The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1144: The undercurrent of the elven island

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How does it feel to eat?

Pain and happiness.

How does it feel to be a group of people?

Little Ville didn't know it before, but now he understands it deeply.

The blood power, magic power, and laws of space of the Whale King of the Secret Domain, as a huge demigod high-level demon, pouring these things into Xiao Weier's body is enough to make him hold his belly and digest for three to five days, not to mention six to five. With ten demi-gods, elementary, middle-class, sub-demons, blood of monsters, and the power of laws, it is not easy for Little Will not to support him.

The attributes and blood power of the Whale King of the Lost Territory are super compatible with the world of Snowwood. The seedling of the Tree of Life is really reluctant to give up, so he poured it all into Little Weier in one breath, and made him a one before the battle was over. The huge blood cocoon, and the mystery space has become the ration of the Snowwood World.

In terms of essence and strength, scale, laws, and perfection, the maze space is inferior to the snowwood world, but the fifty or sixty demigods in the maze space and the prototype of the chain of many laws are real. In fact, Snowwood World swallowed them all at once but found that he also had some indigestion, so he could only share them out.

The tree of life sapling assigned the law of life and plants to Wei Liluo, the law of light to Lilith, the law of death to Weiya, the law of flame to the fire elemental spirit, the law of shadow, earth, ocean, storm, and thunder Carrying oneself and five different spaces together not only makes one's own laws more perfect and powerful, but also greatly strengthens the strength of the different spaces.

When Little Wilm runs the "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art" silently to strengthen the bloodline and enhance her strength, Xiao Weiya's complaints linger in her ears. She has to suffer so much for her brother. He is a **** reincarnated, and it only takes time. As a god-level master, there is no need to suffer this kind of suffering at all.

Although it is good for her brother to think that she feels happy, she still has to keep complaining in his ears. Compared with Lilith's few laws of light, Xiao Weiya gets a lot more laws of death. This kind of treatment naturally makes her I feel very happy. What if I have eaten it? I haven't seen too much stuff in my brother's stomach. Did he go outside to form a blood cocoon and wrap him up?

Even if she is satisfied with her brother's arrangement, Xiao Weiya still has to complain fiercely. The most important thing is that her brother has been away from herself for too long this time. If you give him a good face, doesn't it seem that she is easy to dismiss , When he comes back, he must be alone with himself for three days, no, five days!

Xiao Weiya was never a girl who liked to hide her thoughts. Suddenly she disappeared with Lilith and Guai Li Luo for three or five days. After coming back, her smirk from time to time still caused her father Floret and mother Mojiesi. Attention, and then, the news that the true lord of the land of light is about to return from the king of the road to the dragon can no longer be concealed.

However, this kind of news spreads seven or eight times a year on the elven islands, even more than ten or twenty times, but every time the elven aristocrat wants to confirm the news, the results are ambiguous. Some said that he was always there, and it was hard to tell the truth from the false, and no one knew what was going on this time.

The star elf patriarch Elena swaggered to visit Mojiesi and learned the whole story from her daughter. It probably means that her son has reached the ninth level of the road to the dragon, and has helped her sister Weiya, fiancée Lilith and Xiao Luo. Help defeat the strongest enemy, and you will be able to clear the level soon. As for the time to clear the level, you need to see how much he wants to harvest.

"The levels behind the road to the dragon are huge and different spaces. The eighth level Lilith rushes through is 30,000 miles, and the ninth level must be more. The resources inside are very rich. The materials of the third-order or even the demigod level are all I got it from there. Even if Ville meets the conditions for customs clearance, he may stay for a while. After all, the resources there are a waste. If you grab it, you will own it."

Elena agreed with Mojiesi's words, and told Mojiesi, "You are about to have a younger brother or sister, and there will be results within three months. When my grandson comes back, let him prepare a gift, at least Be worthy of his identity."

What status? Naturally, she is a demigod. Lilith was promoted to a demigod after she came out of the eighth level. How can her precious grandson be a person who has passed the ninth level, so she should be better than Lilith.

Mo Jiesi promised that she was also a rich little woman now. The filial piety of her son and daughter-in-law made her spend more time. Not long ago, she was promoted to Tier 3, and by the way, her alchemy pharmacy was improved, and she was finally able to practice. A Tier 1 potion has been produced, at least now it can barely guarantee that it will not lose money.

Moon Elf patriarch Isaiah has learned cleverness. He knew that if he went directly to the sun to lead the happy castle, he would definitely be deceived and dizzy, so he quietly found Léa in the half-elf house territory, and now the entire elven island is a handful The few rich women, a third-order holy elf mage who is richer than his elf patriarch this month.

Yes, Léa was promoted to the holy rank five years ago, but she did not apply for her own territory, but directly named the deputy lord of the half-elf house, although she has always been leading the construction of this territory. .

