The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1287: Dual realm, battle of demigods

"You have a dual domain, but you are only two people after all. The nested rotation of the two domains is always just two domains, not a unified domain. The dual domain is only a manifestation of skill, not Tao. Embodying.” At the moment of the advanced appraisal of Littleville, Tier 4’s information has no big secrets. He discovered the secrets as soon as the two of them started to use them.

"Mystery Space, open!" Xiaowei shouted in a low voice, and the Space Realm instantly included them all. Even because of the special nature of the space, the Ice and Fire Realm was surrounded and could not be repelled by the Ice and Fire Realm.

"The field of the two of them is a bit interesting. I want to have a good fight with them. You can take a break with a cup of tea next to you. When I have enough time, we will join hands to kill them." After Xiaoweier finished, he pointed at him, no In the distance, a small barrier appeared out of thin air, a simple small pavilion, with a table and chairs in the middle, and there was fruit plate tea on it.

Lilith couldn't help feeling amused. This kind of saying that she was tasting tea and watching a theater had never heard of it before in the continent of the gods and the Wizarding Islands. The opera house is a palace of art, and it is not allowed to show such disrespect for art. Only oneself is allowed. The devil teacher of China would do this kind of thing.

And Xiaoweier's satirical technique is definitely a plagiarism from the teacher's allusion, but any thing that can make the enemy unhappy, he will do it happily.

"Angry!" Patrick was full of flames, and his figure was instantly in front of Ville, his sharp claws grabbed him fiercely, speed, strength, and skill were all lacking. What he lacked was a weak enemy.

"Guardian of the earth!" Little Weier didn't mean to shrink at all. He slapped a fist with his right hand on one side of the question, and the khaki light on his fist flickered and quickly spread all over his body. The flame on Patrick's paw touched Little Weier and exploded instantly. Coming off, drowning him, only encountering the earthy yellow guardian of the earth, he couldn't hurt Little Weil at all.

Patrick's paws slammed on Ville's chest, making the harsh sound of nails scratching steel, and Ville's following followed, and hit his abdomen fiercely when he exhausted his new power. Go up, "Strike a cow across the mountain!"

With a muffled "bang", Patrick flew out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the gorgeous demigod armor on his body was actually unable to defend against Ville's seemingly casual punch.

"Extremely cold!" Patricia appeared from behind Patrick. The two flew back and then moved forward quickly. The staggered stature did not affect the slightest. The coldness was invisible and invisible, but it was real. What is even more strange is that the cold is only aimed at yourself. There are not many images of the surrounding flames.

In an instant, Littleville fell into the test of the two heavens of ice and fire.

"Extremely hot!" Little Ville is not a single-attribute demigod who specializes in the laws of the earth. He directly clamped the fire elemental elves' abilities to himself, and a range of big moves returned to the past.

There was no collision between ice and fire, but the competition between cold and heat. There was a violent collision in an instant, and the sound was muffled. Patriege was stained with a layer of red light, and Ville appeared on him. A faint layer of frost.

"Blast!" Before Ville recovered, Patrick rushed up again. The connection was seamless. The two brothers cooperated very well. The ice and fire around Ville were constantly switching, and their domains were also colliding again and again. A subtle change.

Ville’s attributes are constantly changing. When the defense of the earth attribute is destroyed by the combined force of ice and fire, Ville has to use the fire attribute against the ice attribute, and then use the storm attribute against the flame attribute, and with the two brothers’ Rotation keeps changing the attributes of its own laws.

Probing, sneak attack, attack, defense, the three demi-god high-level and demi-god pinnacle powerhouses fought in one group, and the battle situation was constantly changing and it was impossible to tell the winner.

"Ice and fire together!" Finally, after three days and three nights, Patrick and Patrick adjusted their state to the best and issued the strongest attacking moves of the two brothers. Two giant dragons, one white and one red, entangled each other. Came straight to Little Ville.

Very powerful, vaguely beyond the fourth-order limit, one plus one is far greater than two, and Ville even saw a trace of the law fusion. Unlike the previous two-person law rotation, the two dragons are constantly entangled. There are even signs of unity.

Can't stop it! Little Ville's power was concerned. The layered stone walls were shattered, and the earth attribute forces of the same degree of strength merged with the same degree of power of the law, and there was no resistance to this attack.

