The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1395: An illusory way of life, the master of the kingdom of death

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As a Tier 6 powerhouse, the Thunder Giant King has a deep understanding of his own situation. He clearly knows where his limits are, and knows when and where he needs to return if he wants to survive, and use the Styx water to wash his body of death. force.

But this time he no longer cares about personal gains and losses, only calculating the possibility of burning everything to get the tree of death, he advances step by step, every step is very difficult, the power of death has spread all over his body, and his riddled body prevents it. The erosion of these high powers can't be avoided.

Even if he is the Thunder Giant King, what he cultivates is the power of Thunder, he has a strong restraint on the power of death, even if he is a dignified Tier 6 master who has very strong control over power and laws, he still can't stop all of this from happening.

The injury continued to occur, and gradually changed from recoverable to irreversible. The Thunder Giant King stepped on heavy steps, adjusted his breathing, and moved forward step by step without any strength, and with his advancing footsteps, his body The strength of is slowly increasing.

Ville, Lilith and others followed without a word. As the Thunder Giant King's strength declined, and he kept calculating to find the most suitable rhythm and speed, Ville gradually pulled in and separated from him. It's already less than ten miles.

Seeing that the Thunder Giant King hadn't looked back, or even found himself, he knew that his attention was highly concentrated at the moment, and he couldn't even notice the things around him. He only paid attention to his own situation, the road under his feet, and the goal in front of him.

Time passed by, and the speed of the Thunder Giant King was slowing down. Although the amplitude was small, it was really slowing down, but his momentum was improving, his fighting spirit became more vigorous, and his goals became more and more. It's near.

Xiao Wei was within a kilometer of the Thunder Giant King. He forcibly controlled his speed and did not continue to approach. He couldn't bear to see the Thunder Giant King now, worrying that he would feel soft.

Finally, the core of the land of death arrived. It was a huge altar. At the center of the altar, a slightly hideous tree stood quietly. The tree was less than ten feet tall, but it stiffly supported a 100-meter-diameter space below. aisle.

The Thunder Giant King walked slowly, his hands lightly dropped on the tree of death, and the death power accumulated in his body was instantly drawn 10%, but these death powers also took away some of the Thunder Giant King's vitality.

The Thunder Giant King cast his gaze on the deep space channel. He seemed to be within reach when he left the place of exile. His breathing was a little bit quick. This channel had a fatal attraction to him. The place of exile was not the giant’s home. Their home was always there. Outside, leaving his home for thousands of years is so sweet to him.

However, he is the Thunder Giant King, not an ordinary Thunder Giant.

With his legs bent slightly, he grabbed the tree of death with both hands, and then his whole body exploded. Amidst his sky-shaking roar, the tree of life rose up to the ground with a whine and was pulled out abruptly by him.

The Thunder Giant King put the huge tree of death on his shoulders and turned around resolutely to leave. The one-hundred-meter channel slowly shrank, and finally turned into a tiny channel less than three meters in diameter.

Little Ville stood there quietly, turning aside to open a passage, the Thunder Giant King turned a blind eye to him, and left straight away carrying the tree of death.

Ville, Lilith, Caroline, and Segores watched the Thunder Giant King walk away, his vitality seemed to be more abundant, and the whole person felt an indescribable feeling, heroic, confident, free and easy, and persevering. And a trace of pain and relief.

Looking at that passage, the expression on Weier's face was slightly subtle, and Lilith was a little unclear. Therefore, with the inquiring gaze, Weier shook his head slightly, thinking that it would be better not to say it.

"Isn't the kingdom of Death God across the passage?" Lilith asked softly, her voice being controlled within ten meters of her radius would never be heard by the Thunder Giant King who was going away.

Ville shook his head firmly and said: "The opposite is the Kingdom of Death God. I can confirm this. God of Death Ramud has signed a soul contract. He dare not play tricks in this regard. You can enter the God of Death through this passage. Kingdom of God."

"Then you..." Lilith was slightly puzzled.

Little Ville asked softly, "Do you know who the current owner of the Kingdom of Death is?"

"The **** of death hasn't really fallen, the master of the kingdom of God is naturally the **** of death." Lilith gave him an idiotic expression on his head.

Little Ville shook his head lightly and said firmly: "You are wrong, dear Lilith, the **** of death Lamod has been calculating the giants from the beginning. In any case, he will not let the giants get out of trouble. He even He has already made plans to give up the position of God, and he did indeed do so."

"The current master of the Kingdom of God of Death, it's me." Ville's words surprised Lilith, Caroline, and Segores slightly, "This is impossible!"

Little Ville shrugged and said, "I didn't notice it before, until I saw this spatial passage!"

While talking, Ville's figure suddenly shrank, and soon returned to his normal body shape, taking Lilith, Caroline, and Segores into the passage, with Ville's Tier 5 strength, protecting them without much feeling. In a huge square.

