The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1172: Teacher, i'm back

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Unlike the elves’ emphasis on night elves’ beliefs, and the Thunder Naga’s emphasis on Vil’s trading rights, Beast God Island does not care too much about Vil’s resources, whether they are faith resources or commodity resources, and just replace the original Nicole, who belonged to them, gave him back, and promised by the way that they could open the teleportation array for bilateral trade.

Well, the cost of the teleportation array is borne by Xiao Wei!

This attitude is exactly in line with the attitude of the Beast God Island Beast Temple. It was a tough mess. Before leaving, Weier was not even sent off by the two priests. Only one demigod priest came over and took a look symbolically with a dark face.

Myself, a new high-ranking member of the Beast Temple and a veteran godly favored person, does not seem to be very popular in the Beast Temple.

Well, it seems that people who become high-level people by challenging the six levels of demi-god-level beasts are not very popular, like myself and Professor Wetzell, but it doesn't matter whether the upper-level is unpopular, and the two of them are famous at the bottom. It's still very big, especially Professor Witzel, who is definitely the most welcome existence for all middle and low-level orc women.

Harem Witzel's name is by no means an outrageous name. As for himself, he can already be regarded as a good man, right?

The next stop is Mitis Wizarding Academy. Ville and Lilith are also homecoming, and Dean Curran, Serena Light Wizard, Rich Body Refining Wizard, Kevin Saint Wizard and Si Dashan Saint Wizard was also very excited, even a little too excited.

The cultivation of holy wizards is worth showing off among the five ring wizard academies, and the cultivation of demi-god powerhouses is definitely a top-notch event that can alarm the fourth ring or even the third ring wizard academy, not to mention that their academy has cultivated three at once. A semi-god powerhouse.

When Lilith became a demigod, she didn’t make a loud noise. Although the top of the Mitis Wizarding Academy knew that this was not a secret secret, considering the situation of Little Ville, they kept the secret silently, at least not spreading in the academy. open.

After Ville became a demigod, this news could no longer be concealed. Unlike Lilith’s low-key, Ville’s parade of flying warships and many demigods led by Ville has already spread to a lot of people, elf islands, distant seas, monsters. The academy, the sixth ring structure the wizard tower, and the beast island.

Every step he took is not a secret, and it can even be said to be very public, especially when he passed the six levels of the Beast God to become the top of the Beast God Temple, and it spread throughout the Wizard Islands overnight. You must know that the last person who completed this great cause was Witzel, the representative of the classical school, and now it is their turn to become famous at the Mitis Wizarding Academy.

The Mitis Wizarding Academy belongs to the Mystic School, but Ville is young after all, and he left the academy early, so he did not have time to formally join the school, but his grandfather, the Star Mountain Wizard, and more than half of the Star Mountain family are all. It is a member of the mystical school, including the demi-god powerhouse of the Star Mountain family.

Ville’s flying warship unabashedly went straight to the Mitis Wizarding Academy, which naturally aroused the perfusion of many people, especially the upper class of the Mitis Wizard Academy and those behind them, who were full of visitors this time. For curiosity as well, respect.

The Mitis Wizarding Academy is very secretive, but for Little Ville, who has already known the way here, it is not difficult to get here. He directly tears the space thousands of miles away, and the flying warship shuttles from the huge space crack. , So that the many wizards who were waiting outside were stunned.

Little Ville stood proudly in mid-air, his hands slightly propped up, the huge space cracks resembled the mouth of a hideous monster's blood basin, and the violent spatial fluctuations caused strong pressure, causing the ordinary wizard apprentices who came to meet them to stand unsteadily and fall down. On the ground, even the inferior players have difficulty breathing and barely support this not to fall.

The spatial fluctuations caused violent shocks, the violent wind roared the sky and the earth changed color, and the vision caused by Xiaowei's tearing of the space made them all amazed.

The flying battleship slowly poked its head out from the crack in space, and showed its true face a little bit. For the students of the Mitis Wizarding Academy, the flying battleship is still relatively unfamiliar. After all, the Mitis Wizarding Academy is not a construction wizard. It is famous for its skills, but for teachers and students who have gone out to perform missions, this flying warship is equally powerful.

