The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1183: League of Demigods: Group of Losers

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Ville didn't stay in the Mercenary Association for a long time, and left for the Wizarding Association, the Light Wizard Tower, and the Dark Wizard Tower three days later.

There are demigods in the Wizarding Association, and there is more than one. The identity of the four-star member of the Little Ville Mystic School plays a very good role here, especially when he reveals the five attributes of the earth, ocean, shadow, storm, and thunder. After the operation, he even got the favor of the Wizarding Association.

As for the blood of his elves and dragons, he was subconsciously ignored. At least he was just an ordinary human teenager at first, a direct descendant of the Star Mountain family. Those bloods were only awakened or obtained later.

The Wizarding Association is a subordinate organization of the Wizarding Alliance. It also has various schools. The Space School, the Mystic School, the Construction School, the Transfiguration School, and the Classical School are all powerful schools that have the existence of the Wizard Lord, and other small schools have at least demigods. Also, it is not surprising that Ville has so many attributes at the same time, but he has such an achievement at such an age, which is indeed amazing.

The Wizarding Association was very enthusiastic about Ville and Lilith, and they wanted to develop them into members of the Wizarding Association, but they refused to fight the Abyssal Battlefield because they were preparing to join the Wizarding Alliance.

The Wizarding Association did not have any opinion on them, but took the initiative to help submit an application. This kind of treatment is not something that ordinary people can have. You must know that this is the headquarters of the Wizarding Association. People who can get their recommendation are talented people.

And recommending Will and Lilith to join the Wizarding League is not really aimless. The Wizarding Association is very optimistic about their future and hopes to build a good relationship with them. The Wizarding Association is a subsidiary of the Wizarding Alliance and is mainly responsible for the Third Ring of the Wizard Islands. Outside the wizarding affairs, it is more inclined to manage rather than fight.

The Wizarding League is more comprehensive, especially with the power to dominate the affairs of the Abyssal Battlefield. This is something the Wizarding Association does not have. However, many wizards who have retired from the Abyssal Battlefield will choose to join the Wizarding Association. It’s just about how strong they are. It's really hard to say, but at least there is no shortage of combat experience.

Many members of the Wizarding Association are delegated from the Wizarding Alliance. Although they are their own superior institutions, the Wizarding Association also has its own corresponding leadership. They also hope to have their own direct lineages. Therefore, it is recommended that Ville and Lilith join the Wizarding Alliance. , Their Wizarding Association is the referrer, and they are stamped with the seal of the Wizarding Association in disguise.

In the future, Ville and Lilith will successfully retreat from the battlefield of the abyss. There is a high probability that they will be assigned to the Wizarding Association. This is their ultimate goal.

Of course, this is why they are very optimistic about the development of Little Ville and Lilith. You must know that these two little guys are innocent, and all the experiences can be found. From the continent of the gods to the wizard islands, join the five Ring Mitis Wizarding Academy, graduated in less than a year and became the champion of the Fifth Ring Wizarding Academy in one fell swoop.

After the establishment of a mercenary group, it took less than ten years to promote the legendary mercenaries, and their promotion task was to help Baihua Yin become a god, which caused a great sensation.

Then settled on the Elf Island, developed a territory to become the richest lord of the Elf Island, and soon entered the road of anti-dragon because of the dragon bloodline, until the demigod escaped smoothly.

After achieving the demigod, they finally stopped being low-key and drove the flying warship to visit friends. The formation of more than a dozen demigods really shocked countless people, including the Wizarding Association.

This shows that they not only have extraordinary talents and extraordinary strength, but also have a very good network. This is what the Wizarding Association needs, especially the identity of the elder Ville. They are definitely the best candidates for communication with the church.

Therefore, they are supportive of Willie's plan to visit the church, and actively contact him to make all preparations for the visit.

Kane, the president of the Wizarding Association, is a Tier 5 flame wizard. This god-level master who has not looked into the world for many years personally entertains Wei and Lilith. As for the others, he really doesn’t have much interest, even the reincarnated **** Wei Wei. Ya, Kane just dealt with it hastily.

Kane is a regular wizard trained by wizards following the wizarding academy route, one step at a time, it took more than two thousand years to achieve what he is today. He has witnessed many, many things, many things that Ville and Lilith didn’t know, yes. Said to be a living antique, a historical witness for the last thousand years.

