The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1294: Battle Royale and Hone

After getting rid of Feld's threat for the time being, Ville and Lilith joined forces to accelerate, and for a moment, the front suddenly became bright, and a **** color came into view.

"Divine art, purification!" Lilith broke free of Little Ville's hand for the first time, and immediately shot at the blood pool outside. The demigod's high-level light power exploded, and there was a scream outside immediately, the blood pool. The power transmission to the space channel has been weakened by as much as 50% in a short time.

"Space, repair!" Ville quickly stretched out his hand, and cast a space repair technique on the space portal, and the space channel became smaller in a blink of an eye.

There was an angry roar from the passage, and Patrie song weakly slapped Ville’s arm, and said anxiously: “Go, leave here immediately. For the sixth-order powerhouse, even if the space passage is closed for such a short distance, You can also break in with a trace of contact, time is running out."

Little Ville and Lilith were neither arrogant nor foolish. They tried to use Tier 4 power to contend with Tier 6 enemies. The gap between them was too big. The two moved forward quickly, and the **** demon evaded wherever they went.

The entire camp is very sturdy, and there is a powerful guardian enchantment on the periphery. It is not easy for ordinary Tier 5 masters to break it outside. In fact, this place is very secretive, and it has not been discovered until now. Hell demons who go out need a special magic weapon to lead the way if they want to find this place.

Two Tier 4 **** demons came upon hearing the news and saw the Patrie song in Ville’s hands, with a look of shock on their faces, "You, you..."

"Don't do it!" Patrice didn't deplore the two **** demons who had followed him, but was really in a hurry. Patrice braced and yelled at the two **** demons: "Across the space channel happened. The anomaly will soon be destroyed, and the powerful spatial force will be released, which will severely damage the guardian barrier, immediately stop the barrier's operation and let us go out."

The two **** demons looked at each other and expressed doubts about Patricia’s words, but their hands were not slow at all. They found that Ville

Lilith is very powerful, and her two mid-level demigods can't contend at all, and they seem to be in a hurry.

They are very clear about this. It’s impossible to stop defending the barrier, but they are very skilled at making a way for the time being. There are not a hundred or eight **** demons released to fight wild food these days. Ten, a little trick is not worth mentioning.

Watching Vail and Lilith tearing apart the space and leaving, the two Tier 4 **** demons were a little bit uncertain, not sure what happened, why the powerful Patrie song was picked up by a kid who had never seen it before. In his hands, I don't understand why Patricia is acting more urgently than that boy, and wants to leave urgently.

"Why don't we both hide for a while?" A Tier 4 **** demon cast a questioning look.

Another Tier 4 **** demon hesitated for a while, nodded fiercely, and said: "The state of Patricia just now is very weird. This matter is very strange. As a general of the Second Legion, we can’t just sit by and watch our companions have an accident. Let’s go. Let’s follow. Let's see what happened. Well, take the cronies around you with me, you can still..."

What else can I do?

What else can a group of Tier 3 Xiaoluo do besides being cannon fodder?

The two selfish Tier 4 **** demons brought thirty or fifty Tier 3 hells out of the temporary camp. They only needed to follow the Patrie song and talk about it. If you really want to chase it, you may not be able to chase it, let alone. They have no means of tracking Patricia.

The two Tier 4 **** demons had just left less than a hundred miles away, and there was a sudden violent explosion from the base camp, the guardian barrier was torn apart, a mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and the earth roared and the mountains collapsed. Even if they were hundreds of miles away, they could still feel clearly. To.

The two Tier 4 **** demons flew into the air, looking at the destroyed temporary base from a distance, their faces pale.

Their first reaction was that they had escaped the catastrophe, and the second reaction was that there was no way home.

"What should I do now? The ancient gods cemetery is not a good place, we are only afraid of relying on ourselves..."

"Go, look for the little succubus who leads the way. Weak chickens like her can go on here without a path, and we have to worry about our survival."

Sometimes the fate is so unpredictable, the two Tier 4 **** demons who had obviously escaped from birth plunged into the dead.

It’s Patrice who is in charge of guiding the way. The ancient god’s cemetery is also known as the Sacred Ring. Although it is controlled by Little Ville, in fact he and Lilith have never been here. The transmission channel leading here has always been controlled. The high level of the sanctuary, here is a holy place for the fighters of the abyss battlefield, and only those with special contributions will be gifted to find opportunities.

And Little Ville, who had just arrived, was obviously not in this list, so the intelligence of this place, he knew, was not even as good as the real guest, the original enemy, Patricia.

