The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1210: Cheng God Exploration Alliance

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The official half-open ceremony of the Guardian Island became famous because of Hamlin, the **** of food, and the one who pushed him to complete the final step to ignite the sacred fire under the eyes of all the demigods became a sweet 饽饽 in the eyes of all the demigods. .

At this time, many demigods really understand that the previous gods of pirates and the goddess of **** hunting did not die unjustly. Why were the goddesses of pain and torment caught? They were not unwise, but too smart, so they started early. , And then was backhanded by this smarter little guy.

In front of this kid, these demigods really didn't seem to have much advantage.

Witnessed by hundreds of demigods, Ville and Lilith formed an organization called the Discovery Alliance of Gods. The minimum entry requirement for members of the organization is the demigod intermediate level, and they need to fill out a form truthfully. Only those with more than 30% of the discipline of judging the chance of becoming a **** are eligible to join.

The Discovery Alliance of the Gods does not have a leader. Like the Alliance of the Demigods, there are only seven councilors. Among them, Weier, Lilith, Weiya, and Professor Weizel occupy four seats.

For these four, many demigods have no opinion. Ville and Lilith are the masterminds of Baihua Yincheng God and Hamlin God, Xiaoweiya is the reincarnation of the goddess, and Professor Witzel is a fifth-order master. At the same time, they are also the guardians of Hamlin when they become gods, and they may also be the guardians of them when they become gods in the future. Such bodyguards naturally need to please.

Moreover, Professor Witzel is also a master of the classical school, dignified university scholars, great sages, and his knowledge level is not low at all, and his personal connections are also very wide. Coupled with strong strength, he is completely explored. The Alliance’s Dinghai Shenzhen.

However, they were most interested in the form given by Ville and Lilith. They discussed filling out in groups, and then accepted the review and evaluation of the four councilors and the remaining four fifth-tier masters one by one. , Give a specific score and rating result.

The specific scores and the scores of each item are only known to the panelists and the respondent. Others only know the level of the final result, ranging from one-star to seven-star, but so far, the highest evaluation is only five-star. Among the hundreds of demigods, there are only three five-stars, more than a dozen four-stars, more three-stars and two-stars, and one star is basically hopeless.

The minimum requirement for joining the Gods Exploration Alliance is a three-star. There are less than forty demigods to join, and a dozen of them decided to settle on the guard island on the spot, and continue to study and explore their path to becoming a god.

The Guardian Island is the closest place to the gods of the Kingdom of God in addition to the sacred country of the Wizard Islands. Here you can feel the influence of more gods and the baptism of higher levels of power. At the same time, there are many like-minded people who discuss the pursuit of higher Level strength and realm.

The face of the dancing goddess is full of incredible expressions. She belongs to the bottom of the high-level demigods, but she is rated as five stars. It feels like dreaming and unreal. But then she finds the **** of fine arts, the **** of sculpture, The gods of architecture and gardening also joined the alliance, and the remaining demigods communicated with each other privately.

As a result, they found the criteria for judging, and after careful analysis and research, they found that it is the dance goddess that has the greatest chance of becoming a god.

First, from the perspective of the chain of laws, the chain of laws of the dancing goddess has almost no mistakes, no conflicts, and has reached an astonishing 39.

Second, from the perspective of her own Tao, the position of the **** of dance is not currently occupied, and most of the relevant priesthoods are vacant except for the gods of various races. The main divine position is still not occupied, but she still has competitors.

Third, her image is very good, and there is no bad negative news. This is more helpful for her to create a perfect image of a goddess. It is essential to know that the image of spreading beliefs is indispensable. If the image is broken, It will only get twice the result with half the effort, and a good image will make him get twice the result with half the effort.

Fourth, she also has a group of followers around her. Although it has not yet formed a widely circulated group of transcendents, the embryonic form of the transcendent profession of dancers already has it. If you cooperate with Baihuayin's transcendent profession, perform or appear together. , The effect will be better.

Chengshen Exploration Alliance also has non-staff personnel. Among them, the goddess of music Baihuayin and the **** of food Hamlin are two of them. It can even be said that they are pioneers and successful.

"My potential to become a **** is actually a four-star?" The **** of architecture never thought that he actually has such a potential. He is only a mid-level demigod, not a demigod of the main battle type, so there will be such a high level. Evaluation, this was something he had never thought of before. He doubted the authenticity of this evaluation, but after talking with this group of demigod friends and new allies, the **** of architecture found that he seemed to be really good. hope.

