The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1292: Feld arrives

"Dare you!" There was a majestic shout from the Great Demon Projection, and Patrice's soul sacrifice was interrupted by him, but this was already his limit. After all, he did not come in person, or even a clone. Coming, what appeared here was just a trace of soul fragments lurking in Patrick's body.

"Brightness, purification!" Lilith, who was pressing on the side, shot, the big demon projected a painful roar and disappeared without a trace, but Patrice wailed painfully with his hair in his hands, but his heart was pierced by a scepter. You can't move through it, otherwise you would have rolled all over the floor.

"Divine art, calm!" Lilith fell on Patrice with a divine art, and the latter's screams became more sorrowful, but in the sorrow, there was a little less madness, a little more pain and reason.

"I'm fine, don't use magic skills anymore, this stuff is not for me!" Patrice stretched out a hand and interrupted the magic arts sent by Lilith, looking at Little Vail with a bit of weakness.

"Boy, are you a parasitic demon? Parasitic demigod-level parasitic demon that also parasitizes Lost Whale, Great Demon, and Indigenous World Races." Patrice's tone is very positive, "I have to say that I can live with Lost Whale extremely. , Your luck is really good, and your future is limitless, provided that you can escape Feld’s pursuit."

"My time is running out. Some things must be explained clearly, otherwise I will not be reconciled to death."

"Patrick and I are twins. Our father can be said to be Feld or not Feld."

"Feld is the former patriarch of our family, the sixth-order big demon powerhouse, and the first powerhouse of the Ye family. His prestige and strength are still higher than that of the patriarch. No one in the family dares to resist. "

"Feld's strength has not been improved for a long time. His potential has been developed to the apex. Conventional means can no longer bring him improvement, so he began to study some secret techniques, among which the split combination swallowing secret technique appeared in front of him."

"He splits a trace of his soul and throws it into the carefully selected unborn twins. He refines a trace of his own blood through special methods and turns it into a special bloodline of ice and fire attributes, and puts them into the bodies of the two children. The process is very dangerous, after all, the unborn child is very vulnerable."

"He practiced for thousands of years, tried countless times, and only three times successfully gave birth to twins. Most of the other experimental products collapsed before they were born. Among the three pairs of twins, only one had successfully awakened the talents of fire and ice. Yes, that's me and Patrick."

"Patrick and I can be said to be Feld’s creations, or the children of our parents. The blood that Feld implanted in our body initially suppressed our blood talent, but this suppression began as we grew up a little bit. There have been backlashes and conflicts."

"I was originally a water-attribute demon, but I was implanted with a fire-attribute bloodline, and Patrick was originally a or attribute-attributed demon, but was implanted with a water-attributed bloodline. When Feld discovered this, We have already experienced a trace of rejection, and we have incorporated both attributes into the body at the same time, and that single attribute is deeply rooted and cannot be removed."

"Feld once again took out the bloodline implanted by him the day after tomorrow, and completed the exchange. Patrick didn't know this process, but I knew it. Because I was working on a secret method to erase this memory from us in Field. Before the change, it was secretly transferred and kept, and I didn’t find it again until I was an adult."

"The soul and blood of Feld in our body are all part of him. This is the bridge and foundation for him to devour me and Patrick in the future, and it is also the foundation for him to solve rejection. After all, we are originally one, aren't we?"

"Hahahaha, but, I don't admit it! I am me, Patrie Ge, not Feld's clone puppet, nor his ration! Even if he died, I won't let him succeed."

Patrick's eyes fixed on Little Ville and said, "Boy, everything I have is for you. Inside this bead is the soul of my stupid brother Patrick, which I intercepted at the last moment. After all, Feld valued the ice and fire domain and the origin of blood. At the last moment, he abandoned Patrick's soul and chose to integrate into the origin of blood. That's why I was able to save him."

"Send him into the underworld, this is my last request!" Patricia's words made Vail and Lilith stare at each other.

It turns out that **** demons really have feelings.

"Then what about yourself?" Little Weier felt the swelling power in his body, the influx of bloodline power was passed in by him to the tree of life, and then the essence was returned to himself. The endless insights in the domain made him focus on most of his energy. Once there, my mind was a little bit unhappy.

