The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1163: Visit the Monster Academy

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The gate of Monster Academy in College City was crowded with people, and a news suddenly spread out somehow, and a distinguished guest was about to come to visit.

How expensive is the guest?

There are very few people who know the details, but one thing is very certain. They must be rich, because the other party stated that they are going to control the flying battleship. This year, there is only a small and medium flying battleship on the entire Academy Island. This thing is not something ordinary people can do. own.

And can the people who own private flying battleships be distinguished guests?

Academy Island is a developed island. There are many academies on the island. Academy City is one of the few prosperous cities in the Wizarding Islands of the Seven Rings. The Seven Rings Wizarding Tower is located, and it is difficult to think about not being prosperous, especially the Sixth Ring Construction Wizarding Tower. After the rise, the location of each wizard tower became a place where many families and wizards competed to invest.

No one knows which wizard tower will rise next, in case the other wizard towers are nothing but a genius who is like a witch in the form of a witch.

The current monster academy is no longer what it used to be, but the change is from more than two decades ago. Back then, a legendary mercenary brought the goddess of music to the academy and left ten bloodline gems, some information, and at the same time It also left a group of talents for the college.

Dean Klein worked hard to cultivate these people into talents, but after graduation, these people turned to the career of tapping more bloodlines. While using the identity of the goddess of music to tour around to earn fees, they collected legendary investigation and tracking. The bloodliners selected the talents that could be made and sent to the Monster Academy, so that the strength of the Monster Academy continued to rise.

This method is strongly advocated by Dean Klein. This kind of targeted search and proactive approach has provided the Monster Academy with many excellent students. In addition, the legendary mercenary previously provided a lot of bloodline development information, so that the Monster Academy The overall strength of the school is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a vague tendency to surpass other colleges.

For some reason, the six-ring construction wizard tower seems to take good care of the Monster Academy. Some experimental equipment is often sent to improve them in all aspects. In addition, they train missionaries and singers for the goddess of music to make monsters. The style of the college is constantly improving, and its reputation is naturally getting better and better.

Today’s Monster Academy is more than ten times stronger than 20 years ago, and even had to open a branch in a remote place on the Academy Island to house countless scholars. Today’s Dean Klein is stronger and more energetic than before. Although he did not advance to Tier 3, he is already the peak powerhouse of Tier 2, and a famous educator in the Seven Rings Wizard Islands.

It doesn't matter whether I am strong or not, what matters is that the disciples I teach are strong.

It doesn’t matter whether my disciples are strong or not. What’s important is that they have good conduct and can contribute to the Wizarding Islands.

You can have no talent, but you can't live without a strong heart, otherwise you will accomplish nothing.

The strong is not only the body, fighting spirit and magic power, but also the strong heart.

Dean Klein has paid great attention to the ideological education of the academy since the devastation of the followers of the **** demon many years ago, and paid great attention to the feelings of the students, and actively guided them to the right path. As a result, the results are naturally outstanding, and the monsters of the Monster Academy have become It is softer and more human, but its strength is even more monster.

The huge flying battleship came, and the people watching from a distance uttered a sigh of admiration. This is definitely a visit of a big man. At least there are one or two holy masters. You must know that in the Seven Rings Wizard Islands, holy masters are definitely very, very rare. By.

Then, when the identities of the visitors were reported, there was silence around them, and their fear and fear became the truest portrayal of them.

"The great leader of the Sunshine Land of the Elf Forest, the demigod of Mount Wil Star comes to visit!"

"The goddess Weiya, the fairy forest, came to visit!"

"Lord of the Sunshine of the Elf Forest, the Dragon Island half-dragon female martial artist Lilith demigod came to visit!"

"Lord of the Shadow Island of Dragon Island, Lord Shaun, the demigod of Shadow Dragon, come to visit!"

"Lord of Longdao Yunwu Island, Lord Linda, the silver dragon demigod, came to visit!"

"Lord of the cold island of Long Island, the white dragon demigod Dariel came to visit!"

"Ice and Snow Fairy Patriarch, Rose Demigod is here to visit!"

"Night elf patriarch, Janet Demigod is here to visit!"

"The patriarch of the sea blue clan, the sea witch Eleanor demigod came to visit!"

