The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1391: The tragedy of the Thunder Giant

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"We were deceived by Lamod." The blood-red giant began the tragedy of the Thunder Giant clan.

The Thunder Giant didn’t want to leave the exile through the kingdom of death, Lamod. This passage would only make them subject to Lamod. The harsh contract stated clearly and plainly, the Thunder Giant needs to pay. A huge price can be used to borrow the Tao, and there are two kinds of borrowing, one is to run by oneself, and the other is to throw into the command of the **** of death Lamod, and he can directly bring people out.

The Thunder Giants are free and arrogant. What they need is only a passable passage. The difficulties and obstacles in it are nothing. It is impossible for the self-righteous giants to be strong, and it is impossible for them to bow their heads to Lamod and admit defeat.

Although the **** of death Ramud’s kingdom is very powerful, it is not boundless and omnipotent, and it is impossible to directly link to the place of exile, but Ramud has established a small transit station in the underworld, this transit station. Establish direct contact with the Kingdom of Death God.

What the Thunder Giant has in his hands is not the key to the kingdom of death, but the way to the transit point to the underworld. The kingdom of death is indeed effective, but the underworld is extremely powerful. The thunder giant has also thought about the dangers of the underworld, but it is difficult. Compared to death here, as long as there is a silver lining, they are willing to try.

It’s just that the Thunder Giant King still underestimated the danger of the underworld. The gate to the underworld was opened. It will be fine for a while, but problems will surely occur after a long time. The underworld is a super world that can be compared with the **** world. Naturally There is something extraordinary, just one point makes it different.

That is the stability of space. This stability refers to not being divided and occupied. Many necromancers, death gods and others can borrow the space of the underworld, and even occupy a place to build their own domain, but they are only borrowed and cannot be truly divided. Normally Under the protection of the underworld, there will be no accidents, but once the owner falls, these places will become unowned, and all the wealth inside will become the accumulation of the underworld.

And the underworld also has a major feature, that is, the rejection of ordinary creatures. If it is a necromancer or undead creature, it is good that ordinary creatures entering the underworld will be greatly suppressed and make things difficult.

The Thunder Giant got the key provided by the **** of death Lamod to enter the underworld, but this passage became extremely rugged and dangerous because of the underworld itself, and the place where the giant world connected to the underworld was still thousands of miles away from the transfer station.

If it’s an ordinary place, thousands of miles are just a matter of time for the giants. How can the strength of the sixth-order giant king be idle, but the underworld is different, here is a lot of danger, powerful undead creatures may appear anytime and anywhere, Thunder Giant The army's first trial ended in failure.

They were very unlucky enough to encounter a zombie dragon. The seventh-order zombie dragon almost wiped them out. After the Thunder Giant King personally broke it, he fled in embarrassment, and closed the passage to the underworld in time to be spared.

They found that with the key provided by the **** of death Lamod as the left, the position of opening is different each time, it is far and near, tens of thousands of miles away, and even hundreds of thousands of miles away. There are hundreds of miles away, but it is impossible to get closer.

It’s not easy to open the underworld passage. It takes a lot of effort each time. Try and explore again and again. Gradually, the Thunder Giant will fumble for thousands of miles around the transfer station. When the passage is opened again, By coincidence, they were only a hundred miles away from the transfer station. This was the closest they were to the transfer station.

The Thunder Giant King and the high level of the Thunder Giant made a decisive decision, directly using the Thunder Giant secret realm as the support, fixed this passage, and then established a castle fortress. They planned to use this as a starting point to do a long standing station until the situation of the transfer station was fully understood and controlled. In hand, he then invaded the Kingdom of Death, and rushed out of the encirclement of the Lord.

Although it is only a short hundred miles, it is still not a smooth route. The Thunder Giant King led all the Tier 5 Thunder Giants to launch a thunder strike, quickly opened up this passage and entered the transfer station, but this so-called transfer station was slightly different. same.

Thousands of miles in diameter, forbidden air, and three spatial passages leading to different places, a Stygian winding twists and turns to surround most of the transfer station, and the undead creatures come and go freely, and they are not completely controlled by Lamod. Of the three passages, only the most central one leads to the Kingdom of Death God, the other two have been broken, and the aura inside is also very violent, and the other one leads to hell.

The key in his hand was automatically activated when he approached the transfer station. The Thunder Giant King got in touch with the death **** Lamod, knowing the specific request of this so-called transfer station, and he also said that he needed the three holy artifacts of the death **** to leave smoothly. the meaning of.

Ramud has great ambitions. He is not only satisfied with Tier Six, but he wants to break through Tier Six. There is very little possibility in the original world, so he aimed at other large worlds, and the Underworld is the best transit point.

He occupies a place in the underworld, but he gave up being branded personally and formed completely all domains. He just arranged layers of obstacles in the center. He only controlled the passage to the kingdom of death, and at the same time appeared here from time to time to try and Connect with other worlds.

