The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1371: Inexplicable call

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A head of destruction beast appeared near CITIC Plaza. The roads and roofs were quickly occupied by more and more destruction beasts. Ten, a hundred, and a thousand heads of destruction beasts were not weak. It can even be said that the strength lies in The destruction beasts below the advanced level could not get close to the square for a kilometer and became a victim, and the entire ruined city was plunged into blood.

However, there is nothing in the square within a hundred meters of the ball of light. Except for the hanging ball of worship light and the little girl inside, there is nothing else. All the destruction beasts retreat to three houses, but they are staring at it. Time has passed. After several hours, Gordon estimated that the high-level destruction beasts in a radius of several hundred miles had gathered here.

The earth-level destruction beasts are twenty or thirty, and the sky-level destruction beasts also have five heads. Gordon’s heart sinks into a trough. He hides in a house, wearing the corpse of a middle-level destruction beast, and stares far away with several layers of glass. With the ball of light, he didn't dare to look at the destruction beasts above the earth level.

The destruction beasts outside the city wall have piled up into mountains, but they covered the exploration vehicle very well. They were not found by the destruction beasts. Except for the group leader's release of grudge to clean up the corpses that blocked the vents, they were still very safe on the whole.

Time passed by, but the light of the white ball of light gradually dimmed, and the girl inside gradually became clear. This is a slightly immature little girl with a painful look on her face and hands. Fingers interlocked, the whole body curled up into a ball, and the cute brows were tightly frowned which made people feel pity.

Suddenly a voice came into everyone's hearts, "Help me, help me."

Gordon trembled all over, and he did not dare to move. This voice could be directly transmitted into his mind. It was definitely not something ordinary people could do. Gordon thought of a legend, the legend of the Beastmaster.

Exploring the car, Gula, Guli, and the leader looked at each other, "This voice..."

Gula closed his eyes tightly and frowned slightly: "There is a strong mental fluctuation that interferes with our spirit. The source: the central square of the ruined city. It is the girl who is crying for help!"

Gula’s voice is categorically confirmed, but there is nothing he can do. There are five sky-level destruction beasts and 20 or 30 earth-level destruction beasts. Even if all of them in the Silver Mobile City add up, they are not the opponents of these destruction beasts. His mission is only to find the way and lead the way for Silver to move the city.

It can be said that after they discovered the anomaly, they sent the news back as soon as possible, and caused Silver to move the city to change its direction. This is a major event that determines the life and death of the entire city. If you really don’t check it for a while, you will bump into it. Here, the entire mobile city may be destroyed.

And their purpose of staying is not to change anything or kill how many Destroyed Beasts, but just want to see what caused the beast tide, and collect as much information as possible to deal with Destroyed Beasts in the future. Prepared, but what they encountered seemed a little unexpected.

Because all of them couldn't recognize what the ball of light and the little girl were.

"Help me, help me." The little girl's voice didn't have much emotion, but everyone including Gordon couldn't bear to ignore it.

In the main control room of the Silver Mobile City, the mayor Samol looked solemn, and the young, beautiful and tall secretary reported on the work outside. "The college has stopped moving to the ruined city. The forced suspension of city movement has forced us to stay temporarily. In place."

"There have been sporadic destruction beasts outside the city. They are not many and their strength is relatively weak. The guards have gone out of the city to clean up."

"The city's defense is fully opened, and all the soldiers on vacation have been recalled to prepare for war. The remaining exploration teams have ruled out exploration in all directions and are preparing to effectively attack the destruction beasts that may appear."

"In response to possible problems, the Strategic Analysis Department issued an evacuation notice for the whole people. Since we are not the center of the animal tide, or even the target of the animal tide, the destruction beasts that passed by along the way even chose to bypass us after realizing that we are not easy to deal with. Continue to advance towards the ruined city."

"In addition, the city inspection center has found traces of earth-level and sky-level destruction beasts, and their targets are all ruined cities without exception."

Messages came, and Samol's face remained silent, but the pressure all over his body was terribly low.

