The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1192: The Lord Corleone who firmly embraces his thigh

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If it is a tragedy to say that Baron Moon Rabbit became a subordinate of Ville, then the distant city lord of Mabster City, Nobby Corleone, the sky knight and the **** of war fighter, became Ville's subordinate, which is simply a shit.

As the original city lord of an unfamiliar county in a small kingdom in the Continent of Gods, he was originally just an ordinary knight. After retiring from the orc battlefield, he lived a period of drunken life and dreams, occasionally handling government affairs vigorously, and mostly idle life. ,until...

Until Baron Moon Rabbit was driven out of his neighbor's house (Drake City) and settled in his own jurisdiction, countless conspiracies hit him, coupled with the betrayal of his favorite lover, the little actions of his younger brother, and the two ends of the first rat of his relatives. Angry, and the career of Little Ville's Ares fighters aroused his interest.

And as the contact with this young boy increased, Nobby Corleone did not stand at the height of the city lord and talked about him with a little lord. Instead, he treated each other as friends as equals. As a result, he naturally made a profit. Full of pours.

First of all, I asked for the boring and tiresome government affairs. Although I was a hand-off shopkeeper before, but this time I really asked, and by the way, I "educate" my baby brother.

Weir: Are you sure you pitted your brother and his descendants?

Secondly, he found a more suitable way for him, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he found his favorite partner, the fox beauty Frina.

Once again, he left a landmark building and hole cards for Mabster City, which severely frustrated Baron Moon Rabbit's conspiracy, and he became the greatest city lord in the history of Mabster City.

Finally, after this young man left the continent of the gods, he took over a lot of the powers of the Baron Declan, and won a lot of benefits for the family and for the city of Mabster.

Even if this young man left the continent of the gods, he still did not stop helping himself. The spatial ability of the seven-story holy tower allowed himself, his sweetheart, and the cheeky holy knight around him to travel freely between the continent of the gods and the Wizard Islands. And also has the status of the Wizard Islands as a mercenary, which has a lot of benefits.

The strength of the Corleone family has surpassed the strength of a normal county giant. None of the family’s children with potential will be delayed due to insufficient resources. This is the point of Lord Noby Corleone, and he has one more. My dear girl, the talent is pretty good, whether it's fighting spirit or witchcraft.

Corleone was very satisfied with his achievements. He knew that he could not keep up with this young man's footsteps. He had already planned to give up, but who would have thought that this young man would quietly create a force of his own. This force is very eye-catching even in the middle level of the Wizard Islands.

The two-digit demigod powerhouse is shocking to think about.

And now there is a chance to lose in front of him, go to that island, that rising power acts as a middle-level manager, his men may even have many Tier 3 masters, which makes Nobby Corleone very excited.

It is not his excitement for the weak to guide and command the strong, but there are many strong around him, and it is his greatest concern to be able to give his baby daughter a better education.

The Continent of the Gods is a pond, a huge pond. Although the area is wide, the depth is limited after all. Nobby Corleone has reached such a level that his strength is vaguely restricted, making him not an absolute genius. His improvement is getting slower and slower.

Leaving the Continent of the Gods and really settling in the Wizard Islands has become his inevitable choice. Unless he can accept the result of being suppressed and unable to promote, or even dying in obscurity, going to the Wizard Islands is his best choice.

It’s just that before that, it was Nobby Corleone, a mercenary under the fence, who went to the Wizard Islands, but now it’s different. I went to the Wizard Islands as a boxer and pastor of the God of War Church, acting as a pioneer in the name of the church, and at least It is still a middle-level manager who participates in it.

In the same situation as Nobby Corleone, there is the Holy Knight Vol. Dicas. His strength cannot be improved after reaching the second-order peak. It is not because of his lack of aptitude, but his lack of merit. The Gods Continent can The stage provided to him is so big, not to mention a small pond like the Karst Kingdom.

The strength of the Knights of the Temple of Wall stagnated even earlier than that of Nobby Corleone. He would not miss the large-scale operations that the Continent of Gods could participate in as long as he had the opportunity. He worked hard and became the vanguard general of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn. After the big boss of Baron Moon Rabbit abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, the Karst Kingdom is really calm and the situation is very good.

