The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1166: Your secret love, I didn't tell anyone

After passing by the gourmet city, the Flying Battleship went straight to the Sixth Ring Construction Wizard Tower without stopping.

Today’s structured wizard tower is not what it used to be. There are one or two large ports on each side of the island. There is also a dock for flying warships not far from the wizard tower. There are ten medium-sized flying warships in the six-ring structured wizard tower. There are fifty flying battleships, but the medium-sized flying battleships belong to the construction wizard tower. This thing is not easily exported.

But today, a private medium-sized flying warship appeared here.

In order to show respect for the six-ring construction wizard tower, Ville chose to follow their regulations and park the flying warship at a fixed location, and then take the magic vehicle to the wizard tower, but they all took the flying battleship and the magic vehicle. It is privately owned and does not belong to the construction of the wizard tower, which makes people seem to have a smashing feeling.

Flying battleship, my ship is the largest in the field.

The magic car, my long series of magic cars are all gorgeous and exquisite, and the speed stability is above the construction of the wizard tower.

The style of the dark goblins is silly, big and thick. They can't create such exquisite things, but it is possible to add the night elves to the dark goblins. The combination of the two, together with the overall planning and supervision of Wicks, creates a practical and gorgeous The coexistence of Magic Cars and Flying Warships is not difficult.

He is an alternative night elf, a night elf who grew up savagely among the goblin groups who used himself as a goblin since he was a child.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" For this visit, the construction of the wizard tower is very important. So many demigods not only make the Seven Rings Monster Academy go down in history, but also make the Six Rings Construction Wizard Tower famous for a while, which is naturally intolerable. They don't take it seriously, even though they are familiar with the visiting leaders.

The iron puppets of the steel-in-class ranks lined up neatly from side to side, not like welcoming guests, on the contrary, there is a kind of military exercise to deter the enemy.

Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, yes, after Tier 3 construction wizards appeared in the 6-ring construction wizard tower, Tier 3 construction puppets also appeared. The upper level of the construction school was due to the development of the 6-ring construction wizard tower To grow stronger, many rewards were issued, including the third-order inheritance of the Constructed Wizard School. If Marbury, Julian and others hadn't insisted, they would have been transferred to the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands.

The greet team was very large. Although ninety-nine of them came to join in the fun, when rows of steel puppets and steel chariots appeared, they could not help but let out a cheering and admiration from the heart, as the sixth ring Residents who construct the wizard tower are proud of constructing the wizard tower. The stronger the wizard tower is, the more proud they are!

When the visitors approached, the cheers gradually calmed down. They suddenly found that the chariots brought out by the guests were not inferior to them, and even looked more hideous and terrifying. Ten chariots, ten different styles, either hideous or rough. Crazy, or iron-blooded, or gorgeous, or glamorous, but there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, stable and powerful.

No weapons were placed, but the way the chariots were walking and the reserved positions still made many insiders see many problems. Among them, the reserved positions on the two silly chariots reminded them of a big kill. Device: Magic Crystal Cannon!

For the car-mounted magic crystal cannon, just ask if you’re afraid. They don’t think the magic crystal cannon is too big a treasure for Little Will. You must know their structure witch. The current structure queen has taken out seven or eight. There are different grades of magic crystal cannons, and the origin of these things has a bit of spectrum in the heart of the core members.

It’s just that the atmosphere at the scene is a little bit weird. Ville’s flying warship pressed one end of all flying warships in the construction of the wizard tower at the berth, and the chariot that was taken out was even a trick to construct the wizard tower. It feels that if he directly took out a bunch of third-order dog village puppets, it is estimated that the construction of the wizard tower would really be famous for a while, but it is likely to be notorious.

"Teacher, welcome home!" At this moment, Susan and Vivian, as representatives of the construction of the wizard tower, came to the first steel chariot for the first time, and respectfully gave it to Ville and Lilith. The salute, the voice spread far away, but it broke the delicate atmosphere in an instant.