It turns out that becoming a **** is not only based on strength, there are many other aspects of main that need to be considered, and his own four-star is not high or low, but it is more than 70% of other demigods, which is enough to make him proud. And there is still room for improvement in this evaluation. He is now only a mid-level demigod. If he advances to a high-level demigod, this evaluation can still rise by another star.

And after five-star evaluation, after some operation and maintenance, there are 50% hopes that they can impact the belief in the gods.

But before that, the goddess of dance will become the key support object of the Alliance of Gods before herself. Not only is there a large dance academy and opera house in the city of art of the guardian island, but there is also a huge garden-style manor outside the city. , A large number of manpower and material resources are tilted towards her, and even contact the gods who have dance-related clergy for her to study.

If it is another demigod, it may not have such a big face, but Val demigod is different. He is the goddess of the dawn goddess, night goddess, earth goddess, ocean goddess, fairy goddess, and beast gods. He helped Hamlin get it before. The crystallization of the laws of the agricultural goddess and beast gods, helping Hamlin become a **** is the best example.

Although Val demigod also stated that these things cannot be free, and they need to be repaid after they become gods, and there are even some agreements between the gods, but they still can't stop their yearning.

Even if they are heavily in debt, that is what happens after becoming a god. A poor **** is much stronger than a rich demigod. They would rather give up all their wealth and bear heavy debts in exchange for a suitable **** position.

"We belong to the demigod of the art department, but our rules are relatively single. It may not be easy to have an art master, and I don't know when such an all-rounder will appear. I am more optimistic about Lilith demigod. "The **** of carving scratched his head and said distressedly: "My qualifications are only three-star. I don't know if I have any hope of becoming a **** in this life. You are better than me."

"Your situation is always better than the group of people over there. Don't you think they are very happy? Councillor Vale also said that this level is only for reference. If you find the right direction together, the evaluation level will not be improved by leaps and bounds. Impossible." The dancing goddess smiled and said: "Of course, if this **** is suddenly occupied, it is possible that the evaluation plummets. We demigods have been too hasty to determine our title before it is a bit reckless. ."

Speaking of this, everyone turned their eyes to the night wolf ancestors and barbarian demigods who were laughing and playing on the side. Those five or six were classified as alien gods, and they were all fighting demigods. They were rated as three stars. Can have fun for a long time.

"I really envy people like them, maybe this kind of mentality is the most suitable." The gardening **** said distressedly, "I, a non-elf demigod, actually want to compete with the elf demigod for the position of God. , The pressure is really great. Demi God Vale, Demi Lilith, and Goddess Via are all from the elves, I..."

"They are now members of the Deity Exploration Alliance, and none of the elven demigods have joined our alliance. They prefer to become gods from their own professions. Gardening is only their hobby rather than a profession. Your hope is still very high. It’s a big one, so it’s rated as three and a half stars.” At this point, everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud. The evaluation of three and a half stars is very subtle, but after all, it is much better than two and a half stars.

Because two and a half stars are stuck below the pass line just like a failure.

"Actually, I think the hope of the two of you may be greater than that of my five-star demigod. At least Vale demigod has assigned you a tentative task. This is something other people don't have." The dance goddess looked enviously. The **** of architecture and gardening.

Although Little Ville just mentioned it casually, he got the approval of Lilith, but the task is not simple, to build iconic extraordinary buildings and gardens that match their characteristics on the important islands and cities of the Wizarding Islands.

Moreover, each seat is required to be different, but it has been unanimously praised by locals and even outsiders. The more praises, the higher the achievement and the greater the help to them.

The mission is very subtle, but it gives them a sense of what they should be. They just don’t know the specific effect, but the high priest of the elven temple, the president of the Wizarding Association Kane, the fifth-order dragon, and the sixth-ring construction wizard Tajulian have already followed them. Each booked one.

This is the advantage of joining the league. There are a lot of experimental opportunities in front of you. As long as you work hard, you will always have the opportunity to show your skills.

Even to provide them with an island, a plan to build historic buildings and beautiful garden landscapes is also under development, which makes them very moved and at the same time confident.

Most of the demigods are lost, but they are not without the opportunity. The Council of the God Alliance accepts applications every ten years. They can make targeted improvements based on the results of this review. Once they meet the requirements, they can apply again. joined.

On a secluded island, a white-haired old man looked at the animal skin roll in his hand and was silent. After a long time, he sighed quietly: "Trell, go to the battlefield of the abyss, and apply to join this alliance ten years later. This is the real place for you to stay."

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