The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1318: The truth about the seal of exile

The vengeance of killing the father is not shared. The **** of the river perfectly interpreted this sentence. Although he does not know what role he played in the process of expelling the giants, even after his fall, he still suppressed the twelve in the exile. Gong can see how deep his hatred of the giants is.

Suddenly, an unpleasant thought arose in Ville's heart, he couldn't help but glanced at Lilith, and the latter's face also changed slightly.

The laughter of the **** of the river gradually stopped, and his voice became soft again: "You child is really unbehaved, and it made me so awkward, but it is also my own fault. It has been a long time since no one has spoken to me."

Little Ville couldn't help but a black line, "Under the crown of the **** of the river, you really can't blame others for this. After all, the person who is strictly restricted to enter here is you, not others."

Lilith, Wei Liluo, Lady Night, Caroline, and Segorith can all testify to this point. Strictly restricting people from entering the place of exile is indeed the will of the river **** in the ancient god's graveyard.

The God of the River snorted, and said uncomfortably, "Although I can understand the concerns of the ontology, I still feel very upset that He does not consider my feelings so much. Moreover, after ten thousand years have passed, He has never been there. Taking me back and not finding someone to finish it up in time really annoyed me."

The closing words made Vill and Lilith look at each other, and found out that they seemed to have a lot of things, and they figured it out. The things might not be what Hiram said.

After all, the **** of the river is a slight distraction of the sixth-order main god. He can see the actions of Ville and Lilith clearly, and smiled and said: "Is it very puzzled? It feels that things may be completely different from what you imagined. Or, it’s different from what the idiot Hiram described?"

"Please answer your questions!" Little Will respectfully saluted. It seems that the **** of the river hasn't spoken to people for a long time, or he really wants to be relieved, and there is not much to hide.

"The Zodiac plan was proposed and promoted by me. This plan has three stages. The first stage is the sealing stage. The situation is basically consistent with what Hailam said. It is the place where the gods are sealed and exiled. The giants fight back and unblock it. The stage, this stage, lasts for five hundred years."

The last five words of the **** of the river bit very hard, and Ville, Lilith and others looked at each other. What does it mean for five hundred years? Is there a time limit?

"Hahahaha, your expressions are really funny, I like this expression very much!" The **** of the river smiled and said, "Has this hall Hailam mentioned it?"

Ville, Lilith and others all shook their heads. The God of the River smiled and said, "He didn't intentionally conceal it, nor did he want to say it, but he didn't even know the existence of this hall.

"This hall is the main seal hub created by our twelve Tier 6 powerhouses, but it was very weak at the beginning. In order to prevent it from being discovered by the giants, and directly crossed the twelve houses through this different space to leave the land of exile. , We have hidden it. During this period, it will never appear, but it will silently increase its strength, and continue to draw strength through the twelfth house to strengthen itself. This time is five hundred years."

"The Twelve Houses are made by our twelve Tier 6 powerhouses, built from the remnants of the kingdom of twelve fallen gods. There are twelve Tier 5 treasures inside to suppress them, as well as the methods of our twelve Tier 6 masters. In addition to suppressing different spaces, it also has the effect of continuously extracting the force of the space of exile, and 50% of the extracted power is used to suppress the exile, 30% is used to maintain and strengthen itself, and the remaining 20% It is provided here to promote the gradual growth of the main hub."

"In these five hundred years, the giants have two methods to unblock the exile. One is to train twelve fifth-tier masters to control the twelfth house, and the twelfth house also initiates the unblocking and exile. Land. The second method is to find the main hub and directly liberate the control of the Zodiac one by one from here, which can also unblock the land of exile."

"This is the first stage!" The **** of the river said with a smile: "And at this stage, our twelve Tier 6 powerhouses are guarded strictly and refused to enter by outsiders. Except for one occasion, letting off a little dwarf, who else Never want to enter here."

"When the general hub is stabilized, the connection between the twelve houses has changed from between each other to through the general hub, and the different space of the general hub is under the control of our twelve sixth-order powerhouses. In other words In other words, the giants have completely lost the possibility of understanding the seal at this stage."

"Because, I won't allow them to come and go here!" The voice of the **** of the river is obviously very soft and pleasant, but it gives people a cold feeling.

"The second stage completely controls the seal of the twelve houses to prevent the possibility of unblocking the giants, and then continuously extracts the space power of the exile to expand the twelve houses and the different spaces of the main hub. This time is five thousand years!"

