The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 135: The villain is as handsome as 3 seconds

"What a real soul battlefield! What's the origin of that little guy?" At the top of a big tree, the devil mask teenager gently stroked his broken arm. How many years, how many years have not felt the feeling of the body, no I thought that I would feel it again at this moment, and my memory that was almost completely wiped out was recalled little by little at this moment. This world is only an intermediate world. I was attracted by accident and dropped a "Book of Devil". With the first believers, it has risen and fallen several times into the hands of Hardfield.

Teach a strawbag lord into a bt killer, watching him kill many innocent people for his own ambitions, and finally even take pleasure in torturing kind people and helping himself to collect souls. The devil mask boy is still very accomplished. Sense. It's just that Hardfield is too unskilled. This time I plan to harvest his soul to find a new host. The little boy whom Hardfield looks at has good aptitude, and he feels very good for the devil mask teenager. , Decided to let Hardfield's soul completely degenerate in despair, and this trace of his own soul invaded the young man's soul sea, and then slowly lured him to the abyss of degeneration.

   But what I didn't expect was that he had just entered the soul sea of ​​this young man, and had not used his devil's ability to hide and slowly seduce him, so he was transferred to the soul battlefield here. The devil is a master at playing with the soul. The real world and the battlefield of the soul are still easy to distinguish, but this is too real, as if it is a new world created by a powerful god, and he is just an ordinary one in this new world. member.

   As a devil, I have the body I dream of, but this body is not as powerful and beautiful as I thought, and I have also lost control of the extraordinary power. The leader of this soul battlefield is very powerful! But it shouldn't be that young man, he felt a trace of the breath of gods in his soul sea, and not just one, at least there was one. Are you self-investing in the net?

   "The young man being watched by a few gods is interesting." The devil mask young man was ragged, his arm was broken and there was a deep scar on his back, and a little bit of blood dripped. Is it real? It was too real, but there seemed to be some problems with the time flow here. The scars on his body had actually improved for the most part within half an hour, but the devil mask teenager felt that his soul power seemed to be consumed a lot. He is an alien invader, and there is only one way to survive in this soul battlefield, and that is to completely defeat and devour the master of the soul sea. Oneself is only divided soul, but divided soul is also a part of soul. If the subject is destroyed, it will suffer a powerful backlash. Although it will not die, it will be forced to be demoted. It is finally raised to this point, and it is already very close to the upper devil. Once the Soul Dividing is destroyed, the strength will definitely be greatly weakened, and I am afraid that it will not be able to make up for it within hundreds of thousands of years.

Can    win? The devil mask teenager is not sure, and the feeling of being consumed all the time is really uncomfortable. His own devil and a big family who play with the soul will encounter this dilemma in the sea of ​​souls. If you say it, no one will believe it. The devil is nihility, and his fighting style tends to be weird, and he rarely fights directly against the enemy, but now he has lost the essence of the devil and turned into an ordinary person, forced to use his body to fight, even the knowledge of extraordinary powers that he is proud It doesn't work here anymore.

   Use the original body to fight? The devil mask boy was full of dissatisfaction, but he had no other way, because he didn’t turn his mind at the beginning. When he was besieged by skeletons and zombies, he stupidly used the devil’s method of nothingness to deal with, and he was almost killed. Escape on the basis of giving an arm is already a big deal. Skeletons and zombies cannot climb trees, which is one of the reasons why they can escape.

"Goo~" The sudden sound in his stomach made him feel strange, "Is this the feeling of being hungry? I obviously don't have any appetite, but I feel very uncomfortable in my stomach, and my soul power is clearly sufficient, but my body is gradually gone. Strength can only be recovered by filling the stomach, and low-level creatures like humans are really troublesome."

When an unscrupulous master manipulating the battlefield heard the Devil Mask Boy’s words, he couldn’t help but nodded in satisfaction, “It seems that there is still something missing? If you arrange a girl’s body for him, adjust the body to the few days of each month. , Will it be more interesting?"

