The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1321: I am the master of construction

How long does it take for a distance of 500 meters?

For Tier 4 masters, it should be a blink of an eye, but it took Littleville a whole day, and this is only the front half of the palace. After entering the first gate, there is a large hall two hundred meters in front of it, and a deep hall. A huge figure was vaguely visible under the cloud and mist around the huge chair, and if there was no snoring, it was clearly audible two hundred meters away.

And the distance of two hundred meters, it took Xiao Weier two days to walk, sweating and struggling to walk is a true portrayal of Xiao Wei, when he entered the hall, all the pressure disappeared without a trace, a powerful force. And the soft magic power descended from the sky and penetrated into the body, and all the injuries caused by fatigue and exhaustion were completely restored in an instant.

A thunderous voice sounded, "Boy, your speed is good, and it took only three days to walk here under my pressure, not bad, not bad!"

"Giant? No, you are not a giant!" Ville looked at the tall and generous figure in front of him, with a trace of wine red on his old bearded face, and the faint smell from his body told Ville that this person's identity was suspicious.

"How does your kid know that I am not a giant?" The bearded man looked at Little Weier with a grin, an undisguised happy smile on his face.

"Information plus a little bit of analysis." Ville pointed to his head and said: "The twelve strong men who set the seal will not let the giant masters break through their territory, so there should be special rules here. It can restrict the giants from breaking through from Tier 5 to Tier 6."

"Therefore, there will be no Tier 6 giants in the 12th house. As a Tier 6 powerhouse, you cannot be a giant. You are the dwarf who broke through their obstacles and forcibly rushed into the 12th house. Sixth-order master!" Xiaoweier's words are categorical, very confident.

A burst of unbridled laughter rang out, and the giant's figure shrank quickly and turned into a sturdy dwarf with a height of 1.2 meters. "The kid is very good, and he deserves to have practiced the "Creation Code". Invasion of **** demons, Tier 3 guides the demigod, and Tier 4 genius of calculating the demon legion. Although I only used a third of my strength, it is not something ordinary people can bear. You, very good!"

"I, Frette Flame, the six-star apostle of the dwarf race, it's nice to meet you, the four-star apostle Will Declan." A word from the dwarf almost dropped Vil's chin.

"You..." Little Ville had never thought that the dwarf strongman who was trapped here was an apostle, and a six-star apostle in Harbin.

Frette smiled and said, "Is it very doubtful, why is a six-star apostle of mine trapped here? With the power of the apostle space, it should be easy for me to leave here, right?"

Little Will nodded and said after a courtesy to him: "It is true. I tried it just now. The Taurus can't trap us apostles. With the power of my four-star apostle, I can leave at any time. I only need to pay a little bit. It’s a trivial price. As a six-star apostle, Senpai will be trapped here without reason."

Frey nodded and said: "This is the condition for me to agree to the first apostle before becoming an apostle. I cannot leave the Taurus Palace until the place of exile is resolved. Only by agreeing to this condition can he allow me to become an apostle and have a certain degree of freedom. You can get in touch with the outside world."

"It turns out to be the number one brother, no wonder." Little Ville suddenly realized that if anyone can communicate here freely, he must be the first apostle. He is one of the founders of the Zodiac, plus the mystery and wisdom of the apostle space. With the power of the gods, it shouldn't be difficult to do this.

"Little guy, you are not an ordinary four-star apostle, I know your deeds clearly, and now you are half a five-star, as long as you can pass the twelfth house, you can become a five-star apostle. If you It is not impossible for the Six-Star Apostle to be able to completely resolve the Exiled Land." Frette's words made Ville instantly alert.

"The greater the harvest, the more difficult the process, and the greater the danger." Little Ville carefully looked at the Tier 6 dwarf in front of him, making the latter stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing: "Even if I don't say it, you Don't do it?"

Little Ville thought for a while, and found that this is true. Even if Frette didn’t say it, he would break into the twelfth house and enter the land of exile. According to the ancient river god, the current exile is The earth has become a **** for the strong, only allowing ordinary people or people with very low strength to exist, and it is already very unfriendly to the strong.

It’s just that the **** of the river said that as long as he can pass the test of the twelve house, and according to the approval of twelve Tier 6 powerhouses and the imprint of the giant clan, at that time, his limit in the place of exile will be minimal. Overcome the land of exile with a crushing force and reap the rich legacy of the giants.

Frette waved his hand, and a table of banquets appeared quietly. After greeted Little Ville casually, Frette himself began to eat and drink: "This small and different space is too small and boring, and I usually can't go out. , Can only communicate with the outside through the first apostle, and that **** has regular contact with each other, which is really boring."

"I'm bored alone. Wouldn't you let those outsiders accompany you to relieve the boredom? Although they say that they are a little weaker, but..." Weier stopped abruptly, knocked on the table and asked: "I'm very curious. , How did these people get it? Don’t tell me it was sent by Brother First Apostle?"

Hearing what Weil said, Frette couldn't help but patted the table and laughed, then pointed to Weil and said, "You were fooled, you really didn't see it? Hey, little guy, you still rely too much on determined eyes, just I shielded or blinded your steadfast eyes, there are many things you can’t discover. Hehehehe~"

Little Ville was taken aback for a moment, "Shield or blind the Eye of Firmness?"

Yes, there are levels for the firm eye, and the low-level appraisal eye has no effect on the high-level existence. I knew it before, but this should only be for myself. Isn’t it...

"Those outside are your clones?" Ville asked tentatively.

Frette smiled and said, "Do you have anything to say when you see the city I built by myself when I'm bored?"

"Magic technology originated from giants and prospered in goblins. Your magical technology is very powerful, and it is not inferior to the previous goblin civilization." Little Ville's words are a bit contrary to his intentions, but it is certain that this sixth-order dwarf His magical technology is stronger than his own. At least he can't build such a magical city by himself. He uses the help of the apostle elf more.

"Yes, this city includes everything in the entire different space, basically I personally built it bit by bit, including those who work and the monsters." Frette's words were uttered, but the content was so small. Some of Weier can't accept to build people and warcraft? Is this something a Tier 6 powerhouse can do?

The magician? Build people and Warcraft?

There was a flash of light in Littleville's mind, and a name blurted out: "Construct a puppet?!"

"Hahahaha, your kid finally reacted, yes, it's a construction puppet. There is only me in this alien space from beginning to end. The other human races, dwarves, elves, orcs, monsters, and dragons are all constructed. How about puppet? My constructed world is great, right?"

"Construction puppet, Tier 6 powerhouse, you don't want to tell me that you are the legendary master of the construction, right?" An uncontrollable thought came to mind and finally turned into this question.

"You kid actually guessed it, yes, I am the master of the construct! A master of the construct wizard who has never seen other construct wizards, who is responsible for any specific affairs, and is imprisoned in this different space." Special words seemed like a bolt from the blue sky that shook Little Will unnecessarily.

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