Finally, after all the information was reported, the beauty secretary stood calmly and waited for Samer's reply. The latter was silent for a moment and slowly raised his head: "Order the city to turn on the camouflage ability, and the inspection center records the destruction passing through the city. All records of beasts, types and strengths, intermediate level and above, are organized into a book and distributed to the guards. The battle team is ordered to attack immediately to destroy the destruction beasts that pass through the city. With the middle and high level of destruction beasts as the target, the destruction beasts above the earth can Ignore it for now."

"The exploratory team detects the terrain between the moving city and the ruined city, and sends back specific parameters. The construction department will sort out the plan and mobilize the manpower as soon as possible to prepare for the construction of fortifications there. The real test for us has not yet begun!" The sound fell to the ground, and his eyes were cast on the map in front of him, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

The beauty secretary seemed to want to ask something, and finally nodded and retired.

"Spirit?" Somer had a slight headache. The spirit of the city suddenly got out of control and seemed to want to get close to the ruined city, and then inexplicably retreated. This back and forth change of direction and wandering behavior has a great impact on the energy consumption of the mobile city. Big, before getting a clear answer from the city spirit, Samor didn't make a very accurate judgment, just a vague guess, and then decisively turned off the driving device to temporarily quiet the moving city.

However, this quietness is only relative, it only limits the mobility ability of moving into reality, other functions are the same, and the mobile city is still controlled in the hands of the city.

The Silver Mobile City has a diameter of 15 kilometers and has 300,000 residents. Ninety-nine percent of them are human races. It is a mobile city dominated by human races and a small number of foreign races. It is also a mobile city with a very low overall strength. .

They do not have the sophisticated equipment of the dwarves, the energy and the powerful magical equipment of the goblins, the powerful combat power of the blood race and the army of blood slaves, and the mysterious abilities of the goblins. They have a few things, but they are not proficient in anything. , The only thing you can rely on is your own mind and tenacity.

"Ding~" A button at the bottom of the desk was pressed by him, and an order was sent: "Notify the Research Department that all blood soul fighters will gather to prepare for the impact of the Destroyer Beasts. They will act as the main force in this possible battle. "

The voice of "Shasha" came, and a hoarse voice sounded with a hint of excitement: "Is it finally time for me to show my skills? Hey, I've been waiting for too long this day, Samor, the blood of the human race Too low-level, fusing other high-level bloodlines to strengthen yourself is the real right way, you are too pedantic!"

"Kiel, we are humans, not beasts, and those who died tragically in the laboratory are our fellows and not **** destruction beasts." Samol's voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.

There was a burst of unbridled laughter from the other side: "Samoer, you are still so naive. This is a world where the strong are respected. The weak have no right to speak, just like me back then. Summer, in order to survive, for For the continuation of the race, a little sacrifice is necessary, not to mention that I did not touch the civilians. These are all **** criminals, a group of lawless scum maggots. Turn a group of garbage in the city into a usable resource, even if there is some loss. , Should also be a good thing."

"Kiel, remember, you are also a not a beast, let alone a beast of destruction. If you were able to walk out of that place and save me in the wild when you were in danger, it means you With a kind side, you still long to live. Silver Mobile City is my home, and it is also your home." Samel finished the call and ended the call.

In the opposite laboratory, a variety of weird "people" lie in the culture tanks, covered by black robes, with light scale marks on Kiel's face, which is slightly hideous, "Am I alone? Sa? Moore, you are really naive. When I was able to kill the entire experimental base and escape, I have abandoned my identity as a human race. The reason why I saved you is just to use you as a spare food. I will follow you. Going to this mobile city is nothing more than avoiding the chase of those **** blood races."

"What I want to train these blood soul warriors is not to guard the mobile city. I just need a batch of experimental materials to perfect my experiments and finally solve my problems. Samor, when are you going to be naive? Human identity or something. In this world that is on the brink of destruction, it is not important at all, strength is the most important!"

"Blood, I will make you pay for what happened back then!"

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