After tearing through the space three times in a row, Patrice guided them to sneak for a hundred miles, turning three turns and finally came to a small valley, where there were 70 or 80 **** demons inhabited, and there were not many **** demons on their bodies.

A big river flows mightily from the valley side, and small branches are introduced into the valley and become the most important source of drinking water for the residents here. Two second-order demon warriors hold swords and guns guarding the entrance of the valley, and a tall Balrog is outside the entrance. Swearing at an elf archer hiding in the woods.

"A **** with long ears, secretly throwing Lengjian is a hero. He has the ability to stand up and fight against Laozi for three hundred rounds." Fearing that the weight is not light, he was waved by the tigers.

The response to the Balrog was an emerald green arrow, which turned into three when approached. The Balrog easily knocked down all of them. He curled his lips in disdain and cursed himself for a long time, but the opponent kept hiding here and refused to come out. , "Huh, the coward who has a son without an asshole, who only dares to hide in the dark and throw cold arrows to betray the weak."

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence was spoken, a wave of arrows rained over the sky, but was completely blocked by the impermeable wind waved by his mace. It was used under the feet of the Balrog, and a small pit appeared in the explosion of a "boom". At the same place, the Flame Demon rushed over in an instant and went straight to the place where the arrow rain hit.

The arrow rain stopped abruptly, and the flame demon's figure "boomed" into the forest, and almost fell into the trap with one foot in the air. The whole person rose from the ground and flew up into the sky, and a big net came down. If it weren't for him, he would react quickly. , I'm afraid I will be injured by the sharp spikes on the big net.

Spikes are not a big problem, the toxins above are the biggest problem.

"Asshole with long ears, I will never let you run away again this time!" The flame demon looked at a figure passing by in the forest. He let out a roar and the sound spread far away. The birds scattered and the beasts raced away, suddenly. A powerful force fell from the sky and knocked him to the ground.

The huge body of the Flame Demon "Boom!" hit the ground, and an unfamiliar voice sounded: "Little Fire Demon, ask the way, how can I get to the Hidden Demon Valley?"

Far away, two Tier 4 **** demons fell to the ground, and around thirty or fifty Tier 3 Hell demons sprinkled blood on the spot. Feld coldly watched the Tier 4 Hell demons stepped under his feet and asked coldly. "You didn't choose this direction by accident, did you? Say, where did Patrice go? What is he going to do when he comes here?"

"Don't tell me you don't know anything, otherwise..."

The two Tier 4 **** demons want to cry without tears: We really don't know.

"There is no special place in this direction. If there is anything that attracts us, it is the Hidden Demon Valley, a place where members of the Hell Demon Clan live and guide the direction and coordinates of the Demon Clan members."

"Looking for the descendants of the demons to lead the way? Patrie Song, this is not a good choice. You should know that it is impossible to avoid my pursuit. What are you doing?" Feld kicked. The two Tier 4 demons kicked and flew, and the Tier 4 demon closest to him flew up in the air and suddenly burst into a rain of blood.

"An ant-like waste." As soon as Feld's voice fell, the whole person disappeared in an instant, leaving only a faint spatial fluctuation that has not completely calmed down.

The surviving Tier 4 **** demon fell to the ground fiercely, and spewed out a mouthful of blood without money. He stammered and said, “Masters of Tier VI and VI, the one who chased Patricia, is actually a big one. Commander! How is this, this possible?!"

"Nothing is impossible, it's like, we waited here early in the morning, ready to harvest your heads." A beautiful figure walked out The moonlight hut in the hand shone, and the Knights of the Wall Temple, Ooze monster Zach, little transparent Caroline, and Vivian appeared quietly.

"Who are you guys anyway?"

"Lilith Kendall, deputy captain of the Guardian Expedition of the Light Sanctuary, please advise!" Lilith showed a bright smile on her face.

On the other side, the seriously injured Balrog looked at the red-haired pseudo-loli wielding a sledgehammer in front of him, her face was distorted, and his own dignified Tier 3 Balrog turned into the grindstone of this Tier 2 little guy, only to defeat her. In order to survive, the person who had captured and wounded himself severely had already left, but there was a woman of the blood race next to her, a woman of the blood race who could throw herself into the air with a wave of his hand, stared at herself.

"You can attack, defend, and hurt her, but if you accidentally beat her to death, then prepare to be buried." Madame Night's voice was heard clearly, causing the face of the Balrog to be distorted.

The descendants of us **** demons have really become the upgrade experience packs for you **** aboriginals, all of them come to experience upgrades.

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