The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1174: Strength is so important

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The Star Mountain family is a family with few members of the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands, but with a lot of fame. More than half of the family members are holy wizards, and the family ancestor Carlson Star Mountain, a demigod strongman, is known as under the stars. God of War.

The demigod Carlson is the founder of the Star Mountain family. He was not born high, even a little humble. He had adventures when he was young. He got a book of Starlight and Hades thoughts from the ruins. Self-taught, he walked into the ancient wizarding way by mistake, and laid a solid foundation for his promotion to a demigod in the future.

He cultivated both vindictiveness and magical power, and reached the high end of the Saint-level doubles in less than a hundred years, then entered the abyss battlefield and became a demigod at the age of 200. Later, he established the Star Mountain family in the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands and thrived to this day.

Carlson demigod also has another identity, that is, a veteran of the Wizarding Association, responsible for the wizarding affairs of the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands, and sits in the Sky Wizard Tower.

There are three wizard tower communities in the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands, namely the Sky Wizard Tower, the Earth Wizard Tower, and the Ocean Wizard Tower. Each wizard tower has two demi-god wizards. Carlson is one of the two demi-god wizards of the Sky Wizard Tower. One, in the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands, it can also be said to be a person of high authority.

However, Carlson’s origin determines his character. He is very disgusted with the so-called dude, and encourages future generations to step up from the bottom. He does not want future generations to be affected by his own influence and become useless. Members of the Star Mountain family will be touched four. Ring the Wizard Islands, step by step from the periphery, only when you go to the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands can you enter the main gate of the Star Mountain family and be recognized.

Today, the Star Mountain family ushered in new members, and there are still two new members, but these two new members have forced the ancestors of Carlson to welcome them personally. After all, they are also demigods, and they come all at once. There are more than a dozen people, even if the demigods of the Sky Wizard Tower, Earth Wizard Tower, and Ocean Wizard Tower add up, there is no one strong team.

Carlson stood there quietly, and the twenty-odd Saint-level masters behind him did not dare to breathe. A black spot in the sky quietly appeared and slowly became larger, "Here."

Pollock stood there with a slightly complicated expression on his face, "It is a happy event that Little Will and Weiya return to the family this time, but their seniority is a big issue. The demigod should receive the respect that they deserve, you guys. What do you think?"

Carlson’s words instantly awakened everyone from the excitement. Everyone looked at each other. Pollock was silent and didn’t know how to speak. Ville and Vía were the blood of the authentic Star Mountain family, but it seemed that among them. Something went wrong. Their father was not a member of the Star Mountain family, and the Star Mountain family was just their mother.

"Floret Declan is a very reasonable person, and he is very fond of Mojiess. Before the Little Will came to the Wizard Islands, he had already started to walk outside under the name of Mount Wilsta, so ..." Under Carlson’s billion-dollar gaze, Pollock could only stand up and express his own opinions, "So I think that Florett, as the son-in-law, should have a place in the family. After all, he not only He is only a strong upgrader who also gave birth to two such excellent children for his family, and deserves recognition."

There was a burst of approving laughter around "Haha", and the others smiled and gave Pollock thumbs up one after another.

Does Floret need the approval of the Star Mountain family?

The answer is necessary. After all, Mojiesi's surname is Star Mountain. As early as the news that Xiao Weiya was the reincarnation of a god, Carlson confirmed Mojiesi's identity, the daughter of the Star Mountain family.

Poor Florett, who has become the default son-in-law before coming to the Wizard Islands, is now even more revisited, and he is not given any chance to refute.

Florett: I am more than present, how do you tell me to refute it?

"Weir and Weiya must be direct members of our Star Mountain family. The issue of generation should be dilute as much as possible. Except for Pollock's line, everyone else should discuss their friendship as much as possible." Carlson thought for a while, and finally I feel that it seems inappropriate to directly raise the level of the two little guys to their own level, but if they are really judged by their real level, it is estimated that they will be the bottom of the family.

