The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1259: Space channel dispute

"Quick, fast! It will be completed soon. My plan that has been going on for hundreds of years is finally coming true!" Carlton looked crazy, pouring a bottle of medicine into the pool of blood in his hand, and the spatial fluctuations moved slowly. As he gradually moved closer to the blood pool.

The blood pool is the source of strength. Once the spatial fluctuations are completely integrated with the blood pool, then that is the time when the spatial channel is formed, which is the time when Carlton's goal is achieved.

Suddenly a deafening blast appeared in the air, and a gap in the space fluctuated in the other direction. The blood-colored barriers were shattered, and a tall figure slammed out with a "bang~" sound, accompanied by him. Roar: "The gap between space, broken! Space passage, close!"

Carlton's complexion changed drastically, and he waved his wand in his hand, "Blood shackles, seal!"

Layers of **** light flew out, forming a circle of barriers in a blink of an eye. The tall figure was trapped in a huge translucent blood cocoon. The space between the space was quietly broken, and the space on the opposite side shattered with the space between the two. The disappearance of the space channel disappeared.

The distance between the void space and the space is a thousand miles away, and distance is a very vague concept.

The undead Errol struggled to cancel the cracked space, and his power was greatly consumed. He was just a sub-authority of the space. As long as he was in his own space, his power recovery was still very fast, but now he does not have much time to recover his power. Instead, he slammed his fist fiercely towards the blood barrier around him.

Yes, it is not swinging a sickle, but swinging a fist. The weapon that has accompanied me for hundreds of years has been given to Mrs. Night as a redemption item, and even the good things I carry with him are basically deprived of what can be snatched away. , Except for his body and the chains that affect his stability, he has nothing.

"Don't stop me, you stupid bastard!" Carlton let out a roar, and thrust his wand into the ground fiercely. "Undead soldiers, as my people, it's time for you to contribute everything to me, blood sacrifice. !"

Roars full of pain, fear, anger, and unwillingness rang out one after another, and I saw a dense army of ghouls in the distance, carrying their prey "boom~", with a look of fear on their faces. But he couldn't stop himself from "thumping~" and "thumping~" throwing into the blood pool and becoming a part of it.

"The servant's bones turned into a strong cage, bound!" Carlton waved his wand in his hand and pointed it from the direction of the blood pool to the undead Errol. The huge blood cocoon stood out from the ground, quickly forming a huge bone cage. Wrap the entire blood cocoon inside.

"Damn Carlton, dirty necromancer, space shock, break me!" The undead Erol let out a roar, the roar was earth-shattering, even the blood cocoon and the bone cage still could not stop the voice of this sub-authority. spread.

The blood cocoon was beaten through but healed quickly in the sound of "Crack-La-La~". The bone cage and the blood pool are closely connected, continuously providing power for it. As long as the blood pool is not dry, the blood cocoon will not be exhausted. , This is the success that Carlton has studied over a hundred years, for this day.

"Erol, don't struggle, my magic circle can't break away even if it's the third-order peak. If you lose, you can honestly watch me accomplish your goal." Carlton didn't show a triumphant smile on his face, but changed instead. Getting more serious, the center of the spatial fluctuation moved towards the blood pool little by little, and finally a violent collision occurred with a "boom!", a small black dot appeared quietly, and the blood pool began to vibrate violently and quickly shrank.

"It's started!" Carlton's face changed, and the wand in his hand was raised high, a blood-red light shot from a distance, and more ghouls rushed towards the blood pool, but no matter how hard they tried, the blood pool But a little bit shallower and smaller, that small black spot slowly grew bigger with the support of the blood pool, and a space channel with a diameter of one foot appeared.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough! My servants, use your hard work to accomplish my magnificent goal!" Carlton let out a roar, the expressions on the ghouls became more horrified, but they couldn't stop themselves. He stretched out his sharp claws and cut open his chest fiercely, dug out the beating hearts, and smashed them into the blood pool.

The blood-red power of the blood pool burst out instantly, and the space channel widened in an instant, but the space channel of only two or three feet was not enough for the powerful **** demon to pass through, not to mention the powerful **** demon, even if it was a Tier 1 It's impossible for **** demons.

Why is this happening? Is it because they lack the strength to prepare? Could it be that the **** undead Errol secretly used the power of space to organize himself? Could it be...