"The goddess of the elves sacrifices, xxxx demigods come to visit!"

"The owner of the Dragon Island Crystal Palace, the demigod Dragon Landis, the sea king, came to visit!"

A whole group of eleven demi-god powerhouses visited a wizarding academy in the Seventh Ring Wizard Islands, and directly overturned a bunch of people. Even Klein was stunned. He had received news before that friends who had not seen him for many years came to visit, maybe The formation will be a bit big.

Dean Klein knows that Ville and Lilith are very strong, and he also knows through some gossip that they may have been promoted to a demigod, but it is not very sure that even if they are not a demigod, the Tier 3 powerhouse needs to look up to their Monster Academy. But he really didn't expect that the little guy who was stalking and wanting to earn money at the beginning would become so unattainable.

"Haha, Dean Klein, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him?" Little Weil strode forward and turned his eyes to Dean Klein, but although he was already a demigod high-level master, he was pregnant with the blood of a black dragon and a silver dragon. The bloodline, the golden dragon bloodline, and the thunder giant bloodline, but the figure is still not tall, it is really shorter than Dean Klein.

This made Little Weier very upset. You must know that he is a master, and he can't pat Dean Klein's shoulder very naturally to show his lofty identity.

Dean Klein rubbed his hands a little nervously, he was a little caught off guard, and even some didn't know what to call him. How could he call your little friend twenty years ago? What now?

"Um, what, under the crown of Star Mountain, me, that..." Klein had never seen a demigod powerhouse before, except for the goddess of Baihuayin, and when he saw the goddess of Baihuayin, it was also a secret meeting, which was private. During the meeting, the goddess Baihuayin did not even show her identity openly.

But this time is different. Weir and the others notified them in advance, and they also sent a large number of people to greet you with great fanfare. They even alarmed many people because of this. Klein didn’t care too much before. He knew that even if it was Weil. The status and strength before heading to the road to the dragon is also worthy of him.

But he never thought that this flying battleship actually came out of eleven demigods in a row, not to mention the Seventh Ring Wizard Islands, even the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, the Five Ring Wizard Islands, and the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands suddenly have this. The gathering of most of the gods and powerhouses is also earth-shattering big news.

The Monster Academy is going to be on fire, and it's the kind of explosive boom, Dean Klein suddenly reacted, Little Brother Weir is cheering himself up and gaining face.

After greeting Dean Klein, Ville glanced at the people behind, and suddenly found a few familiar figures, "Four-eyed rabies, golden retriever?"

A neatly dressed man designated the eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said very solemnly: "Under the demigod of Star Mountain, although everyone is a wizard graduated from the Five Rings Mitis Wizarding Academy, I am also a disciple of Teacher Rhine. You are my sister’s teacher, but in formal occasions please call me Teacher Craig, or Deputy Dean Craig."

Little Ville couldn't help but smiled slightly: "I have my own sky warrior, not bad, not bad, but it still seems to be inferior to Susan."

"Little boy will always be my pride!" The Four-Eyed Rabid Dog's face is not displeased, but full of pride. As a sunning girl crazy demon, he never thinks that his sister is too good to be embarrassing, the sky warrior Golden Retriever next to him The dog was speechless when he saw his eyes shining.

On the contrary, this attitude made Will appreciate it with a thumbs up and praised: "As expected, it's you, but it hasn't changed at all."

"Thank you for the compliment. As a qualified brother, certain good qualities can never be changed. Don't you love your sister as always?" As a sister control, the Four-Eyed Rabies still has some rejection and a good impression on Little Vere. .

The rejection is because his sister is very close to him. After all, it is a relationship between master and apprentice. There are many willingness to like him. The first is that he has brought a different life to his sister. The second is that he helps himself a lot. Third, And most importantly, he is also an invisible sister-in-law like himself.

Xiaoweier: No, I'm not a sister-in-law, I'm just a good brother who usually loves his sister, just like I am not a lo*ic*n, just love the cute loli.

Today is destined to be a day in the history of the Monster Academy. Although the eleven demi-god powerhouses only stayed for a short period of time and each left a trace, they still make the Monster Academy the most legendary in the fantasy wizard island. Of the college.

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