The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1324: Blackmail and Anti-Blackmail

"Welcome back, children, congratulations on passing the first test. Your speed is much slower than I thought." There was a burst of light ahead, and the soft voice of the **** of the river sounded in my ears.

A light blue jewel in Ville's hand suddenly flew up and fell on the **** of the river, with a faint light diffused. Ville, Lilith and others were bathed in the pale blue light and were extremely comfortable.

With a soft "ding~", the light gradually disappeared, and there was a faint trace in the mark of Xiaowei's injury, and there seemed to be a trace of spirituality on the second statue.

"Children, as a reward for passing the first level, you can make the following choices."

"One, the blessing of the **** of the river, the necklace, the fifth-order artifact, increase the strength, magic, and the recovery speed of fighting energy in the battle, which can stimulate a group of healing power, cooling time, three hours.

"Second, the incomplete Godhead of the Alien Space in Aries, after refining, you can gain control of part of the Alien Space in Aries."

"Three, the divine power of the river god, a trace of the divine power of the sixth-tier main god, the magical power is endless, please feel free to explore the specific purpose."

The voice of the **** of the river rang in her ears, Lilith was taken aback for a moment, and asked casually: "Isn't the first level Taurus Palace? Before..."

Speaking of this, Lilith herself was a little dazed, she couldn't help but slap her forehead. She has been practicing in that place for nearly fifty years, but she has always forgotten that it is only the first level. Isn’t the first house of the twelfth house the Aries? ? But the name of the palace clearly reads the Golden Bull Palace, and the fifth-order construction puppet in front of the palace is also a golden bull.

Little Ville pulled the corner of La Lilith's clothes, shook her head and smiled bitterly, "I know this question. In fact, that space is the different space of Aries, but it was forcibly changed by Frette. The so-called Taurus is just After the name was changed, the Aries Palace, according to his words, this cute little thing like Aries can only be used for barbecue. The palace where I live in Frette should be stronger and mightier, so he changed it to To the Taurus Palace."

"In order to make the image of the Taurus more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he even spent a huge amount to build a Tier 5 Taurus puppet."

Little Ville’s words made Lilith a black line, and the **** of the river was also stunned. After the second stage, he could not monitor what happened in the twelfth house, but could only roughly perceive the basic situation of the entire space. The intensity of the space is high, and there is no risk of collapse, it is enough for him to know this.

"Well, can I choose more rewards?" Weir cautiously said, "We have practiced in the different space of Aries Palace for fifty years, and our strength is much stronger than before. We are sure to clear all levels and attack the place of exile. It would be the best if we could provide more assistance in this process."

The **** of the river took it for a moment, and said angrily: "The rules are the rules. Even if it is me, one of the creators of the Zodiac cannot change it. What's more, I am not the true **** of the river, just a clone."

"We chose the different space of Aries Palace to have incomplete Godhead." Ville and Lilith looked at each other, and quickly gave a choice. That thing is half the key to the different space. It should be the complete key to the different space. It's just too much time. For a long time, too many changes have taken place in the different space. If this godhead wants to become the core key to the integrity of the different space again, it needs to adapt to the new Aries different space.

"My boy, good luck, I am waiting for you to explore the place of exile. If you can pass through the twelve houses and retrieve the cornerstone pieces of the giants treasured by the giants from the place of exile, you will be able to gain control of the different space of the main hub. , So as to liberate our twelve cell heads." The voice of the **** of the river was getting lower and lower, and finally the light of the **** radiated and fell silent.

Ville, Lilith and others respectfully saluted the **** of the river and turned to the second idol. It was a huge demon wolf, arrogant, and his eyes filled with crazy light.

The faint light became stronger and stronger, and a loud voice followed, "Oh, little guys, you guys made me wait for the old wolf."

"I have seen the wolf **** crown!" Ville, Lilith and others respectfully salute, but call the wolf **** with a cold snort, "Don't come to this set, I won't eat this old wolf, little guy, the second level is not good Chuang, there is a storm giant guarding there, are you ready to die in battle?"