It turned out to be a family!

Yes, Susan and Vivian, as rising stars, step by step in the construction of the wizard tower, they have become a wizard whose status and strength are comparable to the controller of the wizard tower, and even more powerful than the general controller. They are constructing the wizard tower's reputation. Quite large.

Fortunately, Susan, the official caster, said that Vivian, the ice shaping wizard, is a branch of the construct wizard, and she can even use many methods of constructing wizards, including weapon construction and puppet manipulation. Julian advanced to the third level. After the first-order wizard, she personally created a cold ice puppet for her. The third-order ice puppet gave Vivian the capital to contend with the third-order master in a short time.

As Ville and Lilith got out of the car to support Susan and Vivienne, and praised them, the atmosphere suddenly became hot. As long as anyone with a brain around them knows, the construction of the wizard tower may usher in In the new round of promotion, these people seem to be not here to smash the scene, but to exchange and cooperate.

Julian walked slowly, and Ville greeted him enthusiastically, but Julian didn't even look at him, and passed him directly, and came to the steel chariot: "Why are you with them? "

On the back seat of the chariot, Liz rolled a cute eye and said angrily: "You think I think, can you blame me for being caught by them? Damn astrology!"

It turned out that the clever Liz had seen through Little Weir’s thoughts, and was going to push it all the way in. The next stop was the sixth ring to construct the wizard tower, the next fight to the fifth ring Mitis Wizarding Academy, and finally the fourth ring was estimated. , In order not to be caught, Liz directly faced the direction of the small Vail flying battleship, and moved forward slightly, the goal: the gourmet city.

Then very unfortunately, Ville and Lilith directly changed directions without anyone noticing, and caught her in the gourmet city.

Seeing Julian's subtle expression, Liz smiled and patted the shoulder without a smile: "Don't worry, you have a crush on Little Will. I didn't say anything about the nameless jealousy. It's loyal."

Julian's face suddenly turned black, and his hands clenched "cracking", which may not have been said before, but now the vast majority of people within a hundred meters around definitely heard it clearly. You **** is definitely deliberate!

You must know that most of the people around are third-tier and demi-god powerhouses. It's a shame if you deliberately lower your voice!

"Liz, do you think about how to die?"

"I want to die naturally, happily until death!" Liz shrugged, and the next moment she flew out, like a ghost on the car, As a master, you can't go to the car of unfamiliar people, huh, ha ha, you are still far from being shameless.

Many people had a hunch before the Eleven-Half Gods visited the Constructed Wizard Tower, so other wizard towers on the Sixth Ring also sent people to wait here early. They vaguely knew that the legendary mercenary had a very close relationship with the Constructed Witch. , There is also a little bit of speculation that the rise of the construction wizard tower is not only promoted by Julian alone, she is only the specific executor, and the person standing behind the scenes is likely to be the opposite young man.

He is the leader of the trade network of Elf Island, Constructed Wizard Tower, Sea Race, Beast God Island, and Half Dragon Island, but it is Julian who has benefited the most in the end, and they want to see more this time. After being promoted to a demigod, will this young man suppress the Construct Witch strongly?

However, as soon as the two sides met today, such a news broke, which caught them by surprise. If this is true, or if Julian really becomes his person, then this young man will suppress Zhu as they wish. Li'an?

According to what they know about this young man, it is estimated that they will favor the witches more and make this witch become a true queen.

Unlike other places, the Constructed Wizard Tower has multiple controllers, and many places are relatively secret Wizard Towers. The place where guests are entertained is not a place that ordinary people can enter casually, which makes those who want to watch the excitement very disappointed. , There is no useful information at all, except that the Construct Witch may have an unclear relationship with a certain demigod.

The welcome banquet in the construction of the wizard tower is held in the secret realm. In addition to them, there are several special existences: Shadow Dragon Troy, Lady of the Night, and Floret.

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