The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1206: The luxury guest team of Sanctuary Island

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The justice judges have had a hard time recently, even to the point where they have to move their families.

As the movement of the demi-god of Vale grew, as the official opening time of the guardian island approached, and as the **** of food Hamlin became more and more unconcealed, more and more demi-gods began to pay attention to them. , Trying to get close to them, and the justice judge undoubtedly became the best stepping stone.

If it is the previous justice judge, he is righteous and can go back without fear, and even call friends to fight back with the help of the demigod alliance, but this time, his friends did not stand by his side. .

For one thing, they also hoped to get the friendship of Vale demigod, hoping to replicate the success of the music goddess Baihuayin.

Secondly, the Justice Judge really stood on the wrong team this time. There are too many pig teammates around him. They are not afraid of opponents like gods, but they are afraid of teammates like pigs. This time, the justice judge has not only pig teammates, but also gods. Opponent, Xiao Weier is not only strong himself, he even came to win the gods to work as a thug, which he could not imagine before anyway.

The **** of the storm personally put pressure, and the elf high priest even walked out of the elf island to have a "kind talk" with him. The three high-ranking demigods of the Beast God Temple visited and brought a friend’s personal weapon and told him Some people can't provoke casually.

The high priest of the elves and the temple of the beast **** captured the demigod who was about to sneak attack alive. You don’t need to ask to know who is in the hands of it now, but the **** of the storm is different. The man who did it ran away and escaped beyond his reach. The place, the battlefield of the abyss went up.

This made the **** of storm very shameless, and directly vented his anger on the justice judge, and claimed that if the murderer is not caught, then the **** of crystal will become a scapegoat. After all, the face of the **** needs to be maintained, and he cannot be better than the elves. The chief priest of the clan and the sacrifice of beast gods are not as good as that, but he is a serious and powerful god.

This is not just a matter of face, but also a battle of beliefs. The Guardian Island is located in the Five Rings Wizard Islands, but it will become a key link between the Seven Rings Wizard Islands, the Sixth Ring Wizard Islands, the Five Rings Wizard Islands, and the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands. In the earth, there are not only hundreds of thousands of powerful believers who can be distributed, but also the things they desire very much, and these things are not good for outsiders.

The belief provided by the Guardian Island itself is very rich. The Vale demigods are also preparing to train a team of missionaries to be used as weapons when attacking the abyss battlefield, and to be used when attacking different spaces. This is definitely them. These gods are extremely yearning.

But this initiative is not in his own hands, but in the hands of the little demigod. He is the favored one of the sea goddess, the earth goddess, the night goddess, the fairy goddess, the beast gods, the dragon gods, and the dawn goddess. The fifth-order genius can't get tough in front of him, and can only please him as much as possible.

Don't think this is a simple thing, anyone can do it, demigod Vale is special.

As for the worry that the Val demigod himself robbed of these faith resources is actually superfluous, these gods can see the thick blood curse deep in his soul and cannot become a god!

This is a curse composed of the blood of the Thunder Giant. Before he became a Tier 5 master, or even before he became a Tier 5 pinnacle master, there was little possibility of eliminating this curse. He could not follow the path of belief in the gods. He can only take the path of a wizard, fighting spirit, or bloodline to achieve the fifth rank. This is the price he gets the blood of the Thunder Giant.

You say eliminate?

It’s too late. It’s too late when he takes the initiative to accept this bloodline and curse. It is very difficult even for a master **** to eliminate this curse, unless it is eliminated together with his Thunder Giant bloodline. It will cause his bloodline to be unbalanced, and may even suffer a great loss of strength. As long as he is not a fool, he would not choose this way.

Isn’t it good to rely on blood to achieve Tier 5? The bloodline of the Thunder Giant is something that even Tier 5 **** envies himself. Well, if you can get the bloodline of the Storm Giant or the Tide Giant, you may not necessarily choose to become the God of Storm. This **** position is too limited. Up.

There are not many invitations to the celebration of Guardian Island, but each one is very popular. Each one can only bring in one additional person, and this person must be reported for review in advance.

There are three teleportation arrays at the entrance to the guardian island, one is Longya Island outside the half-dragons, the other is Qingmu Island outside the elves, and the third is the six-ring construction wizard tower. There are all these three transmission arrays. The master sits down.

The one who sits on Longya Island is a Tier 5 dragon, the one who sits on Qingmu Island is the High Priest of the Elf Temple, and the one who sits on the Sixth Ring Construction Wizard Tower is the Shadow Dragon Troy, the Black Dragon Wezel, the Shadow Dragon Shaun, and the Silver Dragon Lin. Up.

When the appointed time is up, after the teleportation array is lit up, people will come one after another. The night elf beauty who is responsible for welcoming guests in the guardian island teleportation hall is the weakest and the second-order, and all of them have good looks and graceful manners. Obviously they have been strictly followed. They are trained, and they memorize all the identities and appearances of all visitors in advance, and give out their names casually, so that the guests have a feeling of being respected.

