The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1400: The Secret Realm of Storm Giants without Martial Law


The storm giants are a strange race among the giants. They yearn for the sky. They are lonely and violent, but they don’t have many other desires. If they have to say it, they want to seize the Thunder Giant’s thunder ability and become the real sky. Lord.

The space of the storm giant's secret realm is as high as their character. The Thunder Giant King Baldrick can find their lair without looking at them, and feel free to find their lair. In the whole world, the place with the second largest number of Thunder and Lightning is where the storm giant’s lair is.

Approaching the Secret Space of the Storm Giant, Ville directly incarnates as the Storm Giant, and accurately found the gateway to the Secret Space of the Storm Giant. The way to open this thing, Ville has already been obtained from Maloney Sydm. He took back the flying battleship and brought it back. The three-meter-high Thunder Giant King Baldrick, Lilith, and Caroline rushed into an open space crack.

A black light followed and tried to enter, and was slapped to pieces by Xiao Weier. When he looked back, it was a three-foot-long black crow. Although only Tier 3 strength, he carried a thick black flame on his body. Wil's palm warmed slightly.

Barely something, Xiao Weier threw it into the world of snowwood, the space behind closed the cracks, and he also smoothly entered a vast alien space, only to see the floating islands dotted with stars, the figure floating magical equipment on the ground flickering light, the ground On the contrary, there are not many people, only dense things and many monsters.

Near the space channel, on a suspended platform with a diameter of hundreds of meters, a sleeping storm giant suddenly sat up, holding a scepter and facing a stick in front of Little Will, and uttered a loud shout: "Who is trespassing into the storm." kingdom!"

Little Ville shook his body, avoided the scepter, and quickly approached the Storm Giant, kicked him out with a kick, rolled away from the range of the suspended platform, and fell to the ground with a whistling whistle.

The storm giant swept through the wind, and the whole person quickly woke up, rose to the sky and returned to the suspended platform. At the same time, a dazzling light shot straight into the sky, turning into a dazzling firework accompanied by a loud "bang" sound that rang through the sky and the earth.

This storm giant is thirteen and forty feet tall, has a fifth-tier strength, but is only new to the fifth-tier, wearing a silver armor and holding a cyan scepter, middle-aged, ordinary appearance, double-sided round stare at Xiaoweier, but his face flashed There was a look of doubt, "Whose child are you? Tier 4 strength is not bad, why did you come in from outside? Don’t you know that the patriarch has already issued a ban and no one is allowed to come or go?"

"Wait, no, I remember that no one has been out in the last hundred years. Did you go out before I was on duty a hundred years ago?" The Storm Giant scratched his head, looked up and down at Little Weir, and finally shook his head: "I don't know. I’ve never seen it. What’s your kid’s name and who’s the elders in the family? He must be a child of a big family at a young age. Tell me if I have friendship."

"How about having friendship? What about not having friendship?" Little Ville looked at the storm giant with a smile, and at the same time heard some implication from his words. The storm giant used to not prohibit going out before, and had a lot of contact with the outside world. Only in the last hundred years has it changed to a completely closed state, and a Tier 5 storm giant is sent to guard the gate.

It seems that they should know more about the information of the outside world, and they can be sure that something must have happened outside, otherwise they would not do it.

The storm giant naturally said: "If you have friendship, you will be sent home, so that your parents can teach you a lesson. If you don't have friendship, you will be directly handed over to the patriarch and dealt with according to the family rules."

Little Will shook his head as he listened. Is it really good for you to cheat for personal gains so arrogantly?

"I called the door outside, but you didn't respond inside, so I just rushed in. I can only blame you, not me." Little Ville really planned to pay attention first, according to Maloney Sydm. The method sent a signal inside, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response at all, only then opened the channel with a higher-level authority method to come in by himself.

"Oh, is that true? I just fell asleep and didn't see, what signal did you use?" The Storm Giant asked casually, and Ville answered truthfully, but in exchange for the other's contemptuous look.

"You are the old antique method how many years ago. I don't know how many times it has been changed. If it weren't for me, few people in the new generation of storm giants knew this method." The storm giant snorted and said: " You must have not listened carefully to what your family said. You stole the records from a long time ago and sneaked out. Otherwise, it is impossible not to know the current request signal. Let me tell you..."

The Storm Giant suddenly stopped, shook his head and said, "No, you child knows that he is not an honest person at first glance. When he doesn't know the door opening signal, he dares to sneak out. If he knows the door opening signal, wouldn't it be running out twice in three days. By the way, you haven't said whose child you are. Hurry up. I accidentally issued an early warning signal just now. The security team will come over soon. If you are caught by them, there will be no good fruit for you. "

"At that time, I thought it would be impossible for me to be selfish." This sentence is the key, and depending on your appearance, I must be trying to blackmail my "clan elders."


