The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1223: I want to live well

"Then the four of you who passed the first test in the end?" Mrs. Night had a hint of playfulness in her eyes. "I have to remind you in advance that I am just the person responsible for posting tasks and preliminary screening. The real test is still There is no beginning, this, after all, is a task issued by a semi-god powerhouse himself, you...

   "Do you really have the confidence to pass?" Mrs. Night's gaze swept away, and suddenly a corner of her clothes came into view, and a small hand was raised timidly.

"That, that..." The slight voice was a bit unconfident and timid. Although it was slight, it was like a thunderbolt that awakened Mrs. Night. Behind the four big men, there was a thin and small girl standing, no Eye-catching gray clothes, messy hair, big glasses, and a thick book.

   Mrs. Dark Night narrowed her eyes slightly. When did this girl appear?

   No, maybe she has been there all the time, just because she has ignored some traits. If she didn't take the initiative to stand up, if it wasn't because there were too few people and she took the initiative to open the eyes of insight, I'm afraid it's really not easy to find her.

   This little girl is simply a born lurker.

   Or, innately small and transparent?

   "Little transparent?" There was an uproar around, obviously this little girl is not unknown, or for some reason, this little girl may be very famous.

   Mrs. Dark Night stared at the poor little girl, who even subconsciously hid behind the four big men, but her ears quickly picked up the surrounding sounds.

   "The lucky kid who came out of the ivory tower can return safely every time they perform a task, but they have not completed any of the tasks."

   "Three missions and three failures, the explorer, known as the most exhausting teammate, has a 100% mission failure rate, and unexpected little transparency appears every time?"

   "Don't underestimate this little girl, she is also a genuine second-level wizard, um, although the attributes are a little weird."

"Hey, do you know the specific situation of Xiao Transparent? It is said that the last expedition organized by the Light Hammer expedition sent out a full 20 explorers. In the end, she was the only one who returned unharmed, and the others must die. Injuries, and none of them are minor injuries."

   "This little girl's situation is very evil, but I have to say that she is a natural explorer."

"Don't think too much. This little transparent is a wizard of the traveler school. What people do best is exploration. It's just different from the average traveler who learns to be a wizard. This little girl is not good at communicating, only good at observing and lurking. The novel she I can't write, only intelligence can be written, and the intelligence she writes, ha ha..." An explorer who had performed missions with Xiao Transparent couldn't help but shook his head.

Many people cast doubtful gazes. The explorer laughed and said: "This little girl probably reads a little miscellaneous book, and has badly seen her head. Either the information she wrote is full of poetry and picturesqueness, or full of secret codes, it's true. It’s very safe, at least I don’t think those **** demons can understand."

   "Then do you understand?" A young man asked subconsciously, and the explorer's face turned black.

"Hehe, this question is questionable. I can tell you responsibly. It is impossible to unlock the small transparent intelligence code without a certain amount of knowledge. What's worse is that she has a lot of intelligence codes. It's all in wizard terms, so..." The sky warrior explorer shrugged his shoulders and said that it was not his fault, but he was specialized in the art industry, and he was indeed not a wizard.

   The voice on this side was not stopped by anyone. The Expedition Hall was originally an intelligence transfer station. Expeditionary team members and explorers would not be prohibited from exchanging information, provided that it would not cause panic.

   Mrs. Dark Night quickly got a rough idea of ​​the situation of the little girl in front of her. Well, this situation refers to her situation.

   The little girl belonged to the academy wizard, was recruited into the abyss battlefield, and was randomly assigned to the Bright Sanctuary. In just three to five years, several companions who accompanied her were killed and injured, and only this little girl survived tenaciously.

  Because of some of her attributes, the previous team was very unfriendly to her. The seniors in the academy also drove her out of the house and became a completely lonely family.

Her ability can’t be said to be absent, it’s just a little weird, and the situation is a little weird. Even the semi-god powerhouse is a bit confusing, not to mention the fact that it’s not worth sending out the semi-god powerhouse for a small second-tier explorer, so She has fallen to today's situation, relying on receiving scattered tasks in the expedition hall to live.

   Abyssal battlefield, life is not easy.

