The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1313: Seal of the Exile

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Ten Tier 3 warcrafts, one Tier 4 warcraft ingredients, and a hundred barrels of wine, in exchange for a copy of "Earth Warfare-Secrets of the Giants". Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Madame Night looked through the contents. No more, no less, but it's really nothing for a Tier 4 powerhouse.

A full hour passed, Ville and Lilith looked at each other and understood why the method Hiram said would gradually decline and no longer be the mainstream.

If the ancient way of wizards declined because of the high requirements on talents, then the so-called orthodox practice method of the giants was lost because the requirements were too demanding. Except for the dragons, almost no race dared to do this, even if it was. Orcs, elves.

What is the field?

The giant said: Those in the field, with multiple laws of the same attribute, are a mixed reaction, derived from a kind of phase reaction, invalid to the upper, boring to the lower, and the small skill of the same level to dominate people with quantity.

Then, Ville and Lilith discovered that the truth may be true, but this kind of phase reaction is not completely meaningless. Through this kind of reaction, it is actually possible to exercise different laws of the same attribute, and lay a solid foundation for the fusion of laws in the future. Yes, well, this is also the point mentioned in the giant's secret biography.

Suddenly, Ville and Lilith looked at Wei Liluo at the same time. The chain of laws condensed by this little guy is only ten, but it has the combat power of the peak of the demi-god mid-level, and can even challenge the high-level demigod undefeated, and passed In the Snowwood World, they could clearly feel that the chain of laws on Guai Liluo's body was much stronger than their own.

A research method used by the giants to study the interaction between different laws and to explore the techniques of law fusion has become one of the cards of the current fourth-order strong fight. It must be said that this is a retrogression and a kind of sorrow. , Most of the methods in the Giant's Secret Biography are more powerful than this.

Moreover, this giant secret biography focuses on cultivation, and the combat skills have been taken in a single stroke, but it still benefits Ville and Lilith a lot. Mrs. Night said thoughtfully: "The blood law I inherited from the blood **** Mary is only twelve. I originally thought that I was not strong enough to open more inheritance. Now it seems that the natal law of blood inheritance may only be twelve ways. Learning from the **** Mary to become a **** may be this path."

"Blood God?" Hairam was taken aback when he heard the name, with a look of nostalgia on his face, and then looked at Mrs. Night with a smile, "I smell a familiar smell on you. You are from this generation." Heir to the blood god? If the blood **** you are talking about is the same thing as the blood **** in my mouth, then the existence of the blood **** is not that simple."

"The reason why the blood gods in the outside world only have Tier 5, and they are not prominent among Tier 5, is not because their own laws of life are not strong, but they are not perfect. Therefore, they were divided into two, and only half of them were left to the blood races, which was not complete. Cutting the blood **** personality caused great damage to the blood gods and caused some sequelae, although they were rewarded with a blood **** kingdom as compensation , But frequent replacement of the blood **** is inevitable in the city."

Hiram’s words made everyone energetic, especially Mrs. Night. Her eyes are fluttering and she only shoots small stars. However, although she is beautiful, she is a delicate Barbie doll in the eyes of the giants of the earth, completely unattractive. It's not even comparable to a Tier 3 demon ingredient or a barrel of fine wine.

"If you want the blood **** to return to normal, the remaining half of the blood **** is the key, but..." Hairam glanced at them, shook his head and said, "You are still a little worse, you want to get It is almost impossible for the remaining half of the blood **** godhead."

"Is it a high-level prize that I need to pass the Secret Realm assessment?" Little Weier thoughtfully cast his eyes on the huge stone gate.

Hiram noticed Weier's gaze, with a look of loneliness on his face, and gently shook his head and said, "Since you can come in here, you must know what's behind it, right?"

"The place of exile, the last habitat of giants." Little Ville gave the answer naturally.

"Habitat? No, there is a cage for imprisoning giants, but also a restricted area of ​​life." Hairam picked his nose and looked at the little guys in front of him contemptuously. "It's not that I look at you first, but you rashly. Coming to this place can only explain one thing, you underestimate the giants."

"Do you know what is the biggest feature of the cage?" Hiram looked at Little Will and Lilith. He basically saw it. It is these two little guys who really have the final say here. They show all-round talents. It was the two of them who spoke to themselves without being overly despised.

"Be firm." Weier's words let Hiram know that this question seemed to have some problems, but he reluctantly agreed with Weier's answer. There was no prize. Instead, Hailam snatched the genetic barbecue from him.

The reason is not explained.

"Where can the giants be imprisoned, do you dare to set foot?" Hiram was inexplicably angry, and said angrily: "There have been twelve kings in the history of the giants, and there were seven kings coexisting at the peak. There are hundreds of strong men. Even when they were finally exiled, there were three kings who survived. Do you think that the place where you can imprison them and prevent them from escaping, can you guys get involved?"

"If you already know the horror of that place and still go there without hesitation, I can only say that you are really brave." The word brave in Hairam's mouth was extremely heavy, and his tone was full of irony.

"If you didn't know anything and were led into this place, then, I can only say that you may have offended people, and you are still a big man, and want to make you irresistible!" Hailam said solemnly. "A lot of people have come here, but none of the people who walked through that door can come back. Are you really determined to break through?"

Ville and Lilith looked at each other, and there was some shock in their eyes. The place of exile might be very dangerous. This was what they had expected, but they didn't expect the level of danger to be so high.

At the same time, they were also shocked by the power of the giants, seven kings at the peak, hundreds of fifths, what is this concept? It deserves to be the king standing on the pinnacle of the world, and the power of the giants is not only their own power, but also the power of the magical civilization. They have more than one treasure in their hands that can match the power of the main god.

"What did you mean by the restricted zone of life?" Lilith was keenly aware of another word.

Hiram was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and looked at Lilith, pretending to be dumb: "What is the forbidden zone of life? Did you get it wrong?"

Knowing that he didn't want to mention this matter, Ville turned to change the subject and asked, "You just said to go through the barrier?"

Hiram nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it's just going through the barriers. What do you think is behind this mountain? A place of exile? You might underestimate the gods and dragons, and underestimate the giants. If it’s just a barrier, it’s impossible to prevent the giants from returning. Behind the division gate is the seal of the exile, twelve seals."

Hiram slowly introduced the following situation. The giants were banished. This was a victory in the battle and the result of compromise. Although the gods and tribes were victorious, they did not dare to persecute the giants too much for fear of them. Here is a fish dead and net breaking, explaining that this world may have to be finished.

They exiled the giants, but left a glimmer of life, promised that as long as the giants can unlock this seal, they can return, and this seal is called the Golden Zodiac.

This is twelve small and different spaces of sixth-order strength, and they are also seals created by twelve sixth-order strong people. The twelve seals are connected in a string. As long as one of the seals is not unlocked, the giants cannot return.

The way to unlock the seal can be from the inside out, or from the outside in, but it requires twelve fifth-tier powerhouses to manipulate the twelfth house at the same time to succeed, and the exiled giants are not included. After all, this group There are only three rank six strong people who are exiled, and twelve rank five strong men are too easy to get together.

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