The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1233: Terrell's madness

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Caroline the Thief

Strength level: wizard rank second-order high-end, body rank senior warrior

Innate ability: fate stealing, danger prediction, luck transfer

With the help of the apostle elves, Vil and Lilith briefly summarized and verified Caroline's abilities in three days. Although they were not complete, they were still very satisfied.

"Your body restricts your overall strength. Your bloodline is actually a pure primitive human race. This is something I didn't expect before, but this may be a good thing." Little Ville handed over a bottle of Grandmaster-level potion. There was a happy smile on his face: "Compared with the awakened bloodline, the unawakened human race is easier to operate. Compared with the person with the hidden bloodline, the pure primitive human race has a higher success rate in bloodline modification."

"Elves." Ville pointed at Li Luo.

"Dragon." Weier pointed to Zeruo Xiaorou.

"Blood." Ville pointed to the lady of the night who had just returned.

"The ooze monster family." Pointing to his Zac triumphantly, he happily recommended his bloodline to Caroline. "The bloodline level is not high or low, and the body's recovery ability is strong. It is the best bloodline choice for explorers. This is highly recommended, oops~"

City Lord Corleone and the Temple Knight of Wall retracted their fists and didn't even look at the rolling ooze monster Zach.

Yes, the current Zac was beaten out of the "prototype" by Lilith by a magical technique, turning into a puddle of slime rolling around on the ground, still emitting a disgusting smell.

With a snap of "pop", the wind swept Zac out of the hall, and the strange smell around was cleaned up. "Although I found that this guy's personality was a little out of touch at the beginning, I just didn't expect to be so out of touch. Don’t know if it’s too late to return the goods now?"

Little Ville’s joke was casually said, Zac had already crawled over outside and was ready to cry and hug his thighs. This time Ville didn’t use the violent wind, but kicked him into the air. This guy is really enough. Yes, the courage is really not so big.

In other words, he has seen through the character of himself and others, and will not do anything to him.

In any case, Zach is already his own.

After giving a severe lesson to the ooze monster Zach, Ville looked at Caroline, who was expressionless, pointed to Madame Night and said: "For me, I strongly recommend the bloodline of the blood, the balance of offense and defense, and the balance of physical magic. , The recovery ability is strong, as long as there is fresh blood, the battery life is super strong, and there will be no bottleneck before someone guides the demigod in front.

"The most important point is that the blood line will not conflict with the human blood line, but it can also promote each other with your wizarding profession. While strengthening the body, the appearance will not become ugly but become more refined. Lilith added, and Caroline couldn't help but cast a fascinating look.

Little Ville couldn't help but get a black line. Sure enough, for a girl, even for a little transparent girl, appearance is the first thing.

"Okay, the nonsense time is over, now everyone is ready to set off on Teleportation Tower 3!" Ville gave an order, and everyone responded in unison. Only the little meatball Zero was still on his head by Lilith. , Slapped him with a "slap", making Ville's glorious image plummet in an instant.

Ville glared at Lilith with an angry look, held Zerro in her arms, and put a fruit into her hands. Seeing that the little guy's drool was left behind, he still lifted the fruit to his mouth first. Send, no fire will start.

Mrs. Dark Night watched this interaction between the three, and she was suddenly touched, touched her stomach, and then shook her head. This is her own choice, and it is a choice after careful consideration. Since she has chosen herself, she Shouldn't regret it.

But reason and sensibility have always been twins, and in many cases they are incompatible. Reason tells itself that there is nothing wrong with his choice, but seeing the interaction of their family of three, inexplicable sorrow and grief still inevitably appear.

Lilith’s move did not damage Little Will’s authority. The essence of this team is Little Will’s relatives and friends. If Little Transparent Caroline and Ooze Monster Zach want to truly blend in, they must move closer to Little Will, and he He is indeed a wise man, as can be seen from his actions just now.

Ville gave an order, and all members ordered and banned. Everything was already ready, and there was no need to make temporary arrangements. A small aircraft appeared in front of the Guardian Expedition’s station, and then quickly lifted off in a line and went straight to the third to transmit. tower.

Today’s Bright Sanctuary is very lively. The Bright Wings Expedition, the Bright Horn Expedition, and the White Feather Expedition teamed up to attack the mysterious forest and different spaces, and dispatched up to 3,000 troops. You must know that this is a master of 32,000 and above. Among them, Tier 3 masters accounted for 40%, and half-god powerhouses dispatched as many as six.

The abyss battlefield has experienced thousands of years of development, and naturally has its own set of methods for the strategy of different spaces. The previous backward method of relying on cannon fodder for human tactics has long been abandoned, and mature and planned tactics are adopted. , It’s just that it consumes a little bit more structure equipment.

