The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1201: Littleville 3 counts

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The next thing the Justice Judge Terrell tells everyone knows, there are almost no secrets at all.

After more than ten years of clearing the nine levels of the road to the dragon, after coming out of the dragon island with great fanfare, he returned to the elven island, but shortly after leaving the dragon island, he was repeatedly attacked by the goddess of blood hunting and the goddess of pain and torture. However, Ville won a big victory. , The attacker was captured as soon as he died.

After that, it is nothing more than flaunting the elf islands, depriving the distant sea territories of the privileges of the Thunder Naga demigod, walking the Seventh Ring Monster Academy, the Sixth Ring Construction Wizard Tower, the fifth ring Mitis Wizarding Academy, the fourth ring Star Mountain family, and the third ring wizard. Association headquarters.

In the meantime, becoming a member of the Mystic School and the Wizarding League is naturally a bonus. These are not too big secrets for them.

After the statement was completed, the convict nodded in satisfaction. Many of the information he knew was not so comprehensive. It seemed that Terrell was really attentive, and then he habitually asked: "For the above statement, can someone object or supplement?"

"I object!" A voice rang, and everyone cast their surprised eyes, but saw a storm mermaid demigod applying to speak.

Not only is the convict not angry, but he appreciates that someone dares to provoke it. The convict likes to provide more information. Isn't that instinct?

"Now I ask the Calder demigod to make an objection statement." The convict smiled and gave the mid-level demigod of the storm mermaid clan a chance to speak. According to the information he had obtained, Wil Star Mountain was ruthless. Throwing the Storm Mermaid with shoddy goods in front of the lord of the distant sea, and then arbitrarily taking away their trading privileges, a battle with the Storm Mermaid broke out.

But the final result seems to be that the Mermaid of the Storm is defeated. Is Calder Demigod ready to make him stumble?

"I am opposed to Will Starshan joining the Demigod Alliance." Calder first saluted the seven council members, and then said loudly: "I do not deny his strength, nor do I deny his past achievements, let alone deny. His potential, but I oppose him joining the Demigod Alliance for the following three reasons."

"First, the members of the Demigod Alliance are demigods, but they are not half demigods. We are all demigods who have made outstanding contributions to resisting **** demons. We are all pioneers who have fought in the front line of the abyss, Will. Star Mountain Demigod has only applied to go to the Abyss Battlefield, and has not graduated from the Abyss Battlefield."

Calder's words caused an uproar. It seems that this little guy's situation is indeed a bit special. He is one of the few strong men who have become a demigod without going to the abyss battlefield. Well, only Wetzel in the demigod alliance is like this, but the black dragon. After Zell became a demigod from the road to the dragon, he also went to the abyss battlefield to stroll around before joining the demigod alliance.

This reason seems to be very legitimate. The Justice Judge Terrell immediately raised his hand to apply for a speech. After obtaining the conviction of the convict, he expressed his opinion: "We all know what is going on in the three passes after the road to the dragon. It’s obvious to all that the demigod Wil’s power against the invasion of **** and demons in the blood **** before the demigod, I think special people should be treated specially, and his merits are not lower than ours."

Calder snorted and said, "Rules are rules. There is no rule without rules. If everyone wants to break the rules, what's the use of rules? Isn't the rules to be followed?"

"There is no explicit stipulation in the alliance that members must have experience in the battlefield of the abyss." The Justice Judge did not want Calder to ruin his own major event. This was the way he received from the hermit to rescue his friends. How could he give up halfway.

"Haha" Calder sneered coldly: "It is mentioned in the purpose of the Demigod Alliance that in order to serve and regulate the Abyssal Battlefield retired Demigods and form the Demigod Alliance, the prerequisite for joining the Demigod Alliance is to graduate from the Abyssal Battlefield, and The strength must also reach the level of a demigod, both are indispensable."

For a time the justice judge and Calder were in a dispute, and the convict interrupted both of them in time, allowing Calder to continue to make his own statement of opposition.

"Vail demigod is powerful and has unlimited potential. I admit that, but he is arrogant and arrogant, does not respect his predecessors, and his character is not good." Calder said indifferently: "Vail demigod takes a very short time to achieve a demigod. When he was weak, he was taken care of by Bolton, the lord of the distant seas. After he became famous, he gave him some rewards. However, after he became a demigod, he arbitrarily deprived him of his privileges, ignoring Bolton's credit and hard work."

"After facing the accountability that I waited for, it was a violent struggle. It did not show respect for the other demigods at all. In this matter, I have enough evidence that the storm mermaid is a victim."

The convict, the justice judge, etc. could not help but have a black line upon hearing this. What you said does exist, but what is the truth?

The justice judge snorted and said, "Calder demigod, please don’t reverse the right and wrong. The reason why the Val demigod deprived the trade privilege of the distant sea is very good. You storm mermaid clan use the trade privilege of the distant sea territories to be shoddy. Using fakes and truths has caused them a lot of losses, and only then will they be deprived of their trading privileges. Do you still have the face to protest here?"

