The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1208: In the gourmet field, conditions are met

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The play of Professor Witzel and the Trojan demigod greatly reduced Ville's coercion and pressure, and at the same time increased his affinity, making the atmosphere of the ceremony more relaxed and comfortable.

Both of them are Little Ville’s teachers. They can fool around, but it does not mean that others can also fool around. Gifts prepared in advance are still to be offered. Some clever demigods temporarily added them to Lilith, the real island owner. Madam’s gift, and Thunder Naga Lucas was the most exaggerated. He had only prepared a generous gift for Lilith. Ville didn’t have it at all, so he rolled his eyes.

Sure enough, those who know who has the final say in the family are not easy to deal with. It is really difficult for me---Vill Star Mountain demigod.

The gifts are to be returned, and these gifts are recorded one by one. On the other hand, Lilith and Ville quietly instructed Léa to prepare to return the gifts. The ceremony is proceeding in an orderly manner. All kinds of precious and weird gifts make those who are not satisfied. The younger generations of gods are eye-opening, and it is very difficult for them to encounter such a gathering of so many demi-god powerhouses.

Even if there is, it is generally not allowed to bring juniors. The opening of the guardian island is a rare event in a hundred years, or even a thousand years. It is normal for the power to build, but it has been so appealing for thousands of years. This is the first case.

After the gifts were collected, Ville announced that he was going to the next link, and then Hamlin, the **** of food, came up with a smile, "Next is my Hamlin link."

"Little dwarf Hamlin, come down quickly. Even if you stand on the stage, you are not as tall as me." A savage half-god exchanged for Hamlin's middle finger, angrily he wanted to hit people.

"I will provide you with a meat cut in half later, no, halve it and then halve it!" Hamlin slammed back. The latter laughed, patted his belly and said, "I won't I believe Demi-God Will not let us guests get full and go home hungry."

Hamlin squinted at him and said, "Brothers Will naturally wouldn't do this, but I managed the banquet this time. I led a group of Tier 3 extraordinary chefs to create it together. Among them, the demigod-level materials are only me. If you are using it by yourself, if you want to be full, you can just eat the demigod meals, but the demigod delicacies specially made by the **** of food can only be watched."

The barbarian demigod had obviously eaten Hamlin's own delicacies, and couldn't help begging for mercy again and again, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more cheerful.

Hamlin returned to the subject and said with a smile: "Through the venue of the Weir brothers, the stage provided by the Weir brothers, and the large number of demigod foods provided by the Weir brothers, and the Buddha to entertain the guests of the Weir brothers, it is my delicacy. The superb cooking skills of the **** Hamlin, and then it’s time to listen to the music of the temple of the goddess of music and taste the food of my **** of food.

"This banquet will be the peak manifestation of my current cooking skills. If you don't say a good one, I am Hamlin and ran out crying!" Hamlin's words caused a burst of laughter.

The barbarian demigod seemed to have a very good relationship with Hamlin. He laughed and said, "Hamlin, I'm waiting to see how you cry, even if my mouth is full of oil, even if I can't walk. Lu, never say a good word."

Hamlin curled his lips disdainfully: "Just your mouth, peony flowers can also taste the smell of dog's tail grass. Just give you a big bone with meat to make you happy for a long time, and I will make it by myself. The demigod delicacy is too wasteful. Since you decide to go against me, I decide to confiscate your share!"

The barbarian demigod quickly patted his chest and said, brother, I am still very good at talking.

From the music, a feeling of purifying the soul fills the whole body, all the impetuous troubles seem to be washed away, a combination of a semi-god powerhouse (Janet), ten third-tier powerhouses, and a hundred second-tier powerhouses The repertoire played by the team made everyone feel the beauty of music.

After the music stopped, everyone was silent for a long time, knowing that a sharp voice suddenly sounded: "I have been promoted to the third-order paladin!"

"My strength seems to have improved a little bit."

"The magic in me seems to be purer."

"Me, my babble disappeared!"

There was a loud exclamation, those juniors actually got different degrees of benefits, and the demigods were more or less sentimental, staring at the group of performers with piercing eyes, only to find that the leading half did not know when. The strong **** holds a small divine statue in his hands, who is not the goddess of music, Baihuayin.

"This performance is provided by the goddess of music Baihuayin. The performer of the night elves music group, the lead singer of the night elves patriarch Janet Demigod, let us applaud their wonderful performance."

The remarks dispelled the unrealistic ideas of those demigods. These singers wore the music goddess clergy costumes and held the music goddess statues in their hands. They must be far away in the heavenly kingdom of music goddess Hundred Flowers I have dealt with a lot of sound, I just seemed to have accidentally contributed a little bit of faith.

