The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1142: Almighty Parasite

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In the roar of the violent wind, the two figures collided violently in the sky, the icy sea was surging, and the powerful power fluctuations could be clearly felt across hundreds of miles. The frozen sea surface was broken all the year round, forming a rare lake of broken ice. , And a corpse lying quietly in the middle of the lake.

A snow-white giant bear quietly emerged from the bottom of the sea, sneaking closer to the huge incomplete corpse. This magical delicacy was already close at hand, and before it opened its mouth, a black light fell from the sky and took its head. Through the hole, a demi-god elementary beast was instantly killed.

The blood of the snow-white giant bear spewed out and merged into the surrounding blood-colored lake. The huge body slowly sank. This is not the first demigod monster that wants to steal food, nor is it the last one. It only takes three days and three nights. , The two kings in the sky were in a stalemate. I don't know how damaged they were, but those who wanted to take advantage of the fire were dead.

"Boom!" Amid the loud noise, a demon whale opened its blood basin and swallowed the incomplete body of the Deep Sea Devil. A loud howling in the sky was full of anger, and its golden wings were slightly messy. Crossing an elegant arc, the sharp claws slammed into the body of the demon whale, and abruptly lifted the behemoth of twenty to thirty feet into the air.

The demi-god first-class demon whale was torn into two ends before it even had time to struggle, and slammed into the air another flexible monkey-like figure. The latter's body faded slightly and then was dispersed by the demon whale's body. , But appeared outside Baizhangkai, without the slightest scar on his body, even his clothes and cloak were not messy.

"Xueyanying, both kings, we can't tell the victory or defeat in a short time, let's divide the following things equally." The Shadow King's voice was full of breath, but Xueyanying King was greeted with a powerful attack. .

The wind, clouds, and gravity, Xueyan Eagle King all kinds of means take turns, but the Shadow King who has no trace to go without a trace has nothing to do, and can't catch his figure. How to fight?

"The battle of kings is protracted. Are you really going to fight me to the end? I said that the Deep Sea Medallion was not killed by me. When I found it, it had been eaten to a mess, or I killed those greedy people. Beasts have maintained the dignity of the king beast." The words of the Shadow King seemed to make the Xueyan Eagle King even more angry. The loud eagle whistle spread far away, and his anger could not be covered.

"Forget it, since you want it, take it, anyway, its magic crystal is gone, and a simple demi-god-level beast corpse is not very helpful to me." The Shadow King finally gave up, his figure It was on the surface of the sea in a flash, standing still on a piece of ice that was three feet in size.

The Xueyan Eagle King was condescending, the cloud technique was activated, and the thick mist rushed down like a giant dragon. The shadow king turned into tens of thousands, and the silhouettes appeared in different places in the sea. Surrounded by the Deep Sea Devil, it was not close to it. Instead, he cleaned up most of the corpses of other demigods around him.

"Hey~" Xueyan Eagle King became even more angry, his huge body suddenly rushed down, and when he approached the sea, he suddenly turned sharply. The sharp claws slammed into the corpse without the tentacles of the Deep Sea Devil, and his whole body quickly climbed up.

Without waiting for the Xueyan Eagle King to fly high, suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, and a thick mist fell from the sky in a blink of an eye, and the surrounding scenery changed drastically. It was no longer a vast ocean and snow but a mountain range, with high peaks The tall figure stands proudly.

An imaginary big hand grabbed the Xueyan Eagle King. The latter waved his wings with wind blades, but was unable to disperse the fog with his big hands. He could only throw away the Deep Sea Devil's corpse angrily, and the whole body turned into a piece. The streamer slammed into the past, and smashed the misty hand with a sound of "Boom!"

The Shadow King gazes fiercely at the figure on the top of the mountain, but he still doesn't move, the Snow Rock Eagle King double-holds and flies up to the sky.

"Since it's here, why bother to leave, haven't you been waiting for this seat?" The figure on the top of the mountain jumped to the sky in a flash, and kicked his feet to the Xueyan Eagle King, who greeted him with sharp claws. , One person and one eagle directly fought a half catty regardless of the outcome. You must know that Xueyan Ying King's body is dozens of times taller than that figure.

The figure suddenly felt a strong gravitational force, and the whole person was dragged "boom" to the ground in an instant. If it weren't for an emergency to turn the ground into quicksand, I'm afraid that this one would seriously hurt him: "The king beast is the king. Beast, you can't underestimate it at all."

As soon as the voice fell, a big hand fell silently on his sadness, the shadow long sword passed through his chest, but the figure turned into a mist and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already a hundred meters away, "The King of Shadows, sure enough!"

King Xueyan Eagle landed heavily, a pair of eagle eyes staring at the inexplicable great demon, an angry whistle sounded from his mouth, and the King of Shadow stared at him coldly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The big devil couldn't help laughing out loud: "You have been fighting for three days and three nights, guarding the corpse of the Deep Sea Devil, don't you just want to lead me out? You don't know who I am ?"

