The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1265: Giant Treemen's Counterattack

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"Morris, Commander Feld has issued an order to prohibit any internal fighting before the decisive battle. Are you sure you want to disobey the Commander's order?" In the dense forest, a tall castle stands proudly, with a six-eyed evil lion on its back in the dark night. Elf Ernst's face was pale with a trace of iron, and his eyes were cold and he looked at a giant ten-foot-tall creature on the opposite side.

The giant tree man Morris, the demigod intermediate powerhouse, the original owner of this different space, but he did not have the space authority. He was defeated by the six-eyed evil lion and driven out of the forest. This time Ernst was injured and the giant tree man Morris took advantage of the counterattack and caught him off guard.

"Ernst, leave my homeland, otherwise, I will never die!" The giant tree man Morris has entered old age, but as a giant tree man, his strength has not declined because of this. Before he truly enters his twilight years, his His strength is slowly improving, but he has left his familiar homeland, which has greatly delayed his strength improvement speed and power recovery speed.

He has always wanted to return to his homeland, a place that has been inhabited for thousands of years, but not only is the opponent not much weaker than himself, but he also has a Tier 4 pet. The two work together to make him a little difficult to deal with. Once he seized the opportunity of the opponent's injury, he had to regain his turf anyway.

And this time, he also has a helper, and he is no longer alone and bullied by them.

"Murris, you are not qualified to be immortal with me. If it weren't for someone above your defensive power and identity, do you think you can live to the present? Since you are determined to die, then I will fulfill you!" Looking coldly at the behemoth that robbed the house.

Giant tree people are a type of giant, but because their personality is too docile, they are not recognized by giants. They are the bottom members of giants. They are docile and peaceful. They like flowers and trees, but they have a very strong talent for fighting.

All giants are geniuses in combat, but some giants focus on fighting, love fighting, and are proud of it for a living, while some giants only use fighting as a means to achieve their goals, such as guarding. , It's better, plunder!

The giant tree people belong to the lawful and righteous side. They love peace but are not afraid to fight. When enslaving the races, they chose silence and did not actively participate in it. When resisting invasion, they chose to actively participate in the passive. defense.

When the giants fell, they silently withdrew, and finally signed a peace contract with the gods to retreat to one side, launching the fight for world hegemony.

Under the **** and cruel rule of the goblin, they silently guarded the peace, and finally joined hands with the ten thousand clan to destroy the goblin empire.

Just when the **** demons came back, they took the initiative to stand up, and together with the gods, dragons, wizards, orcs, elves and other powerful races to shut them out.

Giant tree people have a very strong combat power. Most adult tree people possess demi-god level strength, but their number is very rare. They belong to the kind that will be distressed by death or injury. In the battle of **** demon, the giant tree Human deaths and injuries are calculated on the basis of ten or a hundred.

In the battles, the number of giant tree people is decreasing, even to the point of extinction, but they are still fighting on the front line, they are voluntary, and they are also helpless.

What makes them more painful is that in the battle, they encountered other giant tree people, giant tree people in hell, they know that giant tree people are not unique in this world, their kinsmen have stronger strength in **** .

As the invading party, the **** demons did a lot of investigations on them. They clearly knew the situation of the giant tree people. They tried to draw the giant tree people over several times, but for the giant tree people, the place to grow and nurture them is their hometown. , The tree is nostalgic for the earth.

The wooing was rejected again and again, but the **** devil always believed that there was no corner that could not be moved, and he still enjoyed it. Even after the big explosion, after the formation of the abyss battlefield, he directly commanded the entire army and encountered giants. Tree people mainly suppress and conquer, and try not to kill as much as possible.

This is also the reason why Morris is able to live to the present, after all, this space has been ruled by the night elves led by Ernst.

Well, by the way, this vast space spans more than 1,500 miles. There are mountains, waters, forests, lakes and swamps, but no oceans. There are no intelligent creatures other than the giant tree man. He is alone. It lived here for thousands of years, until the arrival of the army of night elves.