Who is losing and who is gaining this?

It seems to be a win-win situation.

Just at this moment, Hamlin appeared and uttered a loud shout: "Gourmet field, open!"

Numerous rich aromas came to the nose, and I saw that the plates behind Hamlin appeared like water flowing into the guests, turning into a whirlpool around them, just need to look forward to stretch out a hand, and immediately separate a small Bring out a copy and send it to you.

"This is the third-order thousand-flavored water table. There are a thousand delicacies, and all the third-order cuisines are prepared for children." Hamlin saw the barbarian demigod feasting, and couldn't help expressing his own remarks with a little nasty fun. The latter rolled his eyes and continued to chew on a Tier 3 beast beast leg, and even exclaimed in his mouth: "It's so fragrant!"

Hehe, I just don’t say it’s delicious, I just say it’s delicious, what can you do to me? To keep me full, I have to help the wall out today!

"A stupid starving ghost reborn!" Hamlin curled his mouth in disdain, and a clear spring flowed out in front of everyone. Seeing the barbarian half-god stretched out his hand, a basin appeared immediately, half full inside, and he ate it all. , And even smacked his lips, and said: "No taste."

"Idiot, this is for you to clean your hands and rinse your mouth. There will be conflicts between the tastes of too many foods. After eating one, you can change to another one. It is best to rinse your mouth to clean up the taste of your mouth. Also, you A pot will appear first and then a cup will appear when fools are full of oily hands, you, you, barbarians!"

"Thank you for the compliment, we are the standard barbarians!" The barbarian was not ashamed but proud, leaving Hamlin completely speechless.

"Hmph, I won't give you the general knowledge of the barbarians. The next thing is the focus of the banquet. The demi-god-level food made by the **** of food, the first one is Hurricane Barbecue and Hurricane Snake Soup!"

What is hurricane barbecue and hurricane snake soup? In fact, they are boa constrictor barbecue and hurricane boa constrictor made with demi-god mid-level hurricane python as ingredients. However, the demigod level of delicacy is not so easy to make, and it can maximize its taste. , And only Hamlin can do it.

The trays floated like running water. On each tray, there were three small bowls of snake soup and five skewers of barbecue. The things were not too big. It was just that the lights on these things were shining and they could not be accessed by the demigods at all, so they could only watch them. .

One tray per person, unable to take more, the barbarian demigod took one bite by one bite, one bite by one bowl, his eyes widened instantly, when he went to take the second string and the second bowl, he found that his hand was bounced away. A message came into my mind: the second one to receive the password, it was delicious.

The barbarian's demigod's face was suddenly distorted, his eyes widened, and he stared at Hamlin, but Hamlin stared at him with a smile and said: "Food requires good taste. If you don't like it, you can wait. The next one, there are three dishes of this kind. After eating all of this first one, it can increase the body defense and flexibility of the demigod to a certain extent. It is a small gift from me~www.wuxiaspot .com~Don't like it if you don't like it."

There was a delicious sound, and the other demigods smiled and received the rest of their share. The barbarian snorted, and he was about to put away the rest of his share and take it back, only to find that no matter how he took it. Can't put it away.

Hamlin smiled: "Silly big guy, these tableware are all manifested by me. They only exist in my domain. They are not chargeable. Unless you break my domain, you are still ready to give up or continue."

"Okay." The barbarian demigod paused on purpose and said, "Eat."

The iris that had been shielded and okay disappeared, and the barbarian said while eating with his neck half-hearted: "I didn't say it was delicious. I said it was good. Eat. Two words are not a single word."

A demigod around laughed directly. This stupid big one is really straight and cute, but not all the demigods have finished eating. After a while, the plate disappeared after a moment without saying that it was delicious, and it was a missed opportunity.

However, physical defense and flexibility are not required by all demigods, especially those wizard demigods.

"The second delicacy, the eagle is in the sky, can increase the strength of the body of the demi-god and a bit of understanding of the attributes of wind and water."

"The third delicacy, the whale swallows the world, can enhance the resistance and comprehension of the semi-god powerhouse to illusion, and has an affinity for space."

The second dish is nothing more than that, but when the third dish comes out, not to mention the semi-god powerhouse, several fifth-tier powerhouses also said straightforwardly: delicious!

But the weight is slightly insufficient, barely enough for them to use for a single insight. For a while, a demigod in Hamlin's food field fell into the illusion of food, and the various elements and spatial fluctuations in his body were endless.

A bright smile appeared on Hamlin's face: "The sincere admiration of a hundred demigods, achieved!"

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