Ville couldn't help but get a black line. You are really good enough. Isn't this plan a bit too scary? Let's not talk about the first five hundred years of the first stage. You can't cultivate twelve level five masters in the five hundred years of betting on the giants, and compete with them to cultivate masters and your space-extracting power to control the speed of the seal.

And the second stage is simply five thousand years. There are too many things that may happen at this time. The power of the exile is extracted, and it will gradually decline. It’s not wrong, but the main world is still facing the invasion of hell. No, your entire army may have been wiped out even before then.

"The power of space is the foundation of the different space. The Zodiac is not a mere seal from the beginning. They have been silently extracting the power of the space from the different space, and this is known to the high-level giants." Rivers The God of God smiled slightly: "Their arrogance has harmed themselves. Hiram is the gatekeeper we deliberately stayed outside. He is one of the giants’ backhands. He controls a powerful weapon. It is possible to open a crack in the seal."

"If the giants don't care at all costs, there is a chance to break out of the seal at the beginning of the second stage. We have never underestimated the power of the giants, even if it is severely consumed by the **** demons, and we are expelled and sealed."

"Therefore, we carried out some disguise and continuously passed some false information to Hailam, cutting off the possibility of internal and external cooperation. After all, Haram is not a giant known for his wisdom, he is just a thug."

Little Ville took a deep look at the God of the River. This time I am afraid he was wrong. Hiram is not a foolish fool. On the contrary, he has his own wisdom, but as a typical member of the giants, his character It is a little gentle, and will not guess other people with too dark thoughts, this will be deceived by calculations.

"For five thousand years, we have continuously extracted the power of space from the Exile Land. The giants have launched hundreds of attacks on the Zodiac, but they all failed in the end, and their impact has become weaker and weaker. With the space With the decay of power, the strength of the giants will only get weaker and weaker until they are completely destroyed! After all, when the power of space decays to a certain level, the place of exile will become a place no longer suitable for living. This time is five thousand years. After five thousand years, the giant will completely lose the power to resist."

"The third stage is the final stage. The gods are dispatched to attack the exile, and collect the resources of the exile and the legacy of the giants, including the remaining giants members. This time is not fixed, ten or a hundred years are possible, but ..."

The voice of the **** of the river was slightly dim, and Ville added at this time: "It's just that no one thought that the **** demons would make a comeback, and the twelve sixth-rank masters of the year have fallen one after another, and you have also lost the right to the twelve. With complete control of the palace, the place of Raiders' Exile has become uncontrollable."

"The little guy is really smart, and the truth is true. According to our vision, the first stage is to buy time and trap the masters trained by the giants in the Sealed Lands in the twelfth house."

"The second stage is to extract the power of space and demote the place of exile so that it is no longer suitable for the survival of the extraordinary, and to wipe away the giant masters a little bit."

"In the third stage, directly bypassing the Zodiac and entering the land of exile from the main hub. At that time, there were no masters in the land of exile. Tier 3 and 4 were already the ceiling of strength, but everyone ignored one point, the giants. In addition to breaking out of the siege, there is also the ability to block one's own space."

"They sealed off the place of exile and forcibly reversed the seal of the Zodiac, from a circular seal to a linear seal, so that latecomers who want to enter can only start from the first level and advance step by step."

Ville, Lilith and others finally understand the truth of the secret realm of the exile. You need to walk through the zodiac to explore the but it always feels a little bit wrong. "You seem to have said before. The twelfth house needs to be entered from the main hub. Isn’t that enough to send us directly to the last house?"

"This is the crux of the problem. The giant reversed the seal and forcibly interfered with the laws of the twelfth house. If you don't pass the first house, even we will not be able to send you to the second house. As for going to the twelfth house, we need The mark of the previous house will do."

"As a result, it's better to take the strategy one by one." Little Weier was a little frustrated. He originally thought that he could cheat with the help of the main hub, but who knew that he would have to fight it honestly in the end. "There are seven Tier 5 giants in the twelfth house. Experts, can they provide us with a copy of their information?"

"Not seven, but nine. In addition, there is a dwarf who forcibly installs in. He is a real Tier 6 master."

"Well, under the crown of the **** of the river, is it too late for us to withdraw now?"

"The first house assessment is officially opened and the transmission begins. Good luck, little guys, I am waiting for you to triumph!"

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