The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1152: Return to the Elf Island

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The status of the demigod masters in the Wizard Islands is different, far from the third-order holy masters can compare, the fourth-order demigod masters can be regarded as a master in any part of the wizard islands, and can be treated with courtesy.

And the treatment of the demigod in the early stage is different from the demigod's high-level treatment. After the demi-god, the qualifications and blood are not too important, at least not the most important in this world. Comprehension and self-satisfaction. The understanding of Tao is the most important.

Some people are born with extraordinary aptitudes, and their strength has advanced to the third level by leaps and bounds, and then relying on their powerful blood and power to cross the abyss battlefield and promote to the demigod, but after being promoted to the demigod, they have a serious lack of understanding of Tao, and their strength has stagnated, even the most. The three laws of the basic support field cannot be condensed, and they have been hovering around the demigod door.

However, some people are late bloomers, steadily making steps one step at a time, and have too many insights and rich experience. Although they are silent at the beginning, once they enter the demigod level, they will immediately accumulate and make a hairless shot, and step by step until they reach the demigod height. Order.

The combat power of the high-level demigods is far from comparable to that of the junior and mid-level demigods. They have real potential to become gods.

The true leader of the Fairy Island Sunshine Land, Wil Star Mountain, bravely dashed against the dragon, and stood out through the nine-fold test. The news of the final achievement of a demigod was finally unavoidable.

This news made the demigods who used to pay close attention to him closely and hope to get his help, and the demigods who became gods like the music goddess Baihuayin in the past are boiling. Until today, there are still not one or two demigods guarding the wizard island. They are all waiting, waiting. Waiting for Little Will to come back from the road against the dragon, waiting for him to be alone, and then catch him.

But what they waited for was this news that they couldn't accept anyway, because most of these demigods who wanted to play tricks were mid-level demigods.

They don’t have any confidence in becoming a **** by themselves, and they are desperate even to advance to a high-level demi-god. They want to play tricks and let Little Ville help them find a way to become a god, bypassing the law of solitary comprehension that they have come to an end. The normal path of progress.

Although Xiaowei has sold a lot of materials long ago, and clearly provided their own ideas and methods, they still have a fluke, thinking that this magical kid can bring a different path to themselves, and they can take it. On the road to success they dream of.

King Vil returned, starting from Longya Island outside the Long Island, and taking the flying warship to the Elf Island. There was no way to be too public, and there was no concealment at all. Naturally, there were some obstacles on the road.

The mid-level demigod goddess of pain and torture, the **** hunting goddess of the demigod mid-levels successively attacked the flying warships, and Ville took the initiative to fight, winning two battles, capturing the goddess of pain and torture alive, killing the **** hunting goddess, letting hide the secret The other demigods were shocked.

What made them even more afraid to act rashly was that there were seven or eight demi-god-level auras on the flying battleship, two of them were high-level demi-god auras. This discovery almost stunned them. Naturally, no one dared to make trouble again.

You must know that this time, Ville didn't rely on his sister Wei Ya, but went to fight alone to kill the **** hunting goddess.

What shocked them the most was that Ville used the earth domain to fight the goddess of pain and torture. The demigod’s high-level aura and strength were unfolding, but when he faced the **** hunting goddess, he used the thunder domain. A powerful horse, but because he couldn't control his strength, he directly killed the **** hunting goddess.

Wil Star Mountain is not only a demigod, but also a multi-attribute demigod that is almost impossible to appear in the legend. This discovery makes those demigods even more difficult to accept.

The flying battleship was advancing towards the Elf Island unhurriedly. The silver dragon Linda on the battleship tried to get close to Lilith several times, but was finally suppressed by Darryl and moved closer to Landis, and this was not lucky. The Neptune Dragon fought fiery.

Why is she bad luck?

According to Linda, it is clear that she has become Ville’s partner and obtained the dragon pattern, but in the end, she achieved a demigod withdrawal at the seventh level. If she can persist to the ninth level, she will achieve a demigod high. The rank is not himself, but this Neptune Dragon.

For this, Ville can only hehe, if Lantis has been following him, whether he can pass the eighth level perfectly, it is still a matter of two. Without the help of Linda the Silver Dragon and Dariel Bailong, just rely on himself and Randy. It is really not easy for Si to kill the mid-level demigod opponent.

Shaun, the king of shadows, stood in front of the window of the flying battleship and told his granddaughter Rose about the common sense of the world. Next to him, Janet, the hero of the night elf arrow, and Eleanor, the sea witch, listened with gusto. In this world, they have no previous restraints. Feeling, but a little more depressed.