Among them, the existence of the Baron of Declan of Mabstershire (now a Viscount) is indispensable. The powerful deterrence has made many people with ulterior motives fled the Karst Kingdom, but it has made the situation of the Kingdom of Castor flourish and flourishing. .

The large number of construction and defensive equipment of the Church of the God of Craftsman, the Church of the Goddess of Morning Light, the Church of the Goddess of Spring and Healing, and the Church of the Goddess of the Moon, have all allowed them to walk in the forefront of the continent of the gods. Brought back to the headquarters of the Continental Church of the Gods, the development of Mabster County may be even faster.

After all, through the seven-story holy tower, they can get the support of more six-ring construction wizard towers. Not to mention catching up to the sixth-ring wizard islands, at least it is easy to narrow the distance with the seventh-ring wizard islands, but there seems to be someone They didn't want them to turn Mabstershire into an existence like the Wizard Islands, so they transferred the Grand Sister Gil away early.

Although they can still go to the church headquarters through the teleportation array, Sister Gil will also send them to the Wizard Islands, but can they be sent back and forth without money? Most of the teleportation formations in the continent of the gods are in the hands of the church. Mabstershire also has a hidden wizard tower, and there is also a teleportation formation in the wizard tower, but this teleportation formation is private and not connected to the church.

There are so many reasons for the accidental transfer of the Great Sister Gil, and the most fundamental reason lies in the interests, the huge interests of free association with the Wizard Islands.

This incident happened after Weier entered the road to the dragon. The real owner of the seven-story holy tower is Weier. The other controllers are only in control of a certain level, and they are basically of the type that cannot be completely in charge, um, Except Lilith.

The headquarters of the Church of the Gods Continent cannot deprive the Holy Tower of control and redistribute it. This power is only available to the gods, except for the owner of the seven-story Holy Tower, Weier. The members of these churches can neither use the bargaining chip to impress Weier, nor is it possible. Ask the gods for advice on this matter.

And they also know that the most likely result of the request for instructions is that there is no feedback. The small probability may be counterproductive and be punished by God, and the possibility of what they want is very small. They will not do such unsure things.

If you can’t control the holy tower, then you can control the controller of the holy tower. This is the idea of ​​the headquarters of the Church of the Gods in the Compared to Little Ville and the seven-story holy tower, Sister Gil is undoubtedly much weaker. A lot simpler.

But the church headquarters didn’t dare to go too far. She would still be allowed to rest for a few days at the Baron of Declan, Mabstershire. Well, the three and five units are monthly, three to five months. There are three or five days to live in the Baron Declan, Mabstershire, which is an indirect compromise and compensation.

Regarding the ruthlessness of the church headquarters, the Knights of the Temple of Wall scolded: "You don't know how sad we are. It takes three to five months to go back and forth to the Wizard Islands, and you have to make an appointment in advance. side..."

"Thousands of missionaries have been prepared on the church, including the Church of the Dawn Goddess, the Church of the Goddess of Darkness, the Church of the Goddess of the Earth, the Church of the Goddess of the Sea, the Church of the God of Craftsman, the Church of the Moon Goddess, the Church of the Goddess of Spring and Healing, and the Church of the Goddess of Agriculture, etc. Thousands of missionaries from this church are ready, ready to settle in your new territory at any time." Nobby Corleone interrupted the words of the Knights of the Wall directly.

"Of course, there are 30 or 50 missionaries in the Temple of God of War."

Little Ville couldn't help but make a big roll of eyes: "The so-called God of War Temple has no second place in the entire continent of Gods. Is there thirty or fifty missionaries?"

"Haha, Brother Vale, you really underestimated my brother and me. Those old brothers who were allowed to follow me back then are mostly missionaries."

"You are going to empty the Temple of the Gods of War." Little Ville couldn't help but a black line, Nobby Corleone shrugged but there was no rebuttal.

"Let's go, the welcome banquet has already been prepared, and you have a lot to do next. By the way, our lord king hopes that you can accept the canonization and become the patron saint of the kingdom."

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