The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1328: Did I show off?

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"Oh, boy, you're slow to come back. I didn't expect it would take ten years to deal with a small storm giant because you will be back soon." The wolf god's voice sounded in my ears.

Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled. Is it difficult to clear the Taurus Palace?

After Ville defeated the storm giant for the first time, they had already obtained the treasure, but after seeing the storm giant's diary, they decided to stay to transform the storm giant and increase their strength by the way.

It seems that Ville triumphed very simply, but the actual situation is not the case. Facing the exhausted storm giant, he attacked and flew his weapons in the first time, and finally it took more than a long time to defeat him, and used the dwarf **** craftsman Fu The chains made by Leiter bound him.

If it is a storm giant in its heyday, what will be the result?

In order to verify this problem, Ville beat up the children of the Storm Giant again and again, and finally came to a conclusion, five to five.

This is also one of the reasons why Ville only returned the armor to the storm giant even in the end, but did not hand over the spear. According to him, the important thing for your kid now is to repair and control your own power. , Weapon combat or something is still early for you.

Maloney Sydham is a good boy, so he chose to be obedient.

"Humph, it seems that something I don't know about happened in the different space of Taurus Palace, nothing more, the old wolf doesn't care about your affairs, please take out what I want." The wolf said with a grunt: "Process It doesn’t matter anymore, reward you for choosing."

There are still three rewards, divine tool, incomplete divine character, and divine power. Vil didn’t even think about choosing the divine character directly. This is the key to controlling the different spaces of the twelve houses. He promised Maloney Sydm and would take it a hundred years later. He will not break his promise when he comes out.

"Fuck off, the old wolf never wants to see you anymore." After the wolf **** said, he fell silent, and the light on the third idol flickered, and a loud voice sounded.

"Boy, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Do you want to inherit the position of God of War? I am optimistic about you." The God of War is not a congenital god, but a **** created afterwards, and the time when he became the main **** When the **** demons invaded, he took the opportunity of leading the tens of thousands to fight the invasion of the **** demons and became the sixth-order master god.

After he became the **** of war, he also fell on the front line of fighting the **** demons.

He was born in war and died in war. He is the **** of war!

However, the God of War is sad now because...

"There are no gatekeepers in Gemini's different space. The stupid giants don’t know what war is. They know battle, but they don’t understand the nature of war. On the battlefield, besides swarming, they just use magical equipment to make a violent bombardment. Rotten bomb, they have great power, but they can't win the war at all."

"They chose to escape the war. There are obviously seven giants, but no one dared to enter the Gemini war fortress that I built. That is a group of cowards. I have left so many in the womb."

Hearing the words of the **** of war, Ville suddenly felt something wrong, "Wait, under the crown of the **** of war, you just said that you have left a lot of back hands in the uterus? That is, although the uterus does not Guard, there is still danger inside?"

The **** of war froze for a moment, and suddenly thought of a problem. The giants did not enter the Gemini to capture the Gemini, so if they want to get the treasures in the core area, they need to go through the barriers to obtain them.

Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?

After thinking for three seconds, the God of War decisively gave the answer: No, because it was not himself who broke through the level, but these little guys.

"Child, I have prepared a very fun game for you. I hope you will enjoy it. If you can take out my war horn, I will give you an extra gift." The voice of the **** of war was a little guilty.

However, his words made Little Will stunned for a moment. "Aren't the treasures in the Zodiac provided by the giants?"

"Huh~, is that so? Hahahaha, I forgot, it's late, you go in early, I can't wait to get your feedback, sa, warriors, welcome to the **** of war Amusement park, there are countless surprises waiting for you here." As soon as the sound of the myth of war fell, the light of chanting enveloped Little Ville, Lilith and others.

Before Ville and Lilith even had time to speak, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed, and a huge square came into view. A stone statue surrounded the square with a diameter of two to three hundred meters. The light on the stone statues flickered, and each of them opened their eyes.