"Mysterious space, close to the end of the world!" Xiaowei uttered an angry shout, and his whole person moved out hundreds of feet in an instant. However, the two ice and fire dragons did not give up because of this. With their tails swinging, they turned their heads and rushed towards him again, with the slightest speed. Did not mean to slow down.

"Interesting!" A ball of flames in Littleville's hand was thrown out and went straight to the ice dragon, but he wandered quickly, his speed increased again, and the two dragons of energy could not catch up, and the body of the ice and fire dragon was wobbly. The flames were tumbling and swallowed by the fire dragon, and instead of receiving the shock, the body was strengthened a little bit.

From left to right, front and back, Little Will looks like a nimble little monkey, chased and killed by two huge ferocious dragons, fleeing in embarrassment, but he is very persistent in launching fireballs, even if he does not see the effect, he still has no effect. Discouraged and resolutely did not give up, and gradually, the color of the fire dragon became more gorgeous.

As the ignition dragon became stronger, the magic power of the ice dragon also increased a little bit, but the increased magic power was not provided by Ville, but Patrice was consciously trying to balance the two dragons. Increase your own power perfusion input.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the sound of the sound, the two giant dragons seemed to be alive. Fireballs and ice thorns chased and bombarded Vail. The earth roared, icy debris flew, and flames were everywhere, but Ville was against the layer The cascading earth guards are stubbornly supported.

"Divine art blessing, speed!" Seeing that the two dragons are getting stronger and more flexible, he actually couldn't beat them a little, so he could only expose one of his hole cards, divine art!

In a fierce chase and battle, the earth trembled and cracked, and the ice and fire left deep imprints. Ville tried to use the flame attribute to strengthen the fire dragon to break the balance, and tried to split the two dragons with the earth attribute. It was cleverly resolved by two dragons time and time again.

The dual realms of Patrick and Patrick Song show an extraordinary fit at this moment. While Ville continues to strengthen himself, the two brothers Patrick and Patrick Song are also becoming more tacit and powerful. .

Suddenly, the two of them seemed to be connected, and shouted in unison: "Ball of ice and fire!"

The ice dragon and the fire dragon spit out a huge energy ball at the same time. When the two energy **** were in their mouths, the two heads were close to each other, and the two energy **** quickly touched and merged into a red and white one, each taking half. Weird energy ball.

As Patrick and Patrick Song made a push with both hands at the same time, the weird energy ball suddenly flew out, much faster than all previous attacks, and went straight to Little Ville with the sound of the wind.

A long sword suddenly appeared in Xiao Weier's hand, and a sharp sword aura rushed towards him: "The earth is broken!"

The sword qi was forcibly shattered by the water and fire dragon ball, only blocking the water and fire dragon ball's breath time, it was declared shattered, Xiaowei's whole body moved out in an instant, but the weird water and fire dragon ball energy ball was amazingly fast, as if it could tear the space in a blink of an eye. Caught up.

"Flame Slash!" Xiaowei's sword emits nine sword auras, and each sword aura has a different flame characteristic, but the water and fire dragon ball is not a good thing. The energy ball that combines the power of ice and flame can actually rotate all All of his attacks bounced off, as if a slippery loach quickly slew towards Little Ville.

Xiaowei stopped suddenly, facing the ice and fire dragon ball, a bright smile appeared on his face: "Earth escape!"

As his voice fell, the whole person instantly sank into the ground and disappeared. The ice and fire dragon ball abruptly stopped at his previous position, spinning and rolling in place, and the weird ice and fire power continued to be emitted.

" You are fooled!" Patricia showed excitement on his face, and the Ice and Fire Dragon Ball instantly expanded and transformed into an ice and fire space with a diameter of hundreds of meters, "Ice and Fire domain, success!"

After the first day passed, Patricia knew that it was extremely difficult to defeat and kill Little Ville. His demigod pinnacle powerhouse and his own brother could not beat this young demigod. His The field is too strong.

The battle of the demigods is a battle of laws and domains. In these two, he is not as good as him when he fights alone. What's more terrifying is that he has reached the apex of his fourth-order, but the opponent still has a lot of room for growth and potential .

You can’t stay here!

This is also why the two brothers spent three days and three nights to forcibly fuse the Ice and Fire Dragon Ball that they had not dared to try before, and thus form a real Ice and Fire domain.

Without him, forced!

If you don't want to die, then improve your breakthrough!

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