The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1276: Sinister brother

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Patrick is not a fool. On the contrary, he can become the chief of a legion. His IQ is always online. However, because he is in the game, one of them is led by the nose by Will and Lilith, so he can’t see Tarzan. Deeply blinded.

After being reminded by Patricia, many things suddenly looked different, but his deep-rooted doubts and his previous cognition still made him a little shaken. Patricia has already taken action over there, "The realm of water, open !"

"Xuanshui is frozen!" It is Patrice’s habit to make big moves, and his strength has reached the peak of Tier 4, after he has made no progress in the realm of water, he has begun to turn to the understanding of ice, which is already faint. Yoyo sees a higher level of threshold.

In the sound of "Kakchak~", the shuttle-shaped magic weapon was instantly frozen, but what happened, Patrice didn't give up, and immediately released another killer move: "Mist shadow kill!"

The boundless mist rose from the lake and enveloped twenty miles in an instant, a figure appeared silently not far away, Patrick's face suddenly changed, and silent flames rose on his body.

But Patrice waved his hand, and the faint mist disappeared. "Celia, why are you here, what is your command?"

The figure quickly turned into a virtual reality, and it was a human form made up of a cloud of smoke. Patrick's face improved slightly, and a name blurted out: "Daytime Banshee?!"

The banshee is a very special race. Their formation conditions are very harsh. First, they must be members of the elven clan, and they must be female elves. After experiencing the slaughter of **** demons, their souls stay in the original world.

Second, the souls of these elves cannot be liberated, and are gradually demonized under the influence of negative emotions such as hatred and anger, and over time degenerate into resentful spirits who like to kill.

Finally, such a wraith needs to be transformed by a Necromancer of at least Tier 6 before it can become a banshee.

Banshees are flawed. Rage, hatred, and jealousy are their source of strength, but they fear the light. Only after being promoted and awakened from the boundless hatred, banshees can evolve into day banshees. The strength of the banshee is not much stronger than that of the banshee, but it has many advantages that the ordinary banshee cannot possess.

For example, the day banshee is no longer afraid of running out, and can even take the initiative to increase or restore strength by absorbing the sun, moon and stars. They gradually become smarter, and they are a rather different kind of undead creatures.

The attacking method of the banshees is quite special. Their voices are similar to those of the Harpy and the Siren, or this is the origin of their names. Well, if you call them the undead banshees of the elves It might be more appropriate.

Celia is a demigod-level day banshee, her stealth ability cannot be easily seen even by a master of the same level, Patrice can perceive her existence, except for the strength of the fourth-tier peak strength, it is better than her. In addition to being much stronger, it is more about home court advantage. This lake is the domain of Patrician songs, a domain that has been unfolding silently but not activated.

It was not accidental that he was able to know and react to Patrick's arrival the first time. Everything within twenty miles of the radius could not escape his perception, but this perception would normally not go all out.

Celia took a look at Patrick, then turned her eyes to Patrice and bowed respectfully and said: "There was a severe spatial fluctuation reaction before, and Lord Morros ordered me to come to investigate the specific situation. Now is a more sensitive time, my lord. I don’t want any accidents to happen."

Patrick cast his eyes on Patrick Song, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. The status of his twin brother in this legion seemed to be inferior to him, and someone would stare at him all the time.

Patricia lay there lazily, ate an ice fruit handed by the big devil beauty, and said casually: "The manager of Moros did a good job and provided a lot of services for our Tier 4 powerhouses. Do your best."

"My stupid brother, you have to remember that the manager is just the manager, not the master, but the slave. He is a person who serves us. We respect our strength and bully our strength. No matter how strong or weak you are, you The service is not good, we all have something to say. We can even spank!" Patrick’s face was darkened by the words of Patrick, and he was also the chief of the army.

Celia bowed to Patricia and said, "There is nothing unusual about the general here. Please forgive me and retire. I don't know if this general is passing by or is going to..."

What do you want? Live?

"This is my brother, who is here to rush to me. I will say hello to Lord Commander later, and then Moros will help build his general mansion. You can tell him in advance so that you don't get messed up. "Patricia's tone as if to command a minion did not evoke any adverse reactions from Celia, and retired respectfully.