"Kachacha~" Suddenly, a sharp steel claw stretched out from the space channel, and the claw severely tore the space crack open. The space channel suddenly expanded a small circle, but the surrounding space was trembling violently. , Making an overwhelmed "click" sound.

The claws changed from one to two, and a pair of big hands pushed hard to the sides, and the entire space channel suddenly expanded to five feet or six feet in diameter, and continued to expand, and a hideous behemoth appeared on the opposite side of the space channel.

"Six, six-eyed evil lion?!" This is a big furry monster, sharp claws, pale fangs, and six eyes on the hairy head, the eyes are shining with a compelling cold light, dark goblin Carlton let out a scream of blood and tears from his eyes, and his legs collapsed directly to the ground.

The magic circle is still running, Carlton tried to get up, kneeling on the ground with his own feeling, "Great strong man, your strength makes the entire space tremble, this space is given to you by your humble servant The meeting ceremony, but your powerful pet will make this space fragmented. Your humble servant asks you to take back this powerful pet."

"Weak goblin, put away your tricks, Wiki is not my pet, it is my combat partner." A proud voice came over. It was the voice of a man, the voice was crisp and loud, giving people a different kind I can only hear the sound and not see the person, but I can also feel that this person should be a handsome man.

"Little guy of the goblin clan, I'll ask you again, do you really know where the space key of this little alien space is? The space key is not so easy to appear." The master of the voice gradually changed. The large space passageway shows an outline, a slender figure with handsome appearance, a soft golden armor, a gorgeous longbow in his hand, a quiver on the back, and an arrow in the bag is equally delicate Pretty.

"Great strong man, your humble servant dare not lie. The master of this different space, Mrs. Mochizuki, is the former master of the space key, and the person I trapped in this bone cage is the sub-authority of the space, Mrs. Mochizuki. Erol, the undead captain of the guard.” The dark goblin said quite contentedly: “I spent two hundred years planning to build a blood pool to accumulate strength, arrange a magic circle, and guide him to fight continuously, and when he is exhausted Keep him under control."

"A great powerhouse, with your great strength, he will definitely be able to see his difference." The dark goblin Carlton patted the past with a flattering.

The slender figure on the opposite side casually moved, and a green light flew like lightning, and landed on the bone cage with a "pop". The bone cage fell apart for a while, and the undead trapped in it, Errol, took the opportunity to punch through the blood cocoon and rushed out.

"Carlton, you dirty dark goblin, **** traitor, die for me!" The undead Erol quickly rushed out and knocked the dark goblin Carlton away with a punch, if the latter hadn't blocked it with a wand At once, this punch is estimated to be able to beat him half to death.

"Bone Shield!" Carlton hurriedly defended himself, but Errol, the undead, did not take advantage of the victory and pursued it. Instead, his hands were on the ground, and he let out an angry roar: "Space expulsion, space passage, hey!"

Accompanied by his roar, the entire space channel actually slowly shrunk, even if the demigod-level six-eyed evil lion continued to exert force, the roar again and again still couldn't prevent the space channel from getting smaller.

"Little guy, the space authority does have some means, but these little means are nothing in the face of absolute strength, you are still far away." The slender figure on the opposite side clicked his fingers, and beams of light shot out like lightning.

"Space distortion! Space barrier!" The undead Errol unhurriedly displayed the skills he had learned from Mrs. Night, and the light was easily transferred by him, ruthlessly. He shot hard at the dark goblin Carlton, hitting the latter and fleeing in embarrassment.

"Little guy, your space authority ability is used well, it's interesting! However, in the face of absolute strength, all small means are vain, come over to me!" The slender figure let out a low shout, and the powerful attraction suddenly exploded. , The waves on the blood pool were turbulent, and a vortex was formed centered on the space channel, and the vortex quickly expanded and approached the undead Erol.

But something very embarrassing happened. Under the control of the undead Errol, the space channel not only shrinks in an orderly manner, but the shape is constantly changing. The gravitational vortex created by the slender figure twists and deviates in a blink of an eye.

"Space passage, hey!" Errol the undead let out an anger, the space passage was violently twisted, and it was about to close.

"Space, break!" "Space, set!" The **** demon on the ground couldn't help but personally make a move, and once the move was a shocking big move, the space was instantly penetrated by him, and the powerful force swept through the entire blood pool. Violently oscillating, the space channel also expanded rapidly under his bombardment, and gradually stabilized as he threw a ring-shaped semi-artifact.

He also came prepared.

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