The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1176: Mystic School Initial Assessment

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Little Ville’s trip to the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands took a lot of time. The three wizard tower communities of the sky, the earth, and the ocean came to visit one by one, and unexpectedly gained a lot of knowledge about the sky, the earth, and the ocean, and these knowledges were average. It is not open to the public. If it hadn't been for Little Will who made it clear that he would join the Wizarding League, and he had even submitted an application, it would be impossible to see it.

It took half a year for Little Ville and others to complete the communication with the three great wizard towers, but the final result was that Ville's storm, ocean, earth, and thunder attributes each added a chain of laws, and Lilith successfully advanced to the mid-level demigod.

At the same time, Ville's "Astral Light and Underworld Thoughts" has also reached the third-order Consummation, stuck on the level of achievement of a demigod, only because of certain restrictions that cannot be broken.

After the achievement of a demigod, the "Creation Code" has been greatly improved again, and the world of snow wood, which is the foundation of the practice, has undergone earth-shaking changes. It no longer needs other different spaces to help carry the attributes, and the different attributes of Xiaowei can be completed alone. The burden of cultivation, but also very easy.

With the training of Xiaoweier, a little starlight appeared in the world of Snowwood, and Xiaowei even used the heart of meteorites to create pseudo stars, giving the world of snowwood a real power of stars, and in one fell swoop he achieved the pseudostar of the Star Wizard. The half-god realm, but the chain of laws appeared in the world of snow wood instead of himself.

There is an invisible barrier that prevents this chain of law from integrating into itself, and this is the law of the world!

During this period, Carlson actively promoted the progress of Wel’s joining the Wizarding League, and finally completed all the processes in the third month of staying in the Sky Wizard Tower. Weir also completed all the assessments, such as building a semi-artifact sword and a sword. Bottles of demi-god potions, building a large-scale demi-god-level dragon language guardian magic circle, completing an appraisal, etc. also waste a lot of time for Little Ville.

Lilith’s assessment was also not simple, but neither of them was a silly person, and they all passed successfully in the end, making Carlsen’s demigod happy and heart-warming. Compared with them, her demigod seemed a bit far behind. And after he discovered that Ville had also practiced Starlight Witchcraft, he was very happy at first.

The authentic members of the Star Mountain family, who does not practice Starlight Witchcraft?

But then, after the kid spent half a year pushing the Starlight Witchcraft to the third-order Consummation state, Carlson's demigod really shut down.

Instruct juniors to practice?

Haha, point a ghost, my own dignified demi-god wizard, he doesn't have a solid foundation in starlight witchcraft, and there is no reason for it.

As for the inability to advance to the Starlight Demigod, Carlson Demigod is not worried at all. Isn't it just a trip to the abyss battlefield? This kid is definitely going to go through this encounter. His strength and ambition are definitely more than that.

What is this kid's ambition?

After half a year of beginning, Carlson's demigod can understand that this kid wants to protect his family, and this includes the reincarnated **** Xiao Wei Ya, so he has been working hard, but Xiao Wei Ya is so good shelter? Want to shelter her at least not weaker than her, this may be the motivation for his efforts to improve his strength.

According to Lilith's statement: sister control is terrible.

After all, Xiao Weiya wants to become a god. If Xiao Weiya wants to protect her all the time, she must become a god-level master before her. There is only one place to improve the demigod's strength: the battlefield of the abyss, and this kid has also often turned to her for the past six months. Obviously, I have been prepared for this by myself.

Xiaowei learned a lot of knowledge that he didn't know before from the sky, the earth, and the ocean wizard tower. For example, the **** of storm is only the **** of storm under the command of the ocean goddess. His storm law is incomplete, and he lacks the sky. The law of storms, and this part of the law is said to be missing.

Yes, this part of the law is not in the hands of the goddess of the night, but is lost, where it is lost, there is no detailed record in the sky wizard tower, but a lot of information vaguely points to the abyss battlefield.

The laws of the goddess of the earth and the sea are complete, but the goddess of the night does not completely represent the **** of the sky. No one inherits the storm and thunder in the sky. The sky wizard tower is precisely able to condense and call a part with the help of many geniuses. The storm and the law of thunder in the sky also benefited Ville a lot here. The chain of the law of storms he condensed was the chain of the law of sky storms.

