what would I do?

First, leave Furnace Island quietly as soon as possible. That place is like a bomb that can explode at any time. If a gentleman doesn’t stand under a dangerous wall, it’s not beautiful if he gets rid of it. After being injured, he was besieged by himself and the sea king.

Secondly, since I got out without injury, do I need to leave here for the first time?

No, there is no need. No one in this world can compare with him in terms of latent ability. If so, why can't you turn from bright to dark, hide in the dark and watch yourself and the sea king, once you seize the opportunity, give yourself a bit of cruelty of.

The Lord of the Earth remained silent, looking at the Furnace Island quietly, his figure slowly blending into the nature, and most people could not find him at all. Even if he saw it, there was a high probability that he would be ignored as a natural phenomenon. This is the realm of the Lord of the Earth.

Time passed by, and the chaos on Furnace Island gradually subsided. The earth was still trembling, but the tremor took a long time. Everyone became accustomed to it. The honest friends began to look for a safe place and waited quietly. Furnace Island calmed down on its own, and couldn't do anything anyway, wouldn't it?

The criminals who took advantage of the fire and robbery had a strong collision with each other. They were tired and scarred and looked for a place to rest. After their brains calmed down, they began to think about more things. Taking advantage of the robbery was their instinct, but if the whole seat The islands are all destroyed, what do they want these wealth to do? Funeral?

A quarter of an hour passed, and the furnace island was still shaking, and the amplitude did not change much, but the hearts of the people were much settled.

An hour passed, and the furnace island was still shaking. I don't know if it was an illusion. The people on the island were able to walk and lie freely under this shaking.

Three hours later, there was smoke everywhere on the melting pot island, and the relationship between them under desperate situation deteriorated, but a rare harmony appeared.

Ten hours later, the vibration of Furnace Island was really weakened, and even a short period of calm appeared. Furnace Island changed from the late stage of sheep epilepsy to hiccup patients, and it was not fatal anymore. It was just that the light of the sky was not dead. Relieved, none of them can do without.

Crowds of people began to rescue others, and formed a coalition to advance to the General Stove Mansion, wanting to ask for an explanation, or to let General Stove lift the light curtain and let them leave.

But is it really possible to leave? During the Great Earthquake on Furnace Island, the broken ships in the harbor sank, and it is not easy for them to leave.

Everyone began to wonder whether the incident was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster. The two views had their own supporters, and they even argued for a while, until they found that the generals of Stove General's mansion had gone to the empty building, and even the living things were not missing. Is not giving way to each other.

At this time, greedy thoughts inevitably emerged. Everyone began to shuttle and search in the general's mansion, but did not find too many treasures, not even many corpses.

But the good news is not without them. They found the control room of the streamer canopy and successfully stopped the operation of the streamer canopy.

"Go to sea! Furnace Island is too dangerous. I would rather die in a sea storm than to endure long periods of torture on Furnace Island."

"Go to sea! Return to the mainland immediately, taking advantage of the calmness of the sea now, who knows when Furnace Island will really sink."

"Go to sea!"

"Go to sea!"


The sound of going out to sea rang out and quickly spread to the surroundings. Crowds of people quickly flocked to the port, looking for usable ships and warships, and even if they could not use them, they could find the wreckage and re-assemble the ships to leave the port.

The king of the earth stood in the sky and watched the melting pot island regain its calm, watched the streamer sky is lifted, watched the boats spread out like an army of ants, and left in the opposite direction to the sea. , Watching all this quietly without any action.

A cloud flew quietly in the sky, the cloud blocked the sun and cast a shadow, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of the king of the earth: "Wait until you!"

A huge fist suddenly smashed out, and a silently stabbed sword in the quote was missed. The powerful force slammed into a shadow in mid-air, and the shadow suddenly fell apart and disappeared without a trace, including that one. The sword.

"Since I'm here, why should I leave in such a hurry, it would appear that I am not sincere." The fist of the earth king suddenly slammed into the sky, and the huge shadow of the fist instantly pierced the clouds, and a man in a black cloak appeared on the head of the earth king in the sun. Five feet away, a sword stabbed like lightning.

In the sound of "ding~ding~ding~", the fists and swords crossed, and the two fought hundreds of times in just a few breaths, but it was a result of no distinction.

"You are really injured." The king of the earth fisted across the air, and the figure of the black cloaked man suddenly retreated into the shadows. The whole figure disappeared again, but the king of the earth did not relax his vigilance, and the air blasted under his feet. The horizontal movement was more than a hundred feet away and punched out.

"Shadow clone!"

"Shadow Escape!"


The Lord of the Earth finds that the sky and the sea are indeed not his home Even if he knows that the King of Shadows wears a lot, he still can’t catch him. The four shadows are clones, and he only breaks two of them, and he is caught Escaped for a few miles, and then one of them ran away directly through the space.

Direction: Misty Sea.

"This time I won't be run away by you!" The Lord of the Earth finally caught the weak King of Shadow. How could he miss such an opportunity and directly tore the space to catch up. As for the space crack left by the black cloak man , He was not so careless. Now there is only himself. If the fool of Sea King is there, he can be allowed to explore the way, and now he can completely spend with him.

This is to your advantage.

"The battle royale game has begun, the king of shadows, try to escape, I hope you don't let me down!"

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