Mrs. Dark Night thinks that she is knowledgeable and knowledgeable in many books. After inheriting everything from the blood **** Mary, she has learned a lot of information through blood inheritance. She thinks that her knowledge accumulation is still higher than that of Little Ville and Lilith, but The weirdness of this little transparent body made her somewhat unrecognizable.

"Little guy, you can see that you really need a job. Then, stand in front of me bravely and tell your name!" Mrs. Night screamed, her voice is not loud, but she can suppress the expedition steadily. The noise in the hall is clear to everyone's ears.

An inexplicable force swept over, and the expedition hall seemed to fall into silence. In a peaceful silence, the little transparent girl shook her body slightly, poked her head out cautiously, her pure eyes met Mrs. Night’s night. Two people's eyes shook at the same time.

"I, my name is Caroline, and I need this job." The little transparent girl has no injuries but is a little thin. She stared at Madame Night closely, and shouted out her thoughts: "I want to live well! "

   The words of the little transparent girl made the whole expedition hall silent for a moment. The noisy expedition soldiers before quieted down one after another and sat silent on their seats.

   Survive, live well, what a simple idea, but this idea is actually a luxury in the battlefield of the abyss.

   Please help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

   "Carolyn? I seem to have heard this name somewhere." Beside Mrs. Night, Vivian's eyes fell on the thin and thin figure opposite.


   Messy hair has no characteristics, and can’t this thing be modified at will?


This little girl is thin and thin, there is no two or two flesh on her face, she is really ordinary, completely in line with her small and transparent characteristics, with a pair of big glasses thrown into the crowd, you can't find it in a blink of an eye, even if you The same goes for staring at her all the time.


   I'm wearing an over-loose battle wizard robe. I can't see anything inside, but this one is really ordinary outside.

   What else is there besides this?

  Magic jewelry?

This girl didn’t even have a magical accessory on her body. She came out with a poor storage bag. She didn’t even have a space bracelet or space ring. I couldn’t even see one of the other magical accessories. Pawn in life.

   Perhaps the most special thing is to count the book in her hand.

   Susan snapped her fingers with a "pop", and suddenly called out: "I know, I know where I have seen you."

   "Thirty years ago, the Fifth Ring Wizarding Academy, the fourth person in the Genius Wizarding Academy!"

Vivienne was taken aback for a moment, looked at Caroline carefully, and shook her head in confusion, "Are you sure they have a fourth person? That was the first time I participated in the student competition, and it was still a champion. Impressions. It’s quite profound. They seem to have two men and one woman. They don’t remember the fourth person."

   "Also, those three people seem to be very arrogant, this..." Vivian didn't know how to describe Caroline's timidity.

Caroline looked at Susan and Vivienne in front of her, scratching her head suspiciously, making her messy hair even more unsightly, "That, have we ever seen it? It seems to have seen it~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I don’t seem to have seen it before, if you want to ask Sileria, Lux, Hal..."

Seeing Caroline's silence, Mrs. Night, Susan, and Vivienne were a little embarrassed, and seemed to ask her about her sadness. After all, these expedition members had said before that her partner was either dead or injured. ...

"They are not strong enough to pass the selection, and now they are still bringing newcomers to the academy." Caroline actually thought for a while before remembering the situation of her three companions, making Mrs. Night, Susan, and Vivienne almost headless. inverted.

  The Knights of the Temple of Wall and the Lord of Corleone looked at each other. How did she survive the battlefield of the abyss for such a natural little girl?

Forget it, since she can resist her own aura and coercion, it means that she has passed her own test. As for whether she can be selected, it will be handed over to Lilith and Little Will. Mrs. Dark Night waved her hand: "You follow me. Let's go, you can pass the team leader's assessment to be finally selected. In theory, there is only one place. If you are particularly good, maybe the team leader will consider extrajudicial favors. If you are too bad, you may not be admitted if you want to give it. "

   Outside the expedition hall, Mrs. Night threw out a small aircraft, and a group of people soared up into the sky and flew quickly to the outside, passing by another small white aircraft, rolling up the sound of the wind.

   The small white flying vehicle crashed down in front of the expedition hall. A tall beauty with long hair and fluttering hair in snow-white armor walked out, with a sledgehammer-style badge on her chest, and there was no voice in the way she passed.

   "Where is Caroline the Explorer?"

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