This is a very difficult thing. Although the underworld is connected to all worlds, to a large extent, other worlds actively connect with the underworld. It is difficult for the underworld creatures to initiate the connection without knowing the coordinates of other worlds. Only Lamod has a way to stand alone. For thousands of years, I only waited for a rabbit. In the end, the channel was broken by the counterattack of the opposing light forces because of the rush, and the necromancer who took the initiative to contact the underworld was also purified.

The other channel is the channel to hell. It is the channel opened by the plane coordinates collected by Lamod through the gate of hell, but the opposite is likely to be near the lord of hell, or there are other strong people, so it has been They dare not enter actively, and the level of the channel opened is very low, allowing only the third and fourth-order **** demons to pass.

Lamod disguised his breath here, luring **** demons into it, and caught a lot of experiments. It is not easy to enter the kingdom of the blood god. The passage has great flexibility. Unless it is hosted by Lamod himself, first It takes a great price to get through the strong.

In order to show that he did not lie, Ramud personally took the Thunder Giant King on a trip. The Mirror of Bloody Mary opened the door, the Styx ferry crossed the River Styx, the Boots of Death passed through the land of death, and finally he held the Mirror of Bloody Mary. Enter the blood **** kingdom through the space channel.

Ramud even took the Thunder Giant King to stroll around, let him see the new blood god, knowing that the human race has become the new world overlord, before that, the humble goblin race relied on the status of the giant slaves for convenience. Stealing a large number of giants' magical skills, it used to be extremely prosperous, and caused a lot of harm to the world, making the Thunder Giant King even more disdainful of the twelve powerhouses.

Knowing that the twelve powerhouses were falling one after another, the intensity of the invasion of **** was reduced and they were repelled time and time again. The Thunder Giant King's ambition to return to reigning the world was also expanding. After returning to the giant world, he summoned all The master of the Thunder Giant Race wants to find a way to open up the passage.

It is undoubtedly the worst choice to turn to the **** of death, Lamod, because in this way they will be controlled by Lamod and become his thugs, and Wang Tu’s hegemony is impossible to talk about, but they really can’t compare with the law of death alone. Lamaud.

The Thunder Giant King did a stupid thing before. In order to prevent the **** of death Ramud from making ghosts, he quietly planted the tree of death between the **** of death and the underworld, and set up a channel to prevent Lamod from repenting and closing the kingdom of God. It's possible, but after losing the tree of death, they couldn't even cross the Styx.

The tree of death was originally the spoils taken by the giants from the Temple of Creation. The flame giants took away the fragments of the spirit of the world, the frost giants and the giants of the earth took away the foundations of the world, and the lightning giants took away the tree of death. The tree fell into the void at the last moment and its whereabouts are unknown.

According to Lamod, the **** of death, the tree of life fell on the ground and became a new sixth-order god, the fairy goddess!

The tree of death fell in the hands of the thunder giants. It was used by them as a weapon to fight against the **** demons for a while. Numerous branches and leaves were reduced to the outside. In the end, the death **** Lamod took a lot of branches and built it into the Styx Ferry. Deathly Hallows.

The Thunder Giant has the main branches and roots of the Death Tree in his hands. The Thunder Giant King has not paid much attention to the details of the Death Tree. Finally, when he planted the Death Tree, he found that he had no useable Death Tree materials.

He can only try to break through the level again and again with his own powerful strength. Without the Mirror of Bloody Mary, he can forcibly open the door. Without the Styx Ferry, he will use the power of thunder to protect himself and rush directly from the Styx. Without the Death Boots, he will be hard. Take the force of death and hit the land of death.

He shocked again and again, but failed again and again. This short thousand-mile death place became an insurmountable moat. Since one person can't do it, many people will break through the barrier, but the number of masters of the Thunder Giant is limited, and it can't withstand this consumption.

The Thunder Giant King began to focus on cultivating offspring. He increased his investment in the Thunder Pond, and even forcibly passed the decision to strengthen the Thunder Pond with the corpses of his tribe.

With the attempts of, the tribes found a strange thing. Their heads and masters in the tribe began to lose their memory, and their personalities became a little weird. The water of Styx is powerful. The side effects began to take effect, which made the other members of the Thunder Giant panic.

The situation of their private communication was discovered by the higher-ups. They thought they were going to rebel and seize power. They were directly swept away by the high-level Thunder Giant. Together they beheaded and thrown into the thunder pond.

"I was the clear high-level person who opposed the Thunder King at the beginning. As the Thunder King entered the Styx more and more times, his memory became more chaotic, and the whole person became mad, and finally he forced all the members of his tribe. Killed."

"He lives alone in the secret realm. Every time when special lightning appears, he will go to the underworld. After failure, he will come back to guard the thunder pond. He not only lost his memory and his people, but also Gradually losing his life, his time is running out."

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