The half-elf house now has a population of more than 3,000, of which half-elves occupy 60%, and the commercial street has expanded tenfold. It is the entire Elf Island as a bustling and lively place, from uninfluenced things to demi-god goods. Things shouldn’t be too complete, even the priests of the Elven Goddess Temple often come around.

Isaiah sent all his illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters here as early as ten years ago. Nowadays, most of the people in the half-elf house are in charge of wealth. I have to say that Isaiah is capable of this. It was really strong. He relied on his own strength and perfect appearance. The women he found around fooling around were all carefully selected. The illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters he gave birth to were hardly stupid.

They are not taken seriously in the Moon Elf Territory, and even received a lot of white eyes, but when they arrive at the Half Elf House, no matter whether they open their relationship with Léa’s relatives, they can all give play to their specialties. As long as you have the ability, you won’t be buried. .

These half-elves may have had a hard time, and they chose to run shops instead of joining the security patrol. As a result, with the support of Léa, there was no shortage of resources and new goods. They quickly accumulated a large amount of wealth and became half-elves. A loyal fan of the house.

They don’t have a strong sense of belonging to the moon elves, but the half-elf home built by Léa is definitely their favorite home. They have gradually lost awe of Isaiah. After all, they are no longer undervalued before. Isaiah’s illegitimate children can be disposed of at will by Isaiah. Now they are citizens of the half-elf house, using middle-to-upper-class people with their own properties.

The half-elf house is the external window of the Sunshine Land. Every day there are seven or eight holy masters who patrol the Tier 3 Upgraded Warcraft, not to mention that there are two demigods standing behind them: the goddess Weiya and the goddess Lilith .

Except that Isaiah had initially obtained some resources from those illegitimate children and daughters with the help of threats and intimidation, at other times, they did not deter them too much, especially Léa threatened herself in front of those illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters. After a while, he completely lost his father's majesty, and could only lower his posture and get along with Léa.

However, since Léa was promoted to Tier 3, Isaiah did not feel that this was a humiliation. The strong need to be respected. Léa's promotion is not reluctant, and she is not even weak in the hands of the same level. She still has one. The third-order four-legged flying dragon demon pet.

"Is the news that the Wizard of Saint Vale is coming back true?" Seeing Lya, Isaiah didn't have any more temptations, and asked straightforwardly about the chest attack he wanted to know.

Without looking up, Leya continued to calculate the income during this period, but said very naturally: "Please call him the lord of Star Mountain, or the demigod of Star Mountain."

"I'm his father-in-law." Although Isaiah knew that his future achievements were limitless, but when his daughter said that, there were still some ups and downs in his heart. In fact, as long as Lilith became a demigod, he knew that this day would come sooner or later. Come, but when this day comes, he is still a little confused.

"I'm just a concubine, my status is not high, and your father-in-law's identity is not high." Léa paused, and then continued to look through the documents, without the slightest expression on her face, what was she thinking in her heart. No one knows that the current Liya is no longer the lonely and helpless Liya. She is the entire Elf Island and one of the few wealth controllers, but she clearly knows that the real owner of these wealth is not herself.

"No, you are a flat wife, this is personally recognized by Lilith demigod!" Isaiah doesn't want her daughter's status to be too low, otherwise she will be affected. Concubine and peace wife are completely two concepts. it is good.

"Smack~" Léa closed the ledger and raised her head to stare at Isaiah: "My dear father, what do you want to say today?"

"My dear daughter Lya, I only care about one thing, you are already a holy wizard, are you ready to leave an heir for Lord Starshan?" Isaiah gave her a deep look and said : "It is very difficult for a demigod to leave an heir, especially when both parties are demigods, so I deeply doubt whether the wife of Lilith demigod can give birth to a child for him. But..."

"There is a secret medicine in the family that can make you pregnant with a demigod child. I hope you can become the mother of the first child of the Star Mountain demigod. He should be the first heir to the Light Land of the Elf Island!"

Lya suddenly realized But she thought of more things. Lilith is now a demigod. She opened another foundation in Longdao. It is said that she has two more demigods. The dragon was brought out by her sweetheart from the road against the dragon. Regardless of whether Lilith has children, she may not be regarded as the place of light, even if this place was built with all her strength in the first place.

Compared with Dragon Island, the Elf Island is undoubtedly too weak. Lilith doesn't like it, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like it. It can even be said that she values ​​this thing very much. She must be the mother of the Elf King.

"I want that potion. Later, I will order someone to send you two night elves inheritance crystals." Léa was very direct, and Isaiah also confirmed that the man who once stirred the situation on the elven island is really true. Is coming back.

In the Sun Elf clan, Patriarch Sanen looked at the information in his hand with a trace of loneliness on his face, "Is Sida Mountain demigod? Haha, the pure blood elves are really down, where should the sun elves go? Three and a half The territory where the strong gods sit, and they are the only three demigods besides the temple."

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