Ernst’s home was seized by them, the forest was cut down to create a night elf castle, and Morris’s familiar monsters were slaughtered, and he could only lick his wounds in the dark silently.

This time Ernst's accidental injury and the arrival of reinforcements gave him hope, so he finally came to him for the first time.

"Wiki, kill him!" The above command is to suppress and subdue as much as possible, but when the opponent swears to the death or takes the initiative to find something, they can behead it. Ernst can now let go of his hands and feet, and he You are not the only one around you.

The six-eyed evil lion uttered a roar, and its huge body flew out and went straight to the giant tree man. The giant tree man’s huge arms danced horizontally, slapped it out dozens of meters away with a slap, and bumped into the trees. But it didn't cause much substantial damage to this demigod-level monster.

Compared to offense, Giant Treemen have stronger defensive capabilities.

Just when the six-eyed evil lion uttered a roar and flew straight to the giant tree man again, the giant tree man Morris halved and a small figure jumped up in the air and suddenly became a giant bear with five feet in size. He greeted the six-eyed evil lion fiercely.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the six-eyed evil lion screamed and fell to the ground. Zhangwu giant bear rolled over and rode on it in grief, pressing his head with one hand, and slamming his body with a fist in the other.

Ernst's face changed slightly: "Demi-God-level Beast?!"

"No wonder you have the confidence to come to me. It turns out that you have found a helper. I don't remember that there are other demigods in this different space. This is your newly cultivated helper? You are indeed the overlord who once dominated the medium-sized world. It was being pushed down, even if it was almost extinct, there is still such a handwriting, except for admiration, I have nothing to say. But..."

Ernst’s words turned coldly and said: “But this kind of world is lower than the countless ones that perish and swallow. Your world will not survive for a long time. The countdown to extinction has already begun. I don’t know if you lose your homeland. How to choose? Wander around or submit to my hell? Hahahaha, I really want to see your expression and choices at that time right away."

"However, you may not have that day!" Ernst is not a face-saving person. He is not alone, but has an army. Following his order, one after another in the castle quickly lifted into the sky. Thousands of Tier 2 and Tier 3 night elves swarmed, and there was a burst of bow and arrow attacks on the giant tree man Morris.

The giant tree man is rooted in the earth and has strong defensive capabilities, but he has a big weakness and cannot fly. Unless he can break through Tier 4 and successfully advance to Tier 5, he can avoid this weakness by other means. But before that, his superiority The disadvantages are still obvious.

"You are not the only one who has your subordinates, Ernst, no one can stop me from beheading you this time! Wake up, my children, use your solid bodies to find a way to survive. The treeman awakens! "The giant tree man Ernst let out an angry roar, his hands suddenly slapped on the ground, the ground trembled violently, UU reading www. The towering trees on the periphery of the castle began to twitch frantically, and then turned into huge treants, slowly pulling themselves out of the ground as the roots of their legs.

Ernst's face changed drastically in an instant, and the green light on Ernst's body instantly burst out and swept across a radius of ten miles, and the treants became more powerful wherever they passed, "Treant domain, open!"

Seeing a green torrent, ignoring the arrow rain in the sky, smashed the gate of the castle, and even climbed up the wall and poured into the castle, Ernst knew that he had been defeated.

The reason why I was able to expel Morris before was more with the power of the six-eyed evil lion. The two demigods joined forces and a group of younger brothers cheered by the side. But now when his pet is restrained, the younger brothers When he can't bring help, he can only retreat.

"Morris, I will come back. It was not just me who came back at that time. You will pay the price for your choice!" Ernst's figure went backwards 100 meters in a flash, and then he didn't even look at the person who was fighting. The six-eyed evil lion and the night elves plunged into the depths of the castle and went straight to the teleportation formation.

Wherever he went, the orders were passed on, surprisingly to guard against death.

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