The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1261: Mrs. Mochizuki's last words

How big is the gap between the third and fourth order?

Dark goblin Carlton originally thought that this was not an insurmountable distance. At least he had seen the strength of the master, Madam Mochizuki before, and made a lot of preparations based on her strength, thinking that he had been able to suppress the demigod powerhouse.

However, his knowledge of the demigod powerhouse is limited to Madam Mochizuki, a demigod junior master, and he is facing the demigod mid-level night elf Ernst. All his preparations were released in Ernst After the domain was greatly reduced, he was swept away in front of his powerful strength.

"I was really wrong when I underestimated the Tier 4 powerhouse, but do you really think I only have such a trick?" The dark goblin lay on the ground, looking at the arrogant night elves with a **** face, and gave a touch of coldness to the corners of his mouth. A cold smile.

"Not killing me directly is your biggest failure, night elves, pay for your arrogance!" Carlton turned over and jumped into the pool of blood, "Great Lord of the Undead, your devout believers sincerely pray. , I am willing to dedicate my soul in exchange for the favor of the great master, and beg you to grant me great strength."

Errol the Undead: Ah, shouldn’t it be in exchange for the master’s resuscitation? How did it become the pursuit of power.

Half an hour later, the dark goblin who had temporarily obtained the demigod's primary strength was beaten and bruised by the night elf Ernst even if he had sub-space authority. If it hadn't been backed by the blood pool, it would have died miserably.

"Hemolysis magic circle, come!" Carlton the dark goblin roared, and his huge power burst out suddenly. The blood pool was tumbling violently as if the entire blood pool was about to be overturned, and the ancient castle opposite the blood pool also glowed with a faint blood. Red rays.

"My benevolent master, your loyal servant Carlton can no longer serve you. I will trade my life for your awakening!" Carlton's voice was filled with perseverance and perseverance.

The undead Errol finally showed an expression that did not belong to the undead. Carlton, a **** he didn't like, seemed to be smarter and stronger than himself, and more loyal to his master.

The night elf Ernst curled his lips disdainfully and said: "What strength can a controller of a weak space have, and how can you join hands?"

But as soon as his voice fell, his face could not help but change slightly, blood in the castle filled with blood, and an unusual aura appeared little by little, "This is, a demigod strong? No, just broke through and promoted? It's not like, what the **** is it? Happening?!"

Suddenly a soft sigh came into my ears, accompanied by a soft female voice: "Why do you bother?"

"Lord of Space?" The night elf Ernst suddenly felt tight, and he did not know when he was restrained by inexplicable power.

"It's hard for you to be able to support this weak alien space for so long. If you live in such a weak alien space, it's no wonder that you will fall asleep and wake up by this means. How much power can you still exert now?" Ernst's powerful aura broke out in an instant, "Dark Night Realm, open!"

In the collision between the power of space and the demigod realm, the night elf's body was pushed a hundred and ten meters away, and finally succeeded in breaking the constraints of space.

"Although this space is weak, the master of space is always the master of space. The gap between the demi-god elementary and demi-god middle-level can barely be wiped out. Even if it can't, closed space can still be done. Space barrier, hey!" Gentle A pleasant sound came out, and the space channel suddenly issued a strong squeezing force. Ernst's semi-artifact supporting the space disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the space channel quickly shrank.

The night elf demigod Ernst's complexion changed drastically, and the whole person stepped out in a blink of an eye to the space channel, with both hands fiercely supporting the space channel, "Wiki, break the space, don't let the space channel close!"

"Roar~" In the deafening roar, a bright light struck fiercely, the space channel trembled violently, the shock wave fell through the space channel into a different space, and the space within a few hundred meters around the space channel trembles violently.

The night elf figure quickly sank into the space channel, and did not care about the unstable spatial fluctuations around it. A force of space quietly appeared, severely cut off, and a little finger was released from Ernst's palm.