Little Ville discovered a big problem. Although there are storms, thunders, clouds and rain in the Sky Wizard Tower, the blue sky, white clouds, sun, moon, and stars also have inheritance, but they are much less in comparison and very obscure. , It looks very messy, I don't know if it was intentional or it was originally.

But vaguely, Ville and Lilith still collected a lot of useful information, especially Lilith. She had already said "Thinking of the Starlight Pluto" and "Thinking of the Moon" from Vil's hands before, and she got it because of her faith. "Dawn and Mind Thoughts", now has collected many scattered inheritances related to the sun, which greatly improved her strength. This is how the demigod intermediate level broke through.

"Little Will, the upper-level assessment of the school has arrived. There are seven questions. As long as you complete any one of them, you will pass. The completion of the task is directly linked to your initial identity." Carlson demigod hurriedly rushed to the top of the wizard tower, in the library room. The light on Weier, Lilith, and Xiao Weiya flashed, and the three rays of light blended to form a miniature maze. The intricate maze made people feel dizzy when looking at it. The countless runes turned and changed infinitely.

Little Will waved his hand, and the three-color labyrinth disappeared quietly. Lilith and Xiao Weiya withdrew their strength, and at the same time a bright smile appeared on their faces, "It's done."

"What was that just now?" Carlson demigod felt a trace of heart palpitations. It was obvious that they didn't infuse much power, and the power contained in the maze was not strong, but it gave himself a very dangerous feeling, and it contained The runes were so complicated that he was a little dizzy for the mid-level demigod wizard.

Have you lived on a dog for thousands of years? It's not as good as the three little guys who are less than one-tenth of their age.

"Grandpa Grandpa, did you say that the examination questions of the Mystery School have finally come out?" Weil took the initiative to take the topic. As for his question just now, in order to avoid hitting him, Weil took the initiative to avoid it.

"Well, it took so long for the application to submit the test questions. You are the first one, but the longer the time, the more important it is to you, otherwise it will not be possible to delay it for so long. Moreover, most of the previous test questions of other people are two or three. There are only five ways at most, but you have as many as seven ways. It is very rare to complete one of them even if you pass it." Carlson Demigod was very happy, after all, the one who received this treatment was his direct descendant.

"Seven roads?" Ville cast his gaze at Lilith, who was a little surprised, seemingly familiar with this number.

"Is there any problem?" Seeing the weird look of Ville and Carlson asked in a strange way: "In fact, the more the questions, the greater the advantage. The first assessment does not look at the completion rate of the questions. , Using a bonus point system."

"This is a good thing, and I like the number seven very much. This is my lucky number. It brings me good luck every time." Little Ville smiled and said, "The topic is on this animal skin scroll. Is this animal skin scroll actually at the level of a demigod?!"

Little Weir was slightly shocked, but he habitually used the Eye of Appraisal, only to find that this animal skin was of a demigod level, and the seal on it was also a demigod level, and the whole animal skin roll gave him the feeling of demigod. level.

Tsk tsk, it is worthy of the initial assessment for this demigod, and it is really a demigod level treatment.

He took the animal skin scroll with both hands, and a message came into his mind instantly: the examinee Vil Starshan was detected, and the examination of the mystery school began.

The animal skin scroll suddenly exploded with great power, and a bright light broke out to envelop Xiao Weier in an instant, and a door with seven colors of light quietly formed, pulling Xiao Weier into it.

Xiao Weiya's face changed drastically, she was about to rush forward, Lilith grabbed her: "Don't be impulsive, this should be just a test, there is no danger, probably."

"Probably?!" Xiao Weiya's magic burst out of her hand and threw Lilith away, and she rushed over in an instant.

Xiao Weiya went and came back quickly. The whole person was directly bounced back by the colorful door. Even Lilith, who went up to meet her, staggered back two steps before she could stand firm, while Carlson's demigod was standing next to her. Dumbfounded and speechless.

Is this still a familiar initial test?

The difference is too obvious, and is this a method that a demigod power can use?

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