Under the black cloak, the King of Shadow narrowed his eyes slightly, and the murderous aura on his body was gushing out without concealment. The big demon smiled: "Sure enough, before the Lord of the Earth died, he left his back and leaked the information of this seat. out."

"I'm very curious, how did you join forces with the Xueyan Eagle King?" The big devil had a bright smile on his face: "There can be no option of peaceful coexistence between the king and the king beast."

"The dead don't need to know so much, you just need to be a silly ghost!" The shadow king's momentum broke out in an instant: "Shadow realm, open!"

A layer of gray light shrouded a radius of twenty li in a blink of an eye, and the Xueyan Eagle King and the Great Demon were not unexpectedly trapped by him, "The place with shadows is my territory, and all shadows are my weapons. Shadow trap!"

Layers of shadows emerged from the ground and rushed towards the great demon. The latter snapped his fingers, and the flames steamed all over his body, and the powerful flame power instantly exploded the shadows.

Before the Shadow King continued to attack, a violent wind surged from the Great Demon, and the whole person rose into the sky.

The Shadow King snorted coldly: "In my domain, the power of the storm is forbidden!"

As soon as the voice fell, the violent wind on the Great Demon stopped, and the whole person fell instantly, but the Xueyan Eagle King waved his wings and killed him fiercely.

There was a blur of the great devil, and seven or eight figures suddenly jumped out and scattered around. They were the shadow clones. The Xueyan Eagle killed three or four clones, but was fled not far by the big demon, and the shadow king incarnate must be encircled and suppressed. In the past, he directly summoned a rapid current to transform the surrounding into a vast ocean, and then directly blocked the clone's attack by ice-blocking it.

In a short period of time, the Great Demon demonstrated the abilities of fire, wind, shadow, ocean, and ice, and each of them was a power at the level of a demigod, which was absolutely abnormal.

"How did you do it?" There was a hint of shock in the Shadow King's tone. Except for Little Will, it was the second time that he saw so many attributes and abilities in a person.

A proud arc appeared at the corner of the big devil's mouth, "You want to delay time?"

"Oh." The Shadow King's heart jumped slightly, but he didn't know whether it was OK or not.

"Are you waiting for the person in the corpse of the Deep Sea Devil to be killed from the Whale King of the Lost Sea?" Although it was a question, the big devil's tone was quite certain, and it utterly dispelled their hope: "Back then I was It is so parasitic, how can I not guard against this move now, and the death of the violent dragon carp before also sounded the alarm for me, not everything can be stuffed into my mouth."

Seeing the shocked eyes of the Shadow King, the great devil became more excited, snapped his fingers, and the surrounding stone pillars roared out. There were as many as fifty or sixty corpses in the forest, but most of the corpses hanging on them were Someone known by the Shadow King.

Stove Generals, Flint Warriors, Shadow Warriors, Blade Generals, Coral Duke, Iron Blood Duke, there are more than a dozen demon powers alone, and there are more demi-god-level monsters left. These powers galloping across the world, Now it has become a corpse.

"While you are trying to calculate this seat, this seat is not idle. It is also improving your own strength. Compared to the low-to-explosive method of directly devouring the corpse of the beast, isn't it faster to kill the demigod to obtain the status Is there a way to increase strength?" The corner of the big devil's mouth cracked with a proud arc.

"You don’t know anything about the Mystery Space of the Mysterious Whale King. It has an infinite future. Space is so overbearing. Even if it carries so many persons and abilities, it is still not its limit. The personalities of your two kings It's its best tonic!" The big demon waved his big hand, and amid a loud "boom", the mutilated corpse of the Deep Sea Devil appeared on the ground.

"This kind of decoy is not qualified to enter the mouth of the lost whale The corpses of the two of you are almost the same!" The big demon waved his hand, and a huge boulder appeared out of thin air and slammed into the deep sea. On the corpse of the Devil, he smashed it flat.

Seeing the eager expression of the Shadow King, the big devil laughed loudly: "The Shadow King, how does it feel to lose friends and relatives again? It is said that General Rose and you have a good relationship?"

"Boom!" The Shadow King was completely irritated by the words of the great devil, his eyes were blood red, and the whole person rushed into the crown and let out an angry roar: "Asshole, I want you to die!"

The shadow king's body grew a little bit bigger, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a giant dragon, and the big demon's eyes lit up: "It's actually a dragon, hahahaha, it's great, the hands of this seat are lost!"

"His hands are not beautiful enough, what do you think of this lady's hands?" Suddenly the Xueyan Eagle King let out a crisp laugh, and the appearance of the Xueyan Eagle King disappeared in a burst of light, replaced by a beautiful woman with fluttering silver hair. , "Cloud Field, open!"

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