"Asshole vampire, I remember you, and next time I come again, it will be your end. Isn’t Mrs. Mochizuki? It’s your misfortune to have the key to space, and meeting us at this time is the beginning of your tragic destiny, and also you The tragic fate is coming to an end."

The night elf Ernst's voice stopped abruptly along with the disappearance of the space channel, but Errol the undead stood up with excitement, his eyes gleaming with joy and quickly flew towards the castle.

A **** torrent abruptly knocked him down in the sound of "Wow!" Carlton, the dark goblin, appeared beside him, staring at the castle with his eyes fixedly staring at the castle and shouting coldly, "Who are you? Why impersonate me. Master? How is my master?"

With a soft "pop~", like a snapping finger, the undead Errol and the dark goblin Carlton suddenly felt that something had disappeared from their bodies, and the whole person suddenly seemed extremely relaxed.

Have your space rights been deprived?

Countless blood in the blood pool turned into a long red bridge leading to the castle. The undead Errol and the dark goblin Carlton looked at each other and stepped up at the same time.

For the master, they don't mind sacrificing their lives. They also have doubts in their hearts that need answers from the master. The person who forced the enemy away is not their master, and they can clearly feel it through the sound.

The master's voice has long been hoarse, it can't be a soft and crisp female voice, although the strong feeling is similar, the breath is also somewhat similar, but it is, it is not, there is no such thing as similarity.

In the gloomy old castle, countless blood fell on the ground and disappeared. The blood-colored bridge fell automatically when it reached the courtyard. The two hurried forward and broke into the familiar and unfamiliar hall, a place they hadn't entered for hundreds of years.

There was no one in the hall, only an ambiguous teleportation array quietly operating. The two jumped in without any hesitation. As the sky turned around, they entered the depths of the ancient castle.

A slender figure is standing next to a blood-red coffin, playing with a blood-red crystal in his hand. The ups and downs of his body are a little unstable, but the powerful aura still oppresses the two Tier 3 masters who breathe a bit. Not smooth.

"This blood-colored crystal is the relic of Mrs. Mochizuki. I think she hopes you will survive." The slender figure wearing a gorgeous black robe turned around.

Errol the undead exclaimed: "Mrs. Night, you, how are you..."

Mrs. Dark night waved her hand indifferently and said, "It's nothing more than a little lurking technique, it's not worth mentioning."

She smashed the blood crystal while she was talking, and a projection quietly appeared in the basement chamber. It was a pale and abnormal middle-aged beautiful woman, playing with a pale gold ball in her hands, with a touch of grace on her face. Smile.

"When you see this video, it means that I have died. I don’t know how many years or how well you are living. Only you who can pass my tests are you, the fool Errol, the fool Carlton, no Space authority is impossible to pass my postgraduate entrance examination smoothly. Unless, it is a new demigod powerhouse."

There is a sly smile on the corner of the beautiful woman's mouth in the projection: "Dolly Errol, are you still eating Carlton's vinegar? Are you still staring at Actually me I lied to you. Just like you, Carlton, the fool, is someone I can absolutely trust, but my death cannot be known to you before you really return."

"Carton, you are a smart boy, but smart people sometimes think too much. I lie to you that I fell asleep. Only the blood duke in **** can rescue me. Your boy will definitely spare no effort to take me back. Right?"

"I'm sorry, my children, my injury is too serious. Even if I want to transform a lich, it is impossible. The severity of the physical injury is not the key. The key is that my soul has been traumatized. Please forgive me. I’m selfish, I left this world one step ahead of time. I’m content with your company at the last moments of my life."

"Go back, go back to where you are supposed to go. War never brings happiness. After returning to hell, go to a small place and go incognito. You can live well. Hell is strong enough, even if you don’t rely on plunder. You can also live well, but people's greed is endless."

"My life has been full of sorrow and pain. It's great to have you by my side at the last moment."

"Finally, in the name of my master, I order you to live, live well!"

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