He may not know as much information as the high priest of the Elf Temple, but he is more willing to share these things with Little Ville and Lilith, rather than being as conservative as the high priest.

Walking on the deserted beach, Kane cast his gaze into the distance, and a dreamlike palace was faintly visible on the sea. "It was a small war fortress, and it was a reward for becoming a **** from the Wizarding League. It was eight hundred years ago. Thing."

It is not easy for Kane to achieve Tier 5, and the price paid is beyond imagination. When ten demigods were attacking a demon space, they encountered a Tier 5 **** demon. Although they were just Tier 5 demons, they still let They paid a great price, and an old man who had been getting along for hundreds of years fell, leaving him distraught.

At a critical juncture, Kane used a promotion potion that temporarily increased his strength, broke the barrier of the fourth-order demigod, and killed the fifth-order demon in one fell swoop. Even the side effects of the potion must be treated with caution even for the fifth-order strong. What's more, it is a pseudo-tier 5 powerhouse like Kane forcibly breaking through.

At this moment, one of his partners used his special demigod power to forcibly transfer this side effect to him. As a result, that partner died and Kane was able to survive, and because another partner who was about to fall would All his strength was poured into his body, and he abruptly retained his current false level.

Kane still remembers the smiles of the two partners when they sacrificed. Since they remembered their words: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. A god-level master is more useful than ten or twenty calming masters. This deal is worth it!"

"Kane, congratulations, take our responsibility to live well, don't let the **** demons succeed, you lucky bastard!"

Kane looked at Ville and Lilith with a trace of solemnity on his face: "On the battlefield of the abyss, under the threat of **** demon, everyone's position is the same. Selfishness may be there, but the ultimate goal is to expel the demon. Defend the homeland."

Little Ville took a deep look at Kane: "Do you want me to let go of the goddess of pain and torture?"

From the description just now, Ville saw the shadow of the demigod power of the goddess of pain and torture. Is Kane begging for the goddess of pain and torment?

Kane gently shook his head, "Although that little girl is the heir of the old man, she is still far behind. It seems a bit too brazen because of my trace of my old feelings for her. As long as it doesn't hurt her fundamentals and life, let her It’s not a good thing for her to suffer a little bit. Little guy, I know you have been seeking to join the Demigod League, but do you know who the Demigod League faces?"

Ville and Lilith looked at each other and couldn't help but fell into contemplation. Is it difficult for UU to read The Demigod Alliance only looks at its name and membership, isn't it a demigod powerhouse that is not a temple?

Kane seemed to see the doubts of Ville and Lilith, and couldn't help laughing: "More than 90% of the demigods in the Demigod Alliance are unintentional and enterprising losers who have retreated from the battlefield of the abyss."

Little Ville thoughtfully, suddenly asked: "Does Teacher Wezel and Teacher Troy do the same?"

Kane's expression was slightly stiff, and he shook his head slightly and said: "The situation of the members of the Dragon Race is slightly different. The membership of the Demigod Alliance is just a disguise for them to walk on the Wizard Islands. They have been fighting all the time, whether Wezel or Troy. ."

"In the Demi-God Alliance, apart from the part of the demi-gods responsible for coordinating relations and maintaining order, as well as Wezel, Troy and others who treat this identity as a disguised dragon, most of the rest are retreats. Of course, some are not ruled out. Heterogeneous people who like to fight and pursue, such as the goddess of music Baihuayin, the **** of food Hamlin." When Kane said these two names, he took a deep look at Little Weir.

"Unlike them, you are a fighting demigod, you have a fire hidden in your heart, and the battlefield of the abyss is your home, so the demigod alliance is not really important to you at all." Kane's words made Xiao Xiao Weir quite agreed, "Even if you want to join, you can wait until you really come back from the battlefield of the abyss before thinking about it. It's still too early now."

Ville almost laughed out loud. When I came back from the battlefield of the abyss, I didn’t know if I could join the Demigod Alliance. Maybe at that time I needed to join the Alliance of Gods. Well, it seemed that I couldn’t become a **** because of the vow problem. Become a god-level wizard.

"What is the abyss?" Kane moved past the issue of the Demigod Alliance and turned to discuss the abyss.

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