For no reason, the devil mask boy shuddered, and he couldn't help muttering, "The body of a lower race is troublesome. It actually has a low-level feeling of cold and heat. If you are hungry, you must eat. What can I eat in this ghost place? Is it? But can the food on the battlefield of the soul really be edible?" I am an outsider, and everything here is the manifestation of the young soul. For me, it is an external object. Can it really be used to replenish energy? ? Or you can consider the soul fire of those skeletons.

With a leap, the devil mask boy fell to the ground, and a stagger fell to the ground, severe pain followed. Suddenly he had a body, but his control ability was not done well. As a result of inadequate balance, the body suffered again. trauma. Sure enough, the villain master is generally handsome in just three seconds!

   Where can I find the skeleton? Skeletons can be seen everywhere. The devil mask teenager doesn’t even have to take the initiative to look for it. There is a skeleton delivered to the gate. Two skeletons swaying in the dark night, the devil mask teenager has experience this time, no longer silly punches and kicks, but Find a stone, hide behind the big tree and use kite-flying tactics to grind the two skeletons to death little by little. Seeing the two broken skulls, the teenager with the devil mask picked it up, put it on his mouth and sucked hard, but there was no response? !

Reached out and grabbed the fire of many souls, but caught a loneliness. This soul battle is forbidden by supernatural power. The devil mask without supernatural power has no way to take the soul fire. He can only watch it. The soul fire dissipated, and the skeleton withered little by little. You can't eat this stuff! What can I do to replenish physical strength? Does it really rely on eating to replenish physical strength like those lower creatures?

   Everything around is so real, but it is not real. The stone can't bite. After the bark and branch entrance, there is a sense of resistance in his heart. After entering the stomach, the feeling of hunger has not disappeared, but it has become more uncomfortable. Is there really anyone in this world who can control the soul battlefield so precisely? Can the devil be completely transformed into a human being, and every move must be carried out in accordance with the physique of the human race?

The devil mask boy was very angry and aggrieved. He wanted to run away but found that he was not capable of running away. He desperately vented his depression, but attracted more monsters and almost became food for zombies and magic rats. He hid in a rotten house with his injuries, and picked two green fruit belly from the fruit tree, which slightly eased the discomfort of the body.

A complete denial of extraordinary powers, denying the extraordinary abilities of the human body, that is to say, the teenager himself has no extraordinary abilities, and stubbornly imprisoned his extraordinary abilities, but he imagined a group of monsters to increase the difficulty~www. The devil mask teenager leaned on the cold wall, and after the sour fruit fell on his stomach, he felt a little more comfortable. What should I do next? If you want to win, you must defeat or even destroy the soul of that young man. He should also be a human young man who also wanders in this ruined city to survive.

   The devil mask boy is considering a question, is this soul battlefield caused by the opponent intentionally, or is it formed unconsciously at the moment of life and death? Does he know what's going on in this place? If the young man is ignorant and ignorant, maybe he still has a chance to approach him as a human race, and then he will win with a single blow, but what if it is intentional?

   No, it is unlikely! He is just an ordinary teenager, with no extraordinary abilities at all. No, this young man does not seem to be that ordinary. Will the young man with aura of gods in the soul sea be an ordinary boy? Damn, how could I be so unlucky that I would actually meet the favored one. Is this a trap? Specially used to deal with their own traps? This young man is just a bait, a person who is responsible for taking action against himself, and the gods are behind the scenes who really planned everything. They discovered Hardfield’s anomaly and learned of their own existence, so they pushed a hand behind, let Hardfield successfully complete the sacrifice and summon themselves, and then according to Hardfield’s Understand and guess his next move, and predict his own move along the way, preparing for this trap in advance.

   I have to say that the truth about this devil mask boy is that it is not the **** who plans everything, but Professor Wezel, the existence of the great sage by the five kingdoms.

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