Little Ville's body was slightly erect, and his face was serious and said: "Since we have chosen to take this path, no matter what kind of enemy is in front of us, we will go all the way, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead."

"Huh, the little guy is very good at talking, but what I want to say is, what are you going to contribute to the old wolf in exchange for the qualifications to enter the second house?" The question of the wolf **** is more direct.

In the face of the wolf god’s so open demand for bribes, Ville and Lilith couldn’t react a little bit. You are a magnificent sixth-tier master god. Even though you have fallen, you can’t ask the juniors so shamelessly for benefits, right?

"Um, sorry, we haven't done anything like bribery before. I don't know what to do. This really embarrassed us." After thinking about it for a while, Ville shook his head, and then said dejectedly: "If this is yours too. It is really difficult for me to pass the test."

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to bribe under the crown of the wolf god, but I lost, we voluntarily withdrew from the zodiac assessment." As he said, Ville was about to pull Lilith, Wei Li Luo, Lady Night, Caroline, Segorith and others left.

The unhappy voice of the wolf **** came over: "Hey, you brave kid, did I let you go?"

Little Ville raised his hand and showed the imprint on the back of his hand to the wolf god: "Although it is not very polite, but all of us are beloved, as long as we pay a little divine power as a price, it is not particularly difficult to leave here. , I’m afraid it’s not easy to stop us under the crown of the wolf god, right?"

There was a flash of light on the statue of the wolf god, but there was nothing to do. He could only threaten coldly, "Okay, you kid is hard enough! My old wolf is just a fallen god, really can’t do anything with you, the goddess of the earth, the ocean The goddess and the goddess of the dark night do have a good goddess. You have enough goddess and power, and I have nothing to say, old wolf."

"Although the crown of the wolf **** has fallen, it is not really disappeared. There is still a trace of remnant soul in the cemetery of the ancient gods outside. If a trace of the spirit here under the crown of the wolf **** can be liberated and merged with the remnants of the outside world, it must be ..." Ville said casually, and the wolf **** idol was speechless.

"Boy, get ready to enter the second level, I hope you can really do it, otherwise, hum!"

Little Ville blew on his shoulders, and said with a sigh: "Oh, our group of Tier 4 juniors wants to attack Tier 5 enemies. The difficulty is really not that big in the ordinary sense, the first level Aries and the big bosses there. I have been fighting for fifty years, and now my body and bones are aching. If I can’t get a good treatment, I’m afraid there will be no return to the second level. Before that, we have to take a good rest.”

The wolf **** couldn't help but a black line. This kid heard the conversation with the **** of the river clearly. Now he is threatening himself with this excuse. How can my old wolf be threatened by others? You kid loves to go.

Half a day later, Ville, Lilith, Lady Night, Caroline, and Segores worshiped all the idols, telling them about their hardships, and the wolf **** felt that there was a slight threat from the other idols. , But clenched his teeth and insisted not to relax.

A day later, Ville and Lilith worked together to rectify a bunch of okay. The six Tier 4 masters were sweating profusely. After eating, they took out the moonlight hut and went inside to rest, shutting off the prying eyes of the wolf god.

On the third day, UU Reading Littleville and Lilith walked around the entire hub space and drew a map.

On the fourth day, Ville and Lilith actually began to draw lines, planning to build a house in the hub space...

"Boy, you won, let's talk about it, what do you want to do?" The wolf **** had opened the portal to the second level as early as the next day, but Ville kept turning a blind eye, knowing that it is necessary to open this thing. In terms of energy consumption, the wolf **** is different from the earth goddess, the sea goddess, and the dark goddess. He has fallen. Now he can save or save the power in his body.

He extorted Little Vil before, just because he wanted a little more power. For him, the real thing didn't make much sense. What he wanted was the divine power in Little Vil, no matter which **** it was.

"Treasures, divine powers, and inheritance of laws, you can come here at random, I don't pick it." Xiaoweier's words made the wolf **** a black line, and this **** really dared to blackmail himself.


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