The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1257: Errol's submission and loyalty

"Cut, it's just a sub-authorized person." Mrs. Night rubbed her fists and murmured to herself: "I haven't played close combat for a long time. I can't retreat so much, and my fists are red."

Seeing her gaze swept over, Al Ma and Maras couldn't help but shudder, and immediately stood upright with their heads high and stood obediently. This is the standard posture taught by City Lord Corleone.

Is this woman so scary?

They can understand and understand the monsters on the opposite side after using the space permission. After all, they have been professionally trained, but what is the kneeling situation when the monster holding a weapon is beaten to the ground with bare hands?

How did the undead Errol suppress and beat them before, and now Mrs. Night is how to suppress and beat the undead Errol, the gap between this is so big that I actually wanted to control the expedition team before. This is not true. Playing lanterns in the toilet--find death?

The undead Errol struggled to get up, but even though Mrs. Night left her hand and did not kill him, she actually wounded him seriously, leaving a trace of blood power in him, leaving him for a while. Will not be able to control the body.

Enduring the intense pain that hadn't been felt for many years, and letting the muscles all over his body send out a strong signal of resistance, the undead Errol slowly stretched out his hand to try to grab the corner of Mrs. Night's skirt.

"Let me go, leave, please, please." The undead Errol's voice was intermittent, and he couldn't even control his mouth and throat freely.

Mrs. Dark night glanced at him and said: "Do you think it is possible? Although the sub-authority is not as good as the real space controller, they can also become the key to invading space. I have to say that the space controller of your demon space is really true. Very cunning, using a sub-authority as a guise and tricked me out."

Alma and Maras complained at the same time: You are not using our two sub-authorities as guns. If you don't find that this enemy is not your opponent, I guess you wouldn't make a move.

You space controllers are all dark-hearted, so don't talk about your eldest brother as your second elder brother.

"Carton, mess up, go back, protect, master, space, give you." The undead Errol's voice is intermittent, making it hard for people to listen, but there is one point that everyone has heard, space, for you.

Mrs. Night casually, a blood-red light flew out and fell on the neck of the undead Errol, and his voice suddenly became smooth, although it was still hoarse and harsh: "My master is a spatial authority, as early as more than three hundred years. The former has fallen asleep to fight against the consumption and burden of carrying space."

"I, the master's guard, and the steward Carlton are the master's right-hand man, but the despicable goblin of Carlton is a villain who tends to be inflamed, and cannot be trusted by the master. The task of protecting the master has always been borne by me, and Carlton The rhetoric is that the great master has broken through the shackles of space and traveled to a more powerful space."

"I'm not good at business. Carlton's despicable goblin has his usefulness. In order to relieve the pressure of the owner, we fought around to collect blood and devour space, and prepare for the owner to increase his strength and restore his strength."

"I have the trust of my master and have the secondary authority of space. I charge and defend my master's castle. Carlton is just a **** necromancer who is responsible for building cannon fodder. But, this **** is actually here. When I fell in the wind, I tried to invade my master’s sleeping place."

"That despicable goblin used the blood pool I collected so hard to summon other **** demons. He betrayed the great master!"

Mrs. Night waved her hand impatiently and said: "I don't care about your internal jealousy. I will ask you a few questions now. If you answer truthfully, I can consider letting you go back."

"In the face of the strong, I dare not lie." The undead Errol's attitude is very respectful, perfectly showing what is bullying and being afraid of hardships, and what is knowing the current affairs as a talented person.

"Your master, what race is it?" Mrs. Night was not in a hurry, but Errol the undead was anxious.

"The great master is the blood family, the powerful Marquis of the blood family, Madame Mochizuki." The undead Errol has traces of worship and admiration in his tone.

Even though Mrs. Dark Night had expected it, she was still a little surprised when she heard this sentence. The identity of the other party can be seen from the style of the ancient castle, but the other party is actually a marquis of the blood family. You must know that the corresponding strength of the marquis is a demigod, a demigod. Will the strong not support it because of the space?

On the contrary, when their strength reaches the level of demigods, space will promote their strength improvement instead of being a burden. It can even be said that demigods are the initial stage of carrying space. If there are no special conditions below demigods, carrying space is a chronic suicide. .

Mrs. Dark Night naturally had the means to judge whether he was lying, but it was precisely because she heard that he did not lie, she felt surprised, and things seemed to become interesting.

"Does your master have the profession of Necromancer?" For the same clan who has never met, Mrs. Night is more or less interested. The demigod is indeed very powerful, and the demigod who has spatial authority is especially difficult to deal with. , But the other party's state is definitely not right, otherwise it is impossible to sleep for hundreds of years and let the two subordinates mess around.

"The great master is knowledgeable and talented. She is also proficient in the methods of the Necromancer. As a servant of the great master, she was bestowed immortality by the master." The undead Errol did not hide it at all, but showed his identity as a necromantic creature.

"When did you fall into this space? What is the upper limit of the strength that this space carries? When did your master disappear?"

Mrs. Night asked questions continuously, and Errol, the undead, answered the same questions one by one. Although hesitated a little, he finally did not have the ability to resist Mrs. Night.

Mrs. Mochizuki is a pure blood, and also a rebellious woman. She ran away for love, but was abandoned by her husband because she lost the shelter of her family. Mrs. Mochizuki killed her husband and went to the Spider Lord in a rage. , Became an ordinary little boss under her command.

When conquering this world, Mrs. Mochizuki was "fortunate" to be selected, but unfortunately she encountered an earth-shattering explosion. The army of **** demons was almost destroyed, and she was seriously injured and fell into this small alien space. It can only accommodate the different spaces of the third-level high section.

Mrs. Mochizuki was very unfortunate, but also very lucky. There were thousands of subordinates beside her, and when she was about to be unable to hold on, she found the key of space and became the master of space, and then she drove the alien space closer to **** until one day Suddenly fell asleep.

Before she fell asleep, her power had been continuously weakened, until she couldn't support it, she summoned Errol to her body. After a brief explanation, she closed herself in the deepest part of the Demon, especially The lifespan of **** demons below Tier 4 is not endless. Mrs. Mochizuki turned her loyal subordinates into undead creatures. Before their lifespan was about to end, the undead Erol was the leader among them.

In addition to the first batch of cronies who followed Madam Mochizuki, Madam Mochizuki also encountered several different spaces in the past thousand years and conquered some new men. Among them, Carlton was the dark goblin that she could reuse.

"The **** Carlton has failed the master's trust. He first violated the master's will and plunged into the arms of other demons, forcing us to stay away from **** and approach the medium-sized plane, and even want to seize the director's space authority. This crime cannot be done. forgive!"

"Respected strong man, please see that you and your master are both blood races. Let me go back. I must save the master. If that **** dares to act, he must be dependent on it. I'm afraid that the enemy's strength may not be Under the master." The undead Errol is not a fool. Although he looks round and chubby, he is still an undead creature, but his mind is not rigid.

"You just said that the dark goblin contacted other **** demons, and this space is advancing into our world?" A strange expression flashed across Mrs. Dark Night's face.

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