"Have you heard of Maloney Sidham's name?" Little Ville asked casually, and the Storm Giant picked his ears, with a thoughtful look on his face: "It's a bit familiar, it's true for a while, right? On the number, there should be records in the clan, and the surname of Sidham belongs to the main line, and the patriarch can only be used. I didn't see that the kid is actually the main line. Okay, come with me, I'll take you there See the patriarch."

The storm giant cast his gaze on the three-meter-high Thunder Giant King behind Xiao Weier, and frowned slightly, "Well, you caught it outside? Huh, the breath of his body, the breath of thunder? Hey, kid, not bad, actually caught it. The patriarch must be very satisfied with such a top quality. Well, well, you deserve to be the kid of the Sidham family."

The storm giant threw out a flying skateboard at will, but this skateboard reminder is a little huge, like a canoe, a canoe belonging to the giant, pulling Little Weir up and picking it up. He still wants to catch Baldrick up, but he is caught up there. Weir stopped and invited him to come up personally, only then faced an unnecessary conflict.

Baldrick snorted uncomfortably. He is the dignified Thunder Giant King. The entire giant clan is a top-notch existence. You, a little storm giant, dare to give me paws, don't you want to live?

Feitian skateboard quickly lifted into the air, flew out with a series of violent winds, and went straight to a huge suspended island in the center. While flying, he pointed to the figures flying here and said: "I see it, this group is the guard The team’s enforcers, the weakest, are Tier 4, and Tier 5 also has two. They are almost limited in strength than me. If they are caught by them, there will be no good fruit for you. When I meet with the patriarch, you have to say something to me. Good thing, let the patriarch spare me the punishment of guarding the door."

Little Ville rolled his eyes, but he said in his heart, you, a foolish gatekeeper, brought the outsiders directly to his old family. Presumably he also dare not let you do this important job anymore, but there will be heavier punishments. wait for you.

The storm giant speeded up, avoiding a few figures that might meet, and soon reached the central floating island. The flying skateboard landed with a "bang", and Ville staggered forward for more than ten feet, jumping several times before standing still. , Let the storm giant laugh unscrupulously, "You kid is really bad, it must be that you don’t usually play air surfing too little, uncle, I’ll take you a few more times in the future. Let’s go, I’ll take you to see you. Patriarch, don't forget to say more for me."

The storm giant, who thought he had caught the patriarch’s pigtail, smiled and opened the way for Little Will. The other storm giants along the way had to respectfully let go of the Tier 5 masters, and this **** seemed to be a half-acquaintance, and no one came up to stop him. He entered the depths of the Hanging Island smoothly.

This suspended island is more than fifty miles in diameter. The two war fortresses on the left and the right are actually in a half-activated state. Tall buildings can be seen everywhere on the suspended island, and various powerful weapons are even exposed. Ke feels a little strange.

What have they experienced? Why is this state of preparation?

The storm giants who came and went hurriedly saw the Tier 5 storm giants who led the way and even stopped to salute. They didn’t even ask Weier. After all, this was brought by Tier 5 adults. They have no right to interrogate. Soon they will. When they arrived at a magnificent palace, two storm giant guards stopped them.

"Tell the patriarch, I brought Maloney Sidham back to see him." The storm giant's voice was loud, and the two guards heard Sidham's surname and glanced at Littleville, directly Lead them to the reception room, and then turned to report to the patriarch.

Ville looked at this magnificent palace, Caroline pulled Lilith quietly in the armor behind her, whispered softly, and the two disappeared invisible.

The storm giant grabbed Little Weil and said to him: "Remember, you must tell the patriarch that you can no longer let me guard the gate. That work is too boring. If you let me go on, I might It's really boring."

Just at this moment, a loud voice sounded, "Don't worry, you don't need to guard the space channel anymore."

"Haha, patriarch, really? Great!"

"The pasture on the ground still lacks a supervisor, I think you are very suitable, not as good as you..."

Wearing a cyan battle armor, a silver crown on his head, holding a golden scepter, and a slightly gloomy complexion, the patriarch of the storm giant walked slowly. The Tier 5 storm giant jumped up and yelled: "No need, no need I think it’s a great responsibility to guard the space channel. It’s better for a Tier 5 master like me to sit down in person. Ranch or something, just a Tier 3 junior to do it. Patriarch, I’m going first. You’re busy, you. busy!"

After finishing speaking, the Tier 5 storm giant turned into a whirlwind, turned and ran, and before leaving, he did not forget to send a letter to Little Weir: "Don't forget to say good things to me."

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