The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1285: Not simple, wonderful misunderstanding

Moros has always known that Patricia is very powerful, regardless of strength, means, wisdom, contacts, and wealth are above him.

Against him, he was at an absolute disadvantage. The reason why he succeeded in the battle for the legion chief was largely due to the connivance of the lava leader Butler and the retreat of Patricia himself.

The water overflows when the water is full, and the moon becomes surplus. The influence of Patricia in the Second Army is too great, to the point that the image lava dominates Butler. This is the decisive factor that Moros can become the director. Butler needs. It was not the deputy commander who kept saying everything, but the relatively balanced and stable environment of the legion.

According to what Butler told him privately, there are two legion chiefs, one is the superficial legion chief who is responsible for general chores, and the other is the secret legion chief who is responsible for the deployment of resources between the strong.

On the surface, the chief of the legion was appointed by Butler. He has absolute power to appoint the chief, but the chief in secret is what they need to compete for. The winner is the chief in secret in the competition of strength, wisdom, connections, and wealth. The director's actions were not supported by the public, but he was able to get Butler's acquiescence.

As a latecomer, Moros is not lacking in strength, extraordinary wisdom, wealth is not much, but he is absolutely worthy of his semi-god high-level identity. What he lacks is personal connections, which are connections in all aspects, ordinary soldiers, super strong, even Including commander Butler.

The competition manager is the result of Moros's deliberation. As an outsider, he succeeded in being recognized by the lava leader Butler and became his own person and confidant of the lava leader Butler.

With the help of the legion commander’s status and convenience, Morros obtained the right to allocate resources at the middle and lower levels. Many years have passed. He has successfully wooed a large number of second and third-tier **** demons, and cultivated a group of his own confidants. The soldiers continue to expand.

Lich is a very special profession. When others are not paying attention, Moroth's personal power is also expanding. Among them, the number and strength of banshees, skeleton knights, zombie kings and even bone dragons are increasing.

Moros' own strength improvement other than summoning is very slow, not even comparable to some Tier 4 **** demons who are close to Patrice, but his overall strength is constantly expanding, Tier 4 powerhouses are not so easy to win, so He chooses to train himself.

However, the number of living Tier 4 powerhouses is not so easy to increase. One hundred Tier 3 Peak Wind Three Realms may not be able to have a Tier 4 powerhouse. This reminds Moros a lot. After all, the abyss is not a hell. Their restrictions are indeed a bit big, especially for large-scale upgrades. If they don't make a big contribution, they may not be able to break through it in a thousand and ten thousand years.

The battle of the abyss battlefield is not a simple fight between the two armies. It is more about the struggle between the indigenous world and the hell, invasion and resistance, the increase and decrease of world power, which is very intuitively reflected in the strength of the members of the two sides. On it.

The **** is vast and boundless, the carrying capacity is stronger, the upper limit is higher, and the ascent speed is faster, but this is limited to the **** world itself. The abyss is just a tentacles extending from the hell, a middle zone between the invaded small world.

The world has its own will, and the will of the world affects the growth and growth of its members. The world of **** is a world full of desire for expansion. Expansion, swallowing and plundering other worlds can be rewarded by the world of hell. This is not a secret in hell. It is also the reason why the lords of **** are keen to find invading other worlds.

And this reward is not just for the Lord of Hell. All participants will be rewarded more or less based on their contributions. Some Hell demons who want to break through their own level will also join the alien expedition because of this, Moros Is one of them.

Yes, Moros is not under the spider lord. He is a free lich. He belongs to a miscellaneous army of resources invested in the world strategy. This is a very common situation in hell, but he does not get much loot, to a certain extent. It will be coerced by the regular army of the Lords of Hell.

Morros is not only in the Second Legion, but the entire Hell Demon army is outsiders and strangers. Their cooperation is limited to this expedition. When this world falls and the whole world is swallowed by the Hell World, he will be with them. bid farewell.

As a Tier 4 Lich, if she is willing to invest in the Spider Lord, she will not refuse. The Spider Lord is not a race Lord, and there are not so many powerful people in the Demon Spider Clan who can achieve a Hell Lord alone. The Spider Lord is a complex race. In the realm, there are countless types of **** demons. The spider lord is not interested in the ethnic origin of the cannon fodder toolmen. She is an absolute interestist.

"Void Demon?" Moros' gaze turned slightly, following Victor's movement, so that Victor immediately understood that he was exposed, and this person who could locate himself had no intention of killing, but was just telling himself, He can and has found himself.

This makes Victor very uncomfortable. Is the talent of the Void Demon that he is proud of really so unbearable?

I have been despised by myself and others, and the Tier 4 Lich from outside the area that was used as a guise by Patricia was able to crack his own invisibility technique of the Void Body. A watchdog guarding the teleportation hall not only saw through his own racial talents, He beat himself up as a dog.

Am I really not a genius?

In other words, the hidden geniuses of these two people are not that they are too weak, but that they are too strong.

Sometimes people think a lot, especially when they are hit, their minds are always easy to think, and the whole world feels completely different.

Victor is a member of Patrice, and has nothing to do with the Second Legion. He is too familiar with these members. After all, he cannot communicate directly face to face. He can only be a shadow person. It is not realistic to want to understand them too intuitively. , But as the head of Patrie Song’s personal intelligence, he knows all Tier 4 **** demons.

Lava leader Butler’s sense of Patrie Song is more complicated. On the one hand, he has powerful subordinates, which will often bring glory to Butler’s face. In many cases, he can solve problems and save himself without having to act on his own. plenty of time.

As Butler's number one master, Patrice has almost never lost face for him in this aspect, even in the face of the demon generals of the freshman army.

However, such a subordinate has raised his strength to the pinnacle of Tier 4 and has the potential and tendency to break through Tier 5. This time, Lava Commander Butler is a bit uncomfortable.

Tier 5 is the leading class.

Regardless of whether he and Patricia like it or not, as long as he breaks through, he needs to form an army independently. Two Tier 5 masters cannot stay in the same legion at the same time, unless one of them advances to Tier 6, and the legion is upgraded.

It is not easy for Patrice to advance to Tier 5, so it is even more difficult for Butler to advance to Tier 6 by lava. Unless this indigenous world is swallowed, it is really not enough to attack an ancient god’s cemetery. The rank powerhouse is promoted to rank 6.

Therefore, Lava Commander Butler is still secretly guarding against Patrie’s song. After all, if he really breaks through and advances, he needs to be an independent army. It is inevitable to take some people away. At that time, Butler’s men are definitely the first choice. The strength of will be greatly weakened.

From this point of view, it is necessary to cultivate his own family members, and the demi-god powerhouse and Moros who guard the teleportation hall are all with the thick Butler mark. Victor had to sigh in his heart at this time: the powerhouse The reason why it is strong is not without reason, Patrice is like this, and so is Butler, the big-hearted lava leader.

"Shadowless Demon?" Just as Victor sighed, Moros suddenly spoke. He shook his head and said, "No, it doesn't feel like Shadowless Demon, you are Void Demon?"

There are thousands of **** races, and many races may possess the same ability, but there will be some differences in strengths and weaknesses and details.

"Intermediate demigod under the Patri singer, what are you doing here?" Moros opened his mouth and said his strength level and identity, but Victor, who had been hit once, was no longer panicked or shocked. It's just a low mood: I really wasn't as strong as I thought.

In fact, he underestimated his racial talent. If it weren't for him to be injured by Ville, it would be almost impossible for Moros to find him so easily. A wonderful misunderstanding made a wonderful result, for Ville.

After Victor appeared, he briefly explained the mission of Patricia, and sent a message that everything is normal in front of him.

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