"The elven temple **** demigods are here!"

"The temple of the beast gods xxxx demigods have come to worship!"

"Hamlin, the **** of food, is here!"

"The **** of fine arts is here!"

"The **** of architecture is here!"


"The night wolf ancestor of the night wolf clan is here!"

"Here is the crown of the king of the wild lion clan grassland!"


"Storm Mermaid Rebecca is demigod!"

"Thunder Naga Lucas is demigod!"


"President Malfa of the Mercenary Association is here!"

"President Kane of the Wizarding Association is here!"


"The Wizard League **** is demigod!"

"The mystery school Carlson is demigod!"

"Three-ring light wizard tower xxx, the fifth-order wizard is here!"


A strong demigod made the surrounding guests almost numb, and there were actually two or three Tier 5 masters among them. This lineup made the members of the Demigod Alliance who came to join in the excitement with fear and changed their arrogance and turned them into a gentleman.

The teleportation hall is extremely wide, three to five hundred meters wide and two to three hundred meters deep. It is spacious and bright and is guarded by a powerful dragon language magic circle. Not to mention the forbidden space and limit the demon, the fighting spirit will also be greatly weakened here, and it is guarded. The attendants here are also all Tier 3 masters, as well as two demi-god monsters.

The demigod monster guards the goal, this is a little too extravagant, right? These demigods don't have such courage. Well, even if they have a demigod level pet, they will spoil them. Who would use it as a watchdog?

Guarding the island may not be as simple as ten strong demigods. Maybe they said that the ten demigods they obtained refer to non-Monster-shaped demigods, or are they referring to demigods above the middle level?

In their eyes, a demigod without a realm is not a true demigod?

From their eyesight, it can be seen that the two demigods have only one chain of laws, which can be regarded as the bottom of the demigods, but the beasts are inherently stronger than the ordinary races of the same level, especially the body, they have two or three against each other. The problem with the demigod powerhouse of the chain of Taoism shouldn't be big, even if you can't win, at least you won't lose too ugly.

In such a place where the space is restricted and the demon is restricted, perhaps they have more advantages and it is unknown.

Under the guidance of the midnight elf maid, in addition to the teleportation hall, a gorgeous magical car was arranged there, and a second-tier male night elf acted as the driver and picked them up like flowing water.

Each invitation is a magic car, a driver and a maid on the car receive, the driver does not speak attentively driving the car, and the maid’s reception introduces the surrounding environment to the guests.

There is no bump in the spacious and flat road. There are flowers and plants in the middle of the two-way ten-lane road. The trees on both sides are shaded with birds and flowers. All the plants that can be seen here are all magical plants. Just vegetation is very valuable.

"The teleportation hall is located at the edge of the guardian core area. It extends in all directions as a transportation hub. There are 500 magic vehicles, including 300 land magic vehicles, 100 flying chariots, and 100 amphibious chariots. "

"These two land magic have conventional defensive covers, which can resist attacks from Tier 2 grudge wizards. They are not equipped with weapons and are non-combat vehicles."

"The magical plants on both sides of the road were created by Mrs. Lilith and Miss Luo. Ten half-elves and twenty night elves completed the schedule maintenance. The lowest level is also Tier 1, and the strongest is Tier 3, who is proficient. Plant magic."

"The front is the circular square of the gods, the inner circle has a radius of 10 kilometers, and the outer circle has a radius of 20 kilometers. The inner circle is the private area of ​​the island owner of the refuge island, where the island owner's mansion is located, and the outer circle is the gathering area for ordinary people."

"The Plaza of the Gods is a public open area. There are the Museum of the Gods, the Library of the Gods, the open-air practice ground for believers, the prayer area, etc., but currently there are only more than 20 gods fully prepared, and there are also large-scale blockbuster previews. The reservation is waiting to be filled."

"The reserved land allows demigods to preach and develop believers here, but it is not allowed to force believers to convert. This is the rule of guarding the island, where the priests and missionaries of the gods can communicate freely, conflicts and force are prohibited."

"The chief of daily patrols in this area is the patriarch of the Ice Shadow Dragon Rose and our patriarch of the night elf Janet. Only the clansmen who have been approved by the gods can join the patrol team here and become a glorious patrol of the Gods Square. ."

"By the way, I have been recognized by the goddess of the elves. If I hadn't been selected to the ceremonial team, I might have been a glorious patrol of the Gods Square. It is easier to hear the voices of the gods here, and let the soul Get purified."

"This road is an important traffic road. On both sides are the square areas of the goddess of dawn and the goddess of night. Sitting in the car, you can see two tall statues of gods. On top of them are the brilliance of the two gods, praying under the brilliance. The mind can be more peaceful and at ease."

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