The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1369: Monster war

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Seeing the panicked newcomers, the head of the group let out a low shout: "Calm down! Now is not the time to consider what will happen, everyone immediately evacuate! Before the destruction beast has formed an encirclement, immediately break out."

"Gula, contact the Mobile City Intelligence Department, Mobile City Silver immediately turned away from this ruined city and advanced."

"Gordon, immediately start the transporter to prepare..."

Gordon interrupted the commander's words directly, and said solemnly: "Commander, now is not the time to evacuate, something must have happened here, this matter is very important, more important than the lives of all of us!"

The faces of all the newcomers changed at the same time. In the combat team and the exploration team, there is always a topic that cannot be circumvented. That is the mission and the life of the companion. Which is more important?

For the newcomer, the life or the life of the companion is very important, but for the elderly, the task is above all else.

No, in the eyes of these veterans, the interests of the entire mobile city represented behind the mission are the most important. Even if this life is my friend or even my own, the same is not as good as the interests of the mobile city.

The head of the regiment sank slightly. He knew that Gordon’s words were not wrong, but there are too many newcomers here, and the awareness of these newcomers may not be as high as theirs. At this time, Gula suddenly said: "divide the troops, me and Gordon The uncle stays, the others leave!"

"Brother~" Gu Li's face changed in an instant. Although she was only performing the task for the first time, she knew exactly what it meant to stay here.

"There is no time to hesitate. There must be something that attracts Destroyer Beasts. The spread of such things attracts many Destroyer Beasts, and this range becomes wider and wider with the passage of time. If you cannot make a decision as soon as possible, wait until Destroyer Beasts. More and more people gather, and it’s really too late to leave.” Gula said calmly: “Moreover, the chances of surviving for a short period of time and escape are about the same, but it’s hard to say afterwards.”

"I will stay with my brother." Gu Li shot an arrow from the longbow in her hand, and the head of a primary destruction beast near the transporter fell to the ground.

Gula shook his head and said: "I am a Nianli teacher. I can remotely contact China Mobile to become the intelligence department, bring the latest information to the mobile city, and pass on what happened here in time. With the protection of Uncle Gordon, I will be safe. , After all, compared to the commander, a high-level soldier protecting you so many, my one-on-one occupation of Uncle Gordon is definitely a big advantage."

"But..." As he said, the Gura is safer than them in a short time. After all, if you want to drive through this unformed and incomplete small animal tide in the dark, you must beware of the possibility of coming out underground. Monsters are indeed more dangerous than hiding here, but what about afterwards?

Who knows how long the animal wave can last? Who can guarantee that there will be more destruction beasts gathering here? There have been several such things before, and every time it will form a dead place, almost no one will be spared.

go away?

The group leader’s judgment is correct. It’s safest to leave, but the reason for the formation of the beast wave is more important to the mobile city. If the reason for the formation of the beast wave can be found, the safety of the mobile city will be impossible to deal with the destruction of beasts in the future. Estimate the benefits.

The head of the regiment hesitated for a while, but this time was precisely the time when he couldn't hesitate the most, because their time was running out.

"Let’s go, too many people will drag Lao Tzu. I only have one pair of hands. I can’t protect so many people. Also, don’t let people come here to rescue them. After the beast tide is formed, the more people become more dangerous. Keep moving cities away from here. This will become a new life restricted zone." Gordon grabbed Gulistan in his hand and threw it down the city wall.

Her hand shook in mid-air, and a chain was wrapped around her waist at some point. It almost stopped before landing, and then the chain suddenly untied, and the whole person fell to the ground with a "plop~".

"Are you going down by yourself, or let me send you down?" Gordon looked around fiercely for a week.

The head of the delegation suddenly thought of a very serious question: "Gordon, without you, none of us can guarantee that we can leave this place safely when driving at night."

Gordon's whole body was slightly stiff, and the three veterans were able to drive the transport truck proficiently, but they could be proficient, and the distance from coming and going freely in the ruined herd was still a thousand miles away. The entire mobile city of Silver is like this. There are definitely no more than five master drivers, and he is one of them, but the captain is not.

"Damn it, how could this happen?!" Gordon let out a low growl, and his whole body was ill for a moment.

Gula's face suddenly changed slightly, "Go, everyone has left, there are a large number of Destroy Beasts appearing, among them there are existences that we can't deal with!"

"Earth-level destruction beast?" The head of the group changed his face slightly, and asked in a low voice.

Gula raised his head to look at the sky, with a dead gray on his face: "A sky-level destruction beast that can fly!"

A loud roar of "Wow~" resounded through the world, a giant beast with two wings on its back and a body of four or five feet long and a faint metallic luster roared out, and the place that passed by was exactly here.

Amid the loud noise of "Boom!", the giant beast fell fiercely in the center of the camp, and the entire camp was torn apart, and flesh and blood flew all over the place. Several newcomers did not even have time to scream and turn into flesh and blood in the sky.

With a wave of the giant beast's wings, it rolled up the columns of violent winds, and uttered a roar at the ruined city. The roar spread far and wide, and the fighting beast inside the city wall suddenly shook and shivered and dared not move.

It is a qualitative leap from high-level destruction beast to earth-level, and from earth-level destruction beast to sky-level destruction beast is also a leap of strength.

"Squeak~" Suddenly, a sharp scream sounded in the center of the ruined city. With the sound of "Boom~", houses collapsed and the streets cracked, and a huge brown mutant mouse with a connection length of about four feet came out. There was no hair on the steely skin, the sharp claws shone with metallic luster, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared straight at the giant beast on the city wall.

"Wow~" The flying behemoth's eyes flashed with disdain, and a ball of black and red light flashed out of its mouth and hit the huge gold-thirsty rat. The latter swung its sharp front paws, and the light ball was hard. Shengsheng was cut through by it, dissipated in the air, making a "pounce~" explosion, but it couldn't bring any harm to it.

"Squeak~" The huge gold rat uttered a mocking sound. The flying beast was furious, kicked his feet fiercely, quickly jumped off the city wall, and quickly flew up into the air with a spread of wings. UU Reading www. then smashed into the giant gold rat with ball of light.

Although the gold rat is huge, its movements are not slow at all. Instead, it jumps back and forth very flexibly, easily evading all the attacks of the light ball, and the ruined city seems to collapse like the sky and the ground, and the house collapses and the dust is flying.

Suddenly, the flying behemoth dived, and two light **** exploded beside the gold-thirsty rat at the same time. The powerful impact made the gold-thirsty rat sluggish for an instant, and then the giant flying beast was very **** its back. Carrying and flying into the air.

"Squeak~" The gold rat quickly recovered, his sharp claws scratched the flying behemoth's legs fiercely, but the back of the body was caught and could not turn over, and the limbs could not fight back at all.

With a soft "pounce~", a sharp spike suddenly appeared behind the gold-thirsty rat that pierced the flying behemoth's paws, and it was dripping with blood for a while, causing it to enter the heart, and the two paws could not help but loose, the gold-thirsty rat A free fall came directly.

"Boom!" fell to the ground with a sound, smashing a big hole.

"Squeak~Squeak~~~" The gold-loving mouse was not lightly injured, and could not help being furious, with a sharp and piercing cry in the mouth, one gold-loving mouse quickly emerged from the ground, and in a blink of an eye there were hundreds of gold-loving rats. An army of rat tribes appeared.

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