Little Ville is very well prepared for this trip. The flying battleship is naturally not the kind to deal with hastily, but many dark goblins based on the original flying battleship, using some technology provided by Julian to improve and perfect the powerful battleship, at least Can be worthy of Little Ville's current demigod status.

The flying battleship completely got rid of the space cracks, Xiaowei's hands released, the space cracks slowly healed, the violent wind ceased, the sky gradually returned to calm, and the flying battleship landed smoothly with a loud "bang".

Littleville did not pretend to enter the flying battleship, and then fluttered out, but flew directly in front of the welcoming team, and gave a deep salute to Dean Curran who was standing in the front: "Teacher, I'm back. Up."

"Okay, just come back, just come back!" Dean Curran was a little bit incoherent, and now he couldn't say a word in the originally prepared speech. This is his own student, who can cultivate a semi-god powerhouse. , Enough for Dean Curran to be recorded in the history of Mitis Wizarding Academy.

This is my student. Even though he has surpassed him by a large margin, he still willingly calls himself a teacher. It is worthwhile that in order to **** this student, he sneaked and slid to take him first. Otherwise, hum, this glory is unknown. Who will it fall on?

The hatch of the flying battleship opened, and a ceremonial team acted by a saint-level expert walked out first. Although they had long heard that they had such a ceremonial team, when they actually saw it, they had a completely different feeling. There are only five masters in their entire academy, so they are actually used as a ceremonial team?

Sure enough, my students have reached a level that they can't understand. It hasn't been 30 years since they left the college. They are old, really old.

The ceremonial team just stood still, Lilith came out first, took a light step and walked to the front in a blink of an eye, looking at the excited Serena Wizard of Light, showing a bright smile: "Teacher, I came back!"

"Well, Lilith, I didn't shame the teacher." Serena Holy Light Wizard's face is full of brilliant light, as if all the Holy Light Wizardry has been used on her face, giving people a feeling of spring blossoms. , The warmth from the heart can never deceive people.

"Why are your disciples coming back, but my disciple wants to stay on the Elf Island?" Saint Richie's grieving voice sounded. It can be seen that he really missed Guai Liluo, and he showed off his disciples on this occasion. It is the most suitable. The rich and the rich do not return to their hometowns like a night in a brocade. The Sorcerer Richie also wants to show off his disciples.

He knows that his precious disciple has also been promoted to a demigod not long ago. Although the strength level may not be as good as that of Will and Lilith, the demigod powerhouse is ultimately a demigod powerhouse. This is a qualitative difference. Being a demigod can also be shown off. As a result...

"Mr. Richie, Xiao Luo has just been promoted to a demigod, and she still needs some time to stabilize her strength." Lilith smiled and said, "After a while, everything will We will bring Xiao Luo to visit you. of."

"Can this be the same? You look at your teachers, one by one, all of them are stunned, and you will be angry when you look at me. If my disciples are here, hum, I can be worse than them!" Rich Saint The wizard's words caused a burst of laughter.

"These are my grandson and granddaughter-in-law, and Xiao Luo is also my granddaughter!" The wizard Sidashan smiled, his descendants are very upbeat, and the one who is oncoming is not his granddaughter Xiao Weiya?

what? You said this is the goddess Weiya, haha, what happened to the goddess, can't the goddess be the granddaughter of this bad old man like me? I have such an excellent grandson, granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law, do you see me proud?

Everyone raised their middle fingers to him.

"They were all brought by me." Kevin Saint Wizard finally couldn't help but uttered. This might be the most shining achievement in his life, and he suddenly attracted two semi-god powerhouses. , And what will happen to their future? It's really hard to say at the moment. Who dares to assert that the demigods are their end?

Speaking of it, it’s really hard to say whose credit is Xiao Luo, after all, people have been hiding in a different space under the seven-story holy tower, and registered as a legal person with an identity account in the six-ring structure wizard tower, and then he was confided. The wizard Qi Sheng snatched it surreptitiously.

A demigod welcoming ceremony that should have been solemn and solemn, was forced into a competition by them abruptly, but the five holy wizards were very happy, but it was true. Well, the happy holy wizard of Richie was halved. After all, he didn’t. The way to show off the baby directly, Xiao Luo is not there at all.

And the person who doubled and doubled his happiness is the wizard of Star Mountain, my grandson, granddaughter, and granddaughter-in-law, three demigods, do you want to know about it?

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