The ground of the square was pure white, but it was not stone or magic stone, but was spliced ​​and polished by dense white bones. Ville could feel that in addition to the **** demons, some of them were actually giant bones that could appear here. , All bones above Tier 4.

There is a huge bone palace in front. On both sides of the palace, there are two tall stone puppets. One is squatting there with fangs and trident, while the other is a ferocious zombie dragon. The two stone puppets carry a powerful aura. Lilith, Caroline, and Segorith were all trembling.

"Fifth order!" Lilith spit out two words gently.

Little Ville nodded slightly and said, "Because of the three sacred artifacts in our hands, they did not treat us as enemies, and have not awakened for the time being, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

While talking, Ville walked directly into the temple, followed by Lilith, Caroline, and Segores. In this unfamiliar place, they were not willing to stand alone. Any skeleton here was at least Tier 4 , If they really encounter a monster to wake up, they are not sure that they can escape.

Little Ville seems to be very familiar with this place. He bypassed the main hall, turned a few turns and walked to a side hall. Then, in the surprised eyes of the three women, he opened an underground secret room. This is an underground space with nothing inside. Things are as intricate as a maze.

Relying on the very long memory, Ville moved forward step by step, and quickly drove to the stone gate. Looking at the familiar stone gate, Ville’s face was slightly strange, and Segores exclaimed, "How is this? may?!"

Little Ville looked back at her, forced a smile and said, "Remember?"

"It's impossible! If the kingdom of God is really so powerful, then we..."

Little Ville shook his head lightly and said, "This is the real Kingdom of Death God. Back then, that alien space was just a disguise, or a different space created by the city of Death believers who linked the Kingdom of Death God. But that alien space is The only way for the kingdom of death to the outside. And here..."

The door was kicked open by Little Ville, and a familiar bone altar came into view. The top was empty, but the breath of the Three Holy Artifacts still existed.

Little Ville walked slowly, Segores followed closely, looking at everything here with complex expressions. Now they are no longer what they used to be. They moved forward with difficulty, and even finally climbed up to get the memory of the Styx ferry. Slowly turned out from the depths of my mind.

The Bone Case in the center of the altar was empty. Ville placed the mirror of the Bloody Mary and the Death Boots on it. Segorith then set up the Styx ferry. The three sacred artifacts were gathered, and the Bone Case was shining. Flashing, a fist-sized crystal appeared out of thin air.

"God?!" Several people exclaimed at the same time.

Little Weir nodded slightly and said, "Yes, this is the godhead of the **** of death, and at the same time the key to the kingdom of **** of death."

The godhead of the **** of death was put into the bag, the three holy artifacts fell, and they were put away by Vil and Segorith. Everyone had a strange expression, but Vil cast his gaze on another stone door behind the altar.

Lilith finally understood what was going on, and asked tentatively: "Could it be a different space under the seven-story holy tower?"

"You finally reacted, yes, behind is the small space under the seven-story holy tower, but it has always been hidden by the **** of death Lamod, in fact, we can already open this hidden space when we are on the fourth floor. can..."

Ville’s words made Lilith suddenly awakened. Back then, she was involved in the clean-up and reconstruction of the alien space. The underground space was full of **** demons and undead, and was finally suppressed by them. There was no further development at all. If this fan Shimen leads to there...

Lilith's face suddenly changed, and she pointed out tremblingly: "Thousands of years ago, the **** of death Ramud lost his position and was suppressed. Thousands of years ago, when the thunder giant came and attacked the underworld transit station, could it be..."

Little Ville nodded slightly and said, "The reason why Lamod lost his position was not because of the goddess of dawn, nor was it beheaded and killed by the gods, but voluntarily. It was not Ramod that suppressed the seven-story tower, but This passage. Even if the Thunder Giant entered the Kingdom of Death God after untold hardships, they will be greeted by the suppression of the Seven-Story Holy Tower. Seven Tier 6 powerhouses, ask you if the Thunder Giant is afraid?"

Lilith, Caroline, and Segorith began to sympathize with the Thunder Giants a little bit, and La Moder was so cruel, he would rather abandon the position of God to cut off the last life and hope of the Thunder Giants.

A few people left silently. In front of the space channel, Segores suddenly sent the Styx Ferry to The Styx Ferry gave it to you. The soul inside is useful to me, and I have taken it out. , I hope to be able to stay in the Kingdom of Death to practice. "

Little Ville took a deep look at her, nodded slightly and said, "I respect your choice, and at the same time, welcome to join our big family!"

The godhead of the **** of death is a sixth-order godhead, and it is impossible for Ville to give it to her. The godhead represents the ownership of the kingdom of god. Segorith's choice of the **** of death godhead is to declare that he will be under his command.

Lilith: "You deceived another big beauty."

Little Will: ...

Segorith: "Wright's strength is still a bit low. It would be nice to take a moment to make an appointment with him."

Ville, Lilith: We treat you as a friend, but you want to be our mother?

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