"This feeling is normal. You have a strong breath of hell, and the blood on your body is also the blood of hell. For our world, you are all invaders. The instinctive rejection of the world suppresses you. The world is assimilated, and you will be better after you truly blend into this world."

As a member of the Dragon Clan, the Shadow King really knows a lot, including the secrets of many **** demons trying so hard to know, and the ways to integrate into this world.

In fact, this method is worthless to put it bluntly. It is instinctive for world consciousness to suppress **** demons, so if you want to cancel this suppression, you can only start from two aspects. One is the identity and demon energy of the **** demons, and the second is world consciousness. .

The night elf Janet and the sea witch Eleanor are pure **** demons. Even if they were born in a different space, their blood and the **** magic energy still cannot be changed. If they really want to reverse their blood and **** magic power, they The strength of his body has basically been abolished, and this method is not feasible.

Then there is only a second way to go, but how can the world consciousness think that they are their own people and cancel the suppression?

This involves the issue of world authority. To put it bluntly, a dollar is worthless. Who is exercising the authority of the world?

The answer is that the gods of this world, as long as the gods give shelter, they can be shielded from the world's suppression of them. Sea King Dragon Landis, White Dragon Dariel, Silver Dragon Linda, Shadow Dragon Half Dragon Rose because they are of dragon blood. , Received the protection and blessing of the Dragon God, so he was relieved, but the night elf Janet and the sea witch Eleanor needed to find another way.

In other words, I have sought shelter from other gods.

The shadow dragon Sean smiled slightly and said: "This time little friend Weir took you out to solve this problem. Janet chose the fairy goddess, and Eleanor's best target for help is the sea goddess."

For those who were born in **** and grew up in hell, it is not easy to believe in other gods, but for the night elf Janet and sea witch Eleanor who were born in a different space and had no **** education, it is handed over Faith is not too difficult, as long as there are benefits.

The flying warship did not descend on the Elf Island, but on the Qingmu Island, which established a teleportation connection with the Dragon Tooth Island, where the Elf Goddess Temple had been waiting for a long time. A Tier 5 powerhouse took command of the four. The demigod sacrifices, this lineup is already strong enough, but the visiting guests do not exist except for the most high-end Tier 5 powerhouse, and the strength of other people completely crushes the welcoming team.

The flying battleship landed with a "boom", the door "clicks" opened, and two rows of twenty third-order shadow elf beauties lined up in two rows with vigorous steps. The night elf family chief Vickers commanded Ruo Ding , Acting as the emcee to supervise the entire visiting ceremony.

Xiaowei walked out first, accompanied by the shadow dragon Sean and the silver dragon Linda, followed by Dali the white dragon and Rose of the ice and snow shadow dragon, and the third row of three demigod beauties, the night elf Janet , Sea Witch Eleanor, Sea King Dragon Landis lined up, and a total of eight demi-god powerhouses let the four elves and demi-gods take a breath.

And they are very keenly aware that the order of appearance is actually arranged according to strength, that is to say, among the eight people, there are three high-ranking demigods, two middle-level demigods, and three beginners demi-gods. This level of strength is arranged. It's weird, and it's a bit too powerful.

Looking at my side again, if it were not for the high priest who insisted on going out in person, it is estimated that his four demigod priests would really be overwhelmed, and then a line behind them appeared, injecting new strength into them.

Demigod Intermediate Pinnacle Weiya, Demigod Elementary Lilith, Demigod Elementary Lillo, but their identities are slightly subtle. Are you sure they represent the Elf Island and not the Land of Sunlight?

"Welcome home, child!" This was the high priest.

"Welcome brother." This is Xiao Weiya.

"Welcome home, everyone misses you." This is Lilith, but it's not known how many people there are, but Ville always feels a little nervous, and Lilith's smile is a little weird.

"Bang!" Guai Liluo's welcome was very direct. Although he was already a demigod druid, his small body contained powerful power, but his body remained unchanged at all. He rushed into Little Vir's arms and let out a dull sound Loud, if it weren't for his strong strength, he would probably be knocked into the air.

Little Ville rubbed Wei Li Luo's soft hair, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "I'm back!"

The four simple words made the ten holy masters behind Lilith and Xiao Weiya cheer in unison. They are all the holy masters of Sunshine Land. Although their strength is not weak, there are also Xiao Weiya and Lilith. , Guai Liluo supported, but the real lord in their hearts has always been only one person: Wil Star Mountain.

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