The stone statues have different shapes, and races such as dwarves, giants, goblins, monsters, dragons, trolls, centaurs, etc. can be found, but the front is the holy light feather tribe, a stone statue of the holy light feather tribe with four wings.

With the sound of "Kakchacha~", the wings behind the stone statues of the Shengguangyu clan flapped lightly. The light on the statues flickered, and the color of the stone statues gradually faded, as if it had gradually come to life. Masters.

With that said, this is a male Saint Light Feather with four wings on his back, wearing leather armor, a shield in one hand and a gun in one hand, a helmet on his head, but simple leather armor on his body, and no shoes on his feet.

"What a primitive dress." Little Weier couldn't help but vomit. The Holy Light Feather clan fell from the stone platform, hearing Xiao Weier's voice, the smile on his face instantly froze.

"I am not angry, I am not angry, this is just the opponent's tactics, the psychological tactics before the battle, I am a devout believer of the God of War, this level of attack, I should have been immune to it long ago." The soldier was muttering, but the voice was a little louder, and it was clearly heard by Xiaowei, Lilith and others.

Amid the sound of "Crack", a golden full body armor appeared on Xiaoweier's body. With his beautiful golden hair, the whole person was golden, and this was not enough. Xiaoweier stretched his right hand forward slightly, faintly. In the golden light, a golden long sword quietly appeared.

Beautiful, generous, dazzling, and dazzling, this set of equipment has the elegance and beauty of the elves style, and at the same time the power that the dwarves pursue. This is a set of the fourth-order pinnacle. Little Ville and the dwarf craftsman Frette teamed up The gold armor of the demigod suit.

"This is called the battle armor, this is the equipment." Little Weier glanced at the holy light feather warrior, and raised the golden sword in his hand high, "Understand the golden sword of everything under the fifth rank. ?"

Lilith seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, gently tugged at his hand, and whispered: "Okay, stop messing around. Although people are a little poor, you shouldn't hit him like this. It's not his fault to be poor. , This is born."

It's not my fault. Born, born, the eyes of the Warriors of the Holy Light Yu clan who had gradually recovered to become clear again became confused again, am I born poor?

Little Ville curled his lips and said: "It's not wrong for people to be poor, but they were originally poor, but he stood up and showed that his fault was wrong. Look at a rich man like me, when will he stand up and show off me?"

"I have a semi-artifact gold suit. Have I ever shown it off?"

"I have a semi-artifact silver suit, have I shown it off?"

"I have an artifact-level construction puppet, have I shown it off?"

"I have a fiancee at the pinnacle level of a demigod. Have I ever showed off?"

"I have a demigod pinnacle sister. Have I ever showed off?"

Lilith glanced at him and said with a smile: "You still have a little lover at the pinnacle level of a demigod, and you haven't shown off."

Little Weier immediately stopped talking when he heard this. He couldn't answer this topic. After all, his fiancé, sister and lover were all around, and what he said seemed to be wrong.


Love both and please both?

Hehe, people have only one heart. If they don't say it, they can still maintain this state by default. If you really pick it out, you will be at your own risk!

It’s not that there are no people who open the harem For example, his teacher Black Dragon Sage Professor Witzel, but none of his harem members can follow him home, and after returning home, Witzel The professor will kneel on the washboard with a high probability.

This is what Yamei told herself. After all, her grandmother is the patriarch of the Black Dragon clan, a real Tier 5 Black Dragon, a strong person who can hold Professor Wezel on the ground. Their union is indeed out of love, but what happened after marriage? It's clear.

Little Ville thought he hadn't learned the teacher's cost, so let's just open up the harem or something.

Professor Witzel: Boy, the old man is playing wild food and opening the harem, and when he comes home, he kneels on the washboard, but your boy has a real fiancee to help open the harem. The wife, wife, and lover gather together without fighting, you actually Are you embarrassed to envy the old man?

The old man really has nothing to teach you about the opening of the harem.

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