The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1263: Mochizuki little loli's refuge

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"Is this really good?" Mrs. Night sat quietly on a luxurious seat, tapping the blood-red coffin lightly with her fingers. The elder sister became a little loli who was less than three feet away.

Little Lori is petite and petite, with a blood-red shawl and long hair casually draped. She is wearing a pleated princess dress with a cat ear headband, and a pair of scarlet eyes are pure with a trace of sadness. , A touch of relief.

"For them, this may be the best ending. I dragged them down." The sadness on Little Lori's face was deep and real, crystal tears swirled in her eyes, but she didn't come out strong.

A faint arc appeared at the corner of Mrs. Night's mouth, and she stretched out her hand to pinch her cheek, and the tears couldn't stop suddenly falling.

"Cry if you want to cry, make trouble if you want to make trouble. This is what a good boy should do. It is not like a child to endure not crying. You are no longer the demigod Madame Mochizuki, but a demigod. Little Lolita, Mochizuki Lolita." Mrs. Night's words resulted in Lolita's big eyes.

"If it wasn't for my rebirth magic, I would regain my strength early after rebirth, and I would definitely beat you up and let you know the consequences of disrespecting the strong." Mochizuki little Lori stared at the night fiercely. Madam, it's just that she will only look very cute in this way, not scary at all.

"Is it like this?" Mrs. Night confined her easily, then picked her up and turned over and put her on her knees, slapped her small buttocks, Mochizuki Lori's tears burst out, "Wow" Crying aloud.

Mrs. Dark Night showed an awkward look on her face, and she held her in her arms and rubbed her little head: "Is this also a side effect of the reincarnation magic? You have really become a little loli."

Mochizuki little Lori whispered and said, "This is not the real me. How could this lady cry because of this little thing? Well, it must be a side effect of the failure of turning magic, um, it must be like that. "

Mrs. Dark Night rolled her eyes and said: "If you fail, you deserve it. You actually tried to reincarnate with the authority of space. Can this thing be reincarnated with the authority of space? You are lucky if you have not been assimilated by the authority of space to become spatial consciousness. It's not that even if I show up and take away the space authority, your consciousness will dissipate within ten years. At that time, it will be the end of the soul flying away."

Mochizuki little Lori writhed in Mrs. Night’s arms, poked her chest full, and snorted, “That kind of obstructive fat makes me very uncomfortable. You take away the space. The authority is indeed a great help to this lady, but when you take away the space authority, how can you take away the origin of this lady's kinship by the way?"

Mrs. Dark Night squeezed her soft and soft cheeks, and said with a grin: "You are a person with spatial authority. When you reincarnated, your soul is separated, but the spatial authority is integrated with your blood origin. Under the stubbornness, you will never be able to Melt into your new body. If you don't take away your blood origin, you will never be able to successfully integrate."

"By the way, your new body, it seems..." Mrs. Night paused here, not knowing what to say.

"Is it a good fit?" Mochizuki little loli smiled, showing off her chest, but the five or six-year-old little loli, what could stand up, was directly defeated by Mrs. Night's face rubbing attack.

"This body is also me, but it's a clone created by me using a special method. It integrates part of my own blood origin. This is also the biggest reliance on which I want to reincarnate with spatial authority. After all, the two are homologous theoretically. It should be able to fuse, who knows..." Mochizuki little Lori was also helpless. She never thought that the new body she created, although the origin of the blood race was her own, but after leaving her body, it was actually slow. Slowly formed a new and complete source.

This body can be said to be her clone, or it can be said to be a new complete individual, but there is no soul. Her soul wants to bring the remaining origin into the new body, but it is instinctively rejected by the new body and the new origin. Coupled with the constraints and restrictions of space authority, her reincarnation magic can not complete the last step, one card is hundreds of years.

If it hadn't been for the dark goblin Carlton had always wanted to wake her up, constantly using fresh blood to provide her with strength, I'm afraid she would have failed and died.

Mochizuki little Lori looked at Mrs. Dark Night and asked suspiciously, "I'm very curious. In theory, the origin left in my body is already very weak, and it shouldn't be enough for you to be promoted to a demigod. How are you..."

Mrs. Dark Night rubbed her **** long hair and smiled and said: "My blood origin is already abundant, and what I have been unable to advance is not magic, not origin, but a quota. I will be promoted this time, your blood origin is me. Almost nothing was used, only Madam Mochizuki’s demigod quota was used."

"It seems a bit..." Little Lori Mochizuki looked at Mrs. Night in a half-understandable manner. The latter restricted the world spread in the Wizard Islands one by one, and finally concluded: "This world has begun to limit the number of strong people. If you want to advance, you have to grab the place of Hell Devil. This is a kind of incentive method in disguise."

"This is actually the case." Mochizuki little Lori suddenly realized that this situation is not uncommon, especially for some worlds with insufficient original strength. It can be seen that this world has arrived...

"Wait, you just said that I only used my quota, not the origin, then where did my remaining origin go?" Mochizuki little loli knows that she did not use the origin to create this little loli body by herself. One-tenth, the remaining 90% of the blood clan's original connection space authority has disappeared, originally because it was swallowed by the same clan, but now it seems that it is not the case.

By devouring her fellow clan to increase her strength, she knows very well that, after all, her husband had done this kind of thing back then, and even almost swallowed her own origin. The reason why she massacred most of her husband’s clan was because they had actually committed suicide. The family has started, and even wants to swallow it up with itself.

From beginning to end, that man didn't really love himself, he was just seducing and using himself to devour his family.

And this swallowing is not swallowing, but swallowing in the actual sense, the swallowing of blood origin. This method is taboo in the blood clan. It is precisely because of this that Mr. Mochizuki is not chased by other blood clan masters, but just does it. Just cover it up.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" A small blood-colored gem appeared in Madam Night's hand, and the familiar and cordial breath on it made Mochizuki Lori grab it in her hand, and the feeling of blood connection filled her whole body. This strange feeling fascinated her deeply.

"How could this gem..." Mochizuki little Lori didn't know how to describe it. She knew that this gem contained extremely pure blood, and this blood belonged to her.

"Since you keep saying that you have been reincarnated, how about giving up the past and starting a new life?" Madam Night stared at Little Mochizuki, who was silent for a moment.

Why must I be reincarnated?

In addition to the severe injuries on her body, she might not want to abandon everything in the past and start again, but she still can't let go of these people who follow her. It is precisely this hesitation that has saved her and has seriously delayed her. The hind legs, it can be regarded as gains and losses.

But the final result was pretty good. All of my subordinates went to the to practice their own destiny, and I also completely completed the rebirth. Not to mention, the magazines in the source are almost one. Swept away, and the total amount of the source has hardly changed, this is simply a surprise.

Mochizuki little Lori looked at the bloodline gems in her hand, and suddenly threw masses of bloodline bloodlines out of the hospital, her eyes piercingly looked at Madam Night: "Purify them, and I promise to take refuge in you."

"It's settled!" Mrs. Dark Night raised her palms, Mochizuki Lori took a look at her, stretched out her white and tender little hand and patted her.

"In other words, the origin of these bloodlines will not be..."

"The origin of these bloodlines is too dirty. If you don't use the essence, I won't use them myself, but you should be able to use them. It is not enough to build a family on your own. A person's bloodline is always limited."

Mrs. Night gave her a deep look, "Do you think I need a family?"

A small golden bead appeared in Mochizuki little Lori's hand, and said lightly: "It tells me that the clan who has brought me a new life will build a new blood clan in the future."

"Fate Dzi!" Madame Dark Night narrowed her eyes, "I accept your gift!"

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