A sneer appeared on Patrice’s face: "Do you think Feld will let his thousands of years of hard work go to nothing? He will hunt you down, no matter where you escape, this time the so-called Raiders of the Ancient God’s Cemetery It's just a conspiracy, and the purpose is not really to attack the ancient gods' cemetery, break the shackles, open up the passage to your world, and devour your world."

"His purpose is always only one, to train me and Patrick, and let us be his delicious food this morning. I have already felt that if I integrate the flame origin, the possibility of more than 90% can break through and advancement. After all, it contains Feld’s sentiment and a trace of soul power. But at that time, I was either me or two."

"Even if I die, Feld still has more than half the possibility of getting the origins of me and Patrick to synthesize a Tier 5 origin. Although it is not comparable to the natural breakthrough of Tier 5 origin, it is also an inseparable one for him. Tonic."

"As far as I know Feld, he will definitely promote the reconciliation between Patrick and me in this operation. After all, the three legions are under his control, and the destinations of the three legions are really three different. Where?" Patrice’s skeptical spirit once again took the upper hand, and a sneer arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I'm afraid it may not be."

"But he didn't expect that I would launch the offensive ahead of time, and use the secret method to temporarily block the contact with him until..." It wasn't until Patrick had a problem on his side that alerted Feld, and then I had the previous one. The eccentric development and the frustrated and almost collapsed Patrie Song made the final choice.

"There is no free lunch in the world, what do you want me to do for you?" In any case, he is the one who takes advantage of him. Little Will calmly watched Patricia, feeling his own changes in detail. .

"Answer me a question, and then send Patrick's soul to the underworld." Patricia's answer made Will stunned for a moment.

The conditions were not too harsh, but too superior, to the extent that Little Ville couldn't understand it.

Why is this happening?

Perhaps, in the eyes of Patrice, these things he got are only worth this price.

As if seeing Little Ville’s doubts, Patrice, whose power was declining, said with a smile: “Don’t think that you are really taking advantage. Feld will not give up this power. He, soon Then we will find him. At that time, we will be the target of his pursuit. Not only will you not get this power in the end, but you will also risk death. In the end, only Patrick will be freed. If you say that, you still feel that you have made a profit. ?"

"I feel like I've been fooled." Little Ville made Patricia laugh loudly. "If you do it again, would you refuse?"

Little Ville rolled his eyes: "Even if I come again 10,000 times, my choice will not change. The deal! Actually you have already handed in your chips, and now you can take the other half of your trophy."

"Hey, your kid is particular. The fusion of ice and fire derives the attribute of light. I am curious, what is the attribute of the fusion of light and darkness? Why, after you merge, you will appear so confident?" Pat Lige is really curious and very curious.

"What do you think?" Hearing this question, a faint arc appeared at the corner of Ville's mouth, a happy arc.

"Isn't it true?" A shocked look on Patrice's face, "This is impossible. Even if it is a Tier 6 powerhouse, that attribute is only initially involved, you, you..."

"The fusion of light and darkness, the birth attribute is time!" Little Ville's words made Patricia laugh loudly.

"Sure enough, it is really like this, hahahaha, although it is only the law of time in this small world, it is still the law of time. In the law, time is respected and space is king. You have both the law of time and space~www.wuxiaspot .com~ As long as you digest the gains this time and advance to Tier 5, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. At that time, Feld can't wait for you anymore, hahahaha, it's great!"

"Cough cough~" Patrice spouted blood and said in a hurry: "Go, get out of here!"

"This different space is the unowned and different space chosen by the lava commander, but I suspect that this is actually the dominant and different space controlled by a certain demigod in the First Legion. We have always been under Feld's control. It has always been. Feld is coming over soon, and if he doesn’t leave, it’s really too late."

As the voice of Patrick's song fell, a bead and a piece of wood were stuffed into Little Vale's hands, "This is the key to the space that Patrick and I control the space. It can be sacrificed to confuse Feld at critical moments. Time is approaching... ."

"Crack~" There was a crisp sound, and the entire alien space was trembling violently, a deep crack in the sky quietly appeared, and the powerful aura fell from the sky. The entire ice and fire domain and the mysterious space were trembling.

The sixth-order commander of the great demon Feld, come here!

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