Calder snorted and said, "Even if he doesn't give Bolton the face of the junior, at least I should give the face of the demigod. I am a demigod of the dignified sea clan royal family, and a member of the demigod alliance, but That kid beat me indiscriminately. Isn't this evidence that Cai Aowu refuses to be disciplined?"

The justice judge gave a mocking smile on his face: "As far as I know, the facts don’t seem to be the case. Obviously you and Rebecca demigod were encouraged by those counterfeiters and provoked Vale demigod. In the end, he was an enemy. The second has the upper hand and defeated it."

Calder snorted and said, "My dignified demigod alliance member took the initiative to come to him, and he would be disrespectful if he dared to fight back. Is it me who is at fault?"

Most of the members of the Demigod Alliance cast their eyes. You are a silly X. Regardless of your identity, you come to make trouble without any reason. If you don’t beat anyone, the Justice Judge took a deep breath, feeling that things are a little bit awkward. This storm The mermaid demigod seems to be making trouble.

The convict gave Calder a fierce look and said: "I wait for the members of the Demigod Alliance to benefit the world, rather than do whatever they want. This second condition is not true."

Calder bowed to the convict and expressed acceptance of his judgment, and then said an astonishing sentence: "I oppose Vale demigod joining the demigod alliance. The most important, and only most important reason is that he is opposed to demigods. The alliance lacks sufficient respect, even dissatisfaction, and even hatred."

As soon as there was an uproar at this statement, the convict narrowed his eyes slightly, and cast a coldness on Calder, his aura slowly increased, "Quiet!"

The demigod pinnacle powerhouse speaks the law, and the surroundings suddenly become silent, "Calder demigod, please consider carefully before speaking, people must be responsible for what they say."

Calder demigod straightened his back, and said blankly: "I have enough evidence to prove my judgment, and I am not even afraid to confront him!"

"Okay, please show your evidence." The convict is also a person who is not afraid of things. As long as you dare to speak, I will dare to listen. As for whether or not to offend the demigod Will, will my convict care?

There are people behind me, no, it is supported by gods.

"Val demigod came out of the road of the dragon. My demigod alliance member Teresa, the goddess of pain and torture, personally came to visit and greeted his flying warship in mid-air with the demigod realm. He just wanted to let the demigod do the demigod. She played for a while, but Val demigod did not give us the face of the demigod alliance at all, and arbitrarily captured Teresa demigod. This is a provocation to our demigod alliance." Calder's words stunned everyone.

Calder looked around and said awe-inspiringly: "Am I wrong? I wait for the members of the Demigod Alliance to fight blood in the abyss battlefield, resist the invasion of **** demons, and make great contributions to the world. It should be like having some privileges. Demigod Teresa, the goddess of pain and torture, fell in love with that kid. It was his blessing. Why did he resist?"

"Enough, Calder, the members of the Demigod Alliance I'm waiting for are not tyrants, and they need respect for other demigods." The justice judge hurriedly interrupted Calder, casting his eyes with deep anger. Even if the goddess of pain and torture thinks and does this, you can't tell everyone is a face-saving person.

"The demigods do need respect, but the demigods of Vale were already full of dissatisfaction and hatred for the demigods of my demigod alliance before they became demigods." Calder said coldly: "Ten years ago, the demigods of Vale It was only when the third-order Consummation was complete, the pirate **** cloth was captured by a large array of thousands of miles under the cloth. At that time, he was not a demigod. Why did he resist the pirate god?"

"Finally, with the help of the goddess Weiya, the **** of pirates was captured alive, not to mention, and she was also beheaded. Isn't this a full manifestation of dissatisfaction and hatred towards my demigod alliance? Is it because he is a disciple of the black dragon Wezel , Is a protected person, can he do whatever he wants? The main body of the demigod alliance is still me and the demigod, even if he is protected by the demigod contract, he should not, nor can he resist me and the demigod."

"I wait for what I want, he should be unconditionally satisfied. Who gave him the courage to resist? Why did he resist?" Calder looked indignant, and seemed to maintain the supremacy of the Demigod Alliance everywhere, but half of it The madness of the members of the League of Gods was unfolding.

At this moment everyone understood that he was Xiang Zhuang's sword-intent to Pei Gong, and Calder was not targeting Val demigod, but Terrell the Judge of Justice.

"Calder, you..." The justice judge couldn't believe his ears, and looked at Calder with an incredible face.

Calder demigod glanced at him coldly: "Terrell, how do you say Bolton, the lord of the sea, is also the real power lord of the storm mermaid clan, the goddess of the sea, and the goddess of the sea, you just caught it, you really think we are the mermaid clan. Is it a bully? I will oppose everything you do! Until the perpetrator is arrested and brought to justice. This is a world where the power is respected, and the rules are worthless!"

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