Except for Pollock, who had met Little Ville and Lilith when they were weak, everyone else is estimated to be very weak when facing them. There are not many people who have the courage to call themselves seniors. Instead of doing this, it is better to weaken the issue of generation. Just treat it as a master of ordinary tribesmen.

But except for Pollock, everyone else is a bit embarrassed. It's no problem to treat it as a tribe, but it's a bit more difficult to treat it as an ordinary master. Is a demigod expert an ordinary master?

In their eyes, Tier 1 and Tier 2 are juniors, Tier 3 is ordinary masters, and Tier 3 invincible masters must respect them. After all, there is only one demigod ancestor in the family, and none of them are Tier 3 pinnacle powerhouses. Not to mention that Tier 3 is complete. In fact, when Vil, Lilith, and Guai Liluo were invincible at the same level on the Elf Island more than a decade ago, they no longer dare to treat them as juniors. As for now...

Whose juniors are like playing with demigods?

Whose younger generation can kill a demigod without a gang fight, and can scare away a group of people single-handedly?

Whose junior only has one or two ranks of strength to make a group of demigods stare at him secretly, but still swaying around the world?

What's more, this junior has almost no help from the family. Well, if you rely on the relationship between Rhine Star Mountain to enter the Mitis Wizarding Academy, you can't say that there is no relationship at all, but they are all excellent apprentice wizards. , Even if there is no such relationship, a lot of wizarding academies are rushing to ask for them as the first-order powerhouse of the ancient wizard's way.

In addition, the younger generations of Pollock and Rhine were not able to take them first. The three holy wizards, Curran, Serena, and Ritchie, were in vain, and the title of master master disciple who cultivated the demigod powerhouse was gone?

The flying battleship landed with a bang, and the hearts of all members of the Star Mountain family throbbed. Everyone's eyes were cast on the doors of the flying battleship. The order in which they appeared determines their attitude towards the Star Mountain family. This is very important.

When Weier and Weiya walked out first and did not stop to greet them, everyone's faces seemed to bloom like spring flowers, and Carlson's demigod even jumped with eyebrows and beards, and the whole person It seemed to be five hundred years younger in an instant.

Weier and Weiya walked side by side. After Lilith was half a step beside Weier, this posture made Weier very comfortable and made all the members of the Star Mountain family feel very comfortable. In fact, Lilith became a demigod, and It was not that there were no rumors and legends when Little Vil was unable to escape from the road of the dragon.

What rumors?

Lilith is the head of the family, and Ville, like his father, is a rumor that the son-in-law comes to the door.

However, this rumor disappeared after Vil's strong return to the Elf After all, Lilith showed the demigod's primary strength, and Ville strongly killed the **** hunting goddess as soon as he appeared, capturing the pain and torture. Goddess, a strong mess, this is more persuasive than any rebuttal.

Strength is the best proof.

What is it like for the three demigods to bow to their juniors?

Carlson demigod feels that he has reached the pinnacle of his life now. He is only an intermediate demigod, but there is a high-level demigod, an intermediate peak demigod, and a junior demigod to salute him, and he still wants to Is there anything more exciting than this moment when you officially join the Star Mountain family?

Well, this is already the pinnacle of my life. Maybe in the future some of the three of them will return to the Star Mountain family after they reach the **** level. At that time...

No, I can't keep thinking about it, otherwise I will pass out happily.

The Star Mountain family was singing and laughing. Ville, Viya, and Lilith recognized their ancestors under the witness of Sean, Rose, Janet, Eleanor, and others. Ville even invited the **** of food. Mlin worked with a bunch of five-star chefs in his different space to cook a big meal, which made everyone very satisfied.

As the head of the family, Carlson's demigod invited his colleagues and other demi-god wizards from the two wizard towers on the earth and ocean. A dozen demigods gathered together, and the atmosphere became more heated.

As Ville’s fiancée, Lilith gave out gifts one after another, which won the favor of all members of the Star Mountain family. Later, she remained undefeated when competing with the two wizard towers and demigods of the earth and the ocean, and she was shocked. Up a group of people.

No matter what thoughts he had before, after seeing Lilith's strength, all thoughts were dispelled, strength is so important.

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