In other words, the large-scale battles in the abyss battlefield used advanced technology and equipment flow tactics to exchange resources for combat power, rather than human lives for success.

It’s just that this is just an expedition strategy, and until now, different space exploration still uses the method of launching explorers and winning with the explorer’s personal ability. After all, the construction of puppets cannot be more intelligent than humans, and the method of remote control is even more difficult. It may cross different spaces, this technology is really difficult for some strong people, even the master of the construct can't do anything about it.

There is a virtual sunrise and sunset in the Guangming Sanctuary. Just before sunset, the tails of the three major expeditions are no longer visible. When the crowds retreat, a string of aircraft swiftly approached, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" landed on the square in front of the third teleportation tower.

Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo and others walked out of the aircraft slowly, and the aircraft were put into space equipment by them. The people in twos and threes who were not scattered around looked stunned. These people have large-capacity space equipment?

Just at this moment, a Tier 3 saint wearing the uniform of the Bright Wings Expeditionary Team came flying in vigorously, and he respectfully saluted in front of Xiaoweier, and offered a token with both hands.

"The mission has been changed, and the Guardian Expedition has applied to join the Miyu Forest Alien Space Raiders team. Applicants will be Will Declan, Lilith Kendall, and Row Declan."

"An application for teleportation in a different space, the Guardian Expeditionary Team applies to enter the mysterious forest and a different space, through the third teleportation tower for cross-border teleportation. There are dozens of teleporters, three demigods (Ville, Lilith, and Guai Li Luo) Two ranks (Mrs. Night, City Lord Corleone), five ranks (Susan, Vivienne, Knights of the Wall, Little Transparent Caroline, and Ooze Monster Zach)."

what? Do you mean Zeruo Xiaorou?

Haha, Geral is the baby daughter of Ville and Lilith, but in essence it is still Lilith's contract demon, not counted in the number of people.

Ville’s application was quickly replied. Every expedition to the teleportation tower will prepare energy, and the energy used to transmit will often be rich by 30%, and the transfer volume of 3,000 people will be rich by 30%. This time, the Brightwing Expedition, Guangming The horn expedition team and the white feather expedition team actually used only seven layers of the original energy to transmit, giving a full 60%.

This 60% of the energy is not to mention ten members of the teleportation guard mercenary group. Even if another 100 members come, it is more than enough. The token in Ville’s hand is the authorization of the leader of the Brightwing Expeditionary Team. Gently swipe on the authentication interface. It turns out that it is three The combination of only teams became a combination of four teams, and the Guardian Expeditionary Team also received permission to teleport.

On the other side, a shrill voice sounded in front of seven or eight demigods, "emergency intelligence, emergency intelligence, the target team suddenly changed the mission objective, all members of the guarding mercenary group joined the mysterious forest alien space strategy team, and the application for transmission has been submitted. ."

"The teleportation application has been passed, the teleportation location is teleportation tower 3, the target has entered the teleportation tower, and the target has entered the teleportation tower."

"Haha, a good and stable young man." The performer pushed the crystal ball in his The tired body looked back weakly and said: "I don't need to do more games this time. They start from At the beginning, I was not prepared to act alone. The previous actions were just a cover. They have already discovered our prying eyes."

All eyes surrendered to the Justice Inquisitor, Terrell clenched his steel teeth and clenched his fists, suddenly stood up: "The original plan remains unchanged, and the target is changed to a semi-god-level extremely dangerous space: Dark Abyss. !"

"All the consequences will be borne by me!"

"Trell, privately intervene in the teleportation tower and send the three semi-god powerhouses to an extremely dangerous level of alien space. Do you know how serious this guilt is? And, have you ever thought that they might be in that place? Lost? Any demigod on the battlefield of the abyss is a precious resource and can't tolerate mischief. I understand that you were going to take down several of his men as a threat, but when it comes to the safety of the demigod, I disagree!" Guangming The leader of the Hammer Expedition was the first to stand up against it.

A painful look flashed across the face of the justice judge, gently shook his head and opened his hands to show them a crushed crystal and said lightly: "The action has already begun, and now I am afraid that everything is too late."

The head of the Light Hammer expedition team narrowed his eyes, and his figure was instantly in front of Terrell. His huge fist screamed and hit him in the face, and Terrell's body fell to the ground with a "bang". But there is no defensive and angry posture.

"You actually made preparations early in the morning and bought all the staff of the teleportation tower, right? From beginning to end, all of us are just furnishings, right? What you want is that we are here and on your side. Right?" The leader of the Light Hammer expedition team is not a fool. How could anyone who can achieve today not have a little IQ.

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