"Are you all such humble generals here?" Patrick's face was full of incredible expressions.

"How could it be, it's just for me, after all, if you are unbehaved, you will get spanked." With that, Patrie Ge still looked at his brother unkindly, making Patrick stiff.

Seeing his brother’s well-behaved appearance, Patricia stood up, walked to him, grabbed his neck and smiled and said: "My dear brother, you have to be clear about one thing, or a common sense, this It’s a world where the strong are respected. Whether it’s a manager or a slave, the position itself doesn’t count, the strong has the final say."

"Unfortunately, Morose's strength is a little bit worse than mine, so in front of me, he can only be a slave and let me dispatch him. In his opinion, his subordinates are supervisors and intelligence collectors. It seems to be a soldier who delivers orders. The order is issued from me, and he will follow and execute it. That's all." Patrick's words made Patrick a black line, but it seems that his own brother can really get out of it. thing.

"I'll say it again, there is no conclusion between who is born first and who is born later. Don't call my brother!" Patrick pushed aside the brother's brother, and snorted displeasedly: "At least his position makes He can manage more people, and you, ha ha."

Patricia nodded and said: "This position is not useless. With the help of this position, Moros has raised his strength and IQ to the same level."

"Yeah, yes, I said that managers are not doing vain jobs, there is a reward for what they pay, after all..." Patrick did not continue to say, as a manager, manager, and management resource, he draws close to himself People, suppress those who alienate themselves, by the way, ask for more benefits for themselves. It is actually very simple. You can become the top master under the leadership of the Third Route Army, and these resources are indispensable.

Patricia nodded and said: "Our army is much stronger than you. There are nearly 30 strong players in the fourth session, and a small half of them are trained and promoted by me. Moros is at all Tier 4 teams. Among the top three in terms of strength, aptitude and potential are not below me, even the mind can be ranked about fifth. Well, what I'm talking about is before the general manager of this line is elected."

Patrick nodded slightly, his strength was in the top three, his aptitude was tied for first place with Patrician songs, and his mind was also in the forefront. Such people are indeed his rivals.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong, Patricia said that this was before the election of the director, and what about after? It seems that the strength and the mind have been raised to the same level. Is the mind growing? Patrick doesn't think that the position of director is very helpful for mental improvement, so...

A faint arc appeared at the corner of Patrice’s mouth: "Do you want to understand? Yes, Moros still has great potential. Although he is definitely among the top three as before, his strength and mind are almost the same. Five. To be precise, his strength is fifth!"

"This, this..." Patrick was a little unacceptable, and seeing the smug look on his fellow brother's face that could not be concealed anyway, he immediately understood that all this was his handwork.

But why would he do this? Is it just to suppress that competitor Moros who may pose a threat to him?

"If the commander is trapped in wartime and cannot get out, and the commander's prestige is insufficient, who will lead the army?" Patrick starts from his own experience. The Devouring General is not a qualified leader. The person who really commands the battle and gives orders should be himself. Think about it. , If you don’t have enough prestige, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"The general manager is just the person responsible for coordinating resource management and logistics. It has nothing to do with commanding and issuing orders? Naturally, this kind of major event was done by my alternate completely exposed himself in one sentence At the same time, Patrick realized that his brother’s vision is higher than himself, and he sees farther than himself.

"My stupid brother, don't succumb to others and become a slave easily, even if this person is stronger than yourself, otherwise he will become your demon, and you will not even be able to advance smoothly before defeating the demon." Said: "You can be a subordinate, but you can't be a slave. The position of general manager is not as decent as you think. It is the commander's own person who is not wrong. At the same time, he is also a slave to the commander. It is marked by others."

"You'd better expect General Devourer to be broad-minded and able to tolerate you standing at the same height as him. Otherwise, you can only hope to advance to Tier 5 when he advances again or dies completely." Patricia's words made Patrick. After a moment of stunned, there was an incredible dark color on his face: "Is this possible?!"

"Let’s go, follow me to visit the Lava Commander. The anomaly of the Third Route Army may not be simple. It is not a good thing whether your guess comes true or my inference is correct. If necessary, it is better to inform the Commander. More appropriate."

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