The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1230: Zac's strange way of integration

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Zach knelt down on his knees, holding a book in both hands, wishing to cry without tears. This is the gift of his choice, and he must accept it with tears.

"War God Boxing Classic", a complete book of boxing techniques that directly reaches the third-order wind, the book itself is also a master-level alchemy item. Getting along day and night can better understand the boxing power and hone your boxing power.

Such a good thing is impossible to find outside, even if you see someone else, it is impossible to give it to you. This kind of heritage treasure is a good thing that cannot be passed down no matter where it is, but here...

Zach looked at a large book that was almost exactly the same in the hands of City Lord Corleone, his face was full of grief and indignation. Here, this thing is actually freely convertible for internal merit.

Like Caroline Little Transparent, she just made a few simple questions. She briefly introduced her abilities and past, and expressed her willingness to join the Guardian Expedition to fight for a better tomorrow, and Little Weier simply let him pass.

According to Xiaoweier’s words: The Guardian Expeditionary Team is taking the elite route and will not consider large-scale expansion. The criterion for recruiting is not strength, but role. And this role is not used in combat. Fighting to set them up. No shortage, as long as there is a certain degree of self-protection ability, at least it can't be delayed.

It can be said that Zach has passed five levels and hides six generals. He has used various methods to hide and hide all the way. He has passed the levels with rich experience and various shameless small methods. This is his ability, and the little transparent Caroline is better than He was even more outrageous. He found the right path directly and broke into the resident only by instinct, completely ignoring the design of the dragon language magic circle arranged by Xiaowei.

Jumping on the nodes of the Dragon Whisper Magic Array again and again, and walking on the edge of life and death several times, but never encountered any danger. Many details that Ville didn't pay much attention to before became the key factor for her clearance.

This kind of intuition is even above the wild intuition of Wei Liluo. You must know that the intuition of the demigod elf druid is quite terrifying. Even so, Liluo can’t smoothly ask Ville and Lilith to arrange the Dragon Whisper Magic Array. , But Caroline did it.

Zac chose to believe in the God of War for the simple reason. He was fooled by the Corleone City Lord. Regardless of whether his words were true or false, Ville asked him to join the God of War church on the spot, becoming a God of War fighter, and personally opened it for him. This profession.

This process is not cumbersome. At this time, Zach knew about the horror of this small expedition. There were four favored ones, of which three were demigods and one was a Tier 3 pinnacle, and two of them were true church members: Chenxi Church. Temple knight Wall Dikas, God of War fighter Noby Corleone of the God of War Church.

On these two sides, there are only two little girls who are not members of the church, but they are the direct disciples of the two heads and deputy heads. They believe in two teachers. According to them, the two teachers will be able to become god-level masters sooner or later. Just be a believer for the teacher.

That strong confidence left Zach speechless, retort?

Haha, am I Zach the kind of person who doesn't wink? I didn’t have time to shoot the flattery of the two commanders. How could I refute that the injuries on my body were done by the two magic arts of the deputy commander Lilith, and I would ask her to be on her in the future. Women can’t provoke them. Coaxing, so Zac knelt directly.

And the advantage of this kneeling is that you can choose the one you want most from the three gifts.

Which three gifts?

The first one is the legendary inheritance crystallization, which is the inheritance of a **** ooze monster. As for which aspect is unknown, it is definitely suitable for you.

The second item is a bottle of water of life, a treasure of the elves. Well, although it is a very small bottle, it is absolutely valuable. This thing can detoxify yourself with only one third of it, um, although the poison is already detoxified. Yes, but there may be recurrence in the future. This is because the blood vessel disease is not so easy to cure.

The third piece, "War God Fist Classic", is a master-class alchemy item that can reach the third-order top style of boxing.

Zach struggled between the three treasures for a full quarter of an hour, and finally chose the "War God's Fist". The reason is very simple: as long as you are strong, you can reduce the probability of injury. As long as you are not injured, or the injury is not serious, there is no It is necessary to transform and recover, and as long as the blood poison of the ooze monster does not occur.

Choosing "The God of War" is not only that, he also wants to convey a meaning to the new boss through this choice: I, Zach, are still self-motivated and can be cultivated.

However, after Zac chose to choose, City Lord Corleone directly gave him a fatal blow. This thing is not a consumable item, and can be used by each other. He has a copy of exactly the same, regardless of the inheritance crystal or the water of life. It is a consumable item, but it is super expensive if you want to use meritorious exchange.

And what do you mean by consumables?

Use a little less, something that may eventually be out of stock. When should such a good thing not be bought in advance?

City Lord Corleone and the Knights of the Temple of Wall took turns to criticize Zac's choice for nothing. Zac was crying there, but he didn't regret it at all.

Suddenly, Zach's body paused slightly, and slowly stood up, with a bright smile on his face, and raised two middle fingers to the Lord Corleone and the Temple Knight of Wall: "How was the performance just now? Are you still satisfied? If you are satisfied, you can give a reward at your discretion. If you are not satisfied, please make a performance that you think is more suitable."

"Cut!" City Lord Corleone and the Temple Knights of Wall all gave the middle finger. Zac was not a member of the team before. There is no problem with the old fists, but now everyone is their own. Except for the training ground, other places are forbidden to use force. It's the rules.

"No matter how much you say, I don't regret choosing "The God of War". Zach slanted at Corleone and snorted, "Don't look at the short time we have been in contact with you. It’s just your bad temper. If I really I borrow books from you frequently, do you know how to borrow?"

City Lord Corleone nodded affirmatively and said: "Everyone is a could I not borrow."

Zac actually heard the sincerity from the voice of the Lord Corleone, but his next sentence made Zac full of black lines, "However, "The God of War" is very precious. Free lending is definitely not possible. The problem of paid rental Not much, anyway, it won't affect my own use. The improvement of my uncle's strength is the first!"

"Hehe, I knew it would happen, and sure enough, neither of you **** is a good thing!"

"It's as if you are a good thing yourself, then, Zach Explorer, what are you?" The Temple Knights of Wall began to dig a hole for the new companion.

Zac squinted at him and said: "Everyone is a raccoon dog, so don't let the eldest brother talk about the second elder brother. When I see you two, I will think of myself when I was young, the same shameless, the same, shameless!"

"Your feelings are really good." It is not difficult to enter the team. All the equipment is readily available. The ID card plus remote two-way authentication, but for a moment, the little transparent Caroline and the ooze monster Zach can do it. They got their latest identity token, the uniform of the expedition team that has been formulated, and the uniform of the official members of the guard expedition team.

At the same time, the information of the two of them has also been updated, and the security level has been upgraded to a large level. They are also organized people.

"Who has a good relationship with him?!" The Temple Knight Wall, City Lord Corleone, and Ooze Monster Zach retorted at the same time, but looked at each other behind, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing for a while.

A faint curve emerged from the corner of Lilith's mouth, who was braiding Zero. This ooze monster seemed to integrate into the team faster than Little Transparent Caroline, and their approach to getting along was really good enough.

Or is this the so-called gathering of people in groups, or in other words, similar smells?

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