The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1411: The Frost Giant King's Discomfort

"Boy, three times! I will shoot you three times. After three times, if you can survive, I will let go of everything and stop embarrassing you." On the first day of meeting, the Frost Giant King Eric told Ville very directly. I want to kill him, and I will make another shot three times.

Ville was very intuitive and went back: "What do you want me to do? Just give up the Frost Giant and stay away from your crazy dangerous person, or you can directly join forces with the Thunder Giant King, Storm Giant Clan Leader, Tide Giant Clan Leader, and Giant Tree Clan Leader. , Patriarch Bimeng, kill you ahead of time forever?"

Frost Giant King Eric saw the eager Thunder Giant King Baldrick, his face was green.

Little Ville shrugged and said, "Although I promised Salomi will take care of the Frost Giants, if you don’t appreciate it, I won’t be boring. Giants, the entire giants can't be destroyed."

"Boy, you stole my Frost Giant's bloodline, so you are so right and confident?" Frost Giant King Eric was furious: "If it were ten thousand years ago, you would have died and you can't die anymore. I only took three shots. Be kind! After three times, I won't bother with your affairs, including yours and Salomi's affairs."

The other giants patriarchs nodded and said that it was true. If they weren't really asking for help, it would be a capital crime and a very miserable one to just steal the blood of the giants from Vil.

Little Ville squeezed his chin for a moment, and looked carefully at the Frost Giant King Eric and said, "What do you say? After three shots, you won't take any more shots at me, including direct, indirect, or encouraging others to calculate me? "

Frost Giant King Eric looked at Little Vil coldly and said: "My giant clan stands upright and will not lose weight. If you can survive my three shots, I will not embarrass you again, including direct, indirect or Calculate you."

"Pop~" Little Ville snapped his fingers, nodded and said: "Then it's a deal, and the patriarchs will serve as witnesses."

Three months later, the Frost Giant King Eric found Little Weil, staring at him fiercely and asking: "Boy, you have been given the authority to the secret realm, and you have also got the whole space. When will you go to other giants?"

Little Ville waved his hand lazily and said: "Don't worry, I'm waiting for you to make a move. When will you run out of your phone three times, and when will I continue to rescue other giants."

The corner of Frost Giant King Eric’s mouth twitched slightly. This kid is currently the most hopeful person who can save the Giants. Even if he really wants to kill him, he would choose to leave him and exile him. Before he started, this kid was playing tricks on himself.

The Frost Giant's secret realm space control was not reconciled to him, so he delayed for a while, but in the end he compromised, but after he handed over his control, he suddenly discovered that this kid was even more procrastinating than himself.

From the Thunder Giant King and other giant patriarchs, I learned that this kid has many attributes and strong spatial abilities. It only took a few days to accept those giant space permissions, but it took this **** to receive the Frost Giant Secret Realm space for two full months. .

It wasn't until later that Eric, the king of frost giants, realized that this **** didn't control the space, but after taking control of the space, he deliberately didn't continue. He was threatening himself.

It is impossible for Eric to compromise with such a threat. He can only give him a fierce look and leave in anger, and then tell his son Fernanda not to feed this kid, the inheritance of the Frost Giant, the classics, the resources and so on. All closed to this kid.

Then, Ville, who controlled the secret space authority, directly closed the external passage of the space, but he went out frequently, every time he went out for three to five days. The time was not long or short. No one knew what he did, but he took a few giants. The patriarch was frightened.

Now the hope of the entire giant race, or the entire land of exile, is in his hands. If he has a long and short life or just gives up, they must be unlucky. After all, this kid has the key to leaving the land of exile, giant The clan can't do without him if he wants to get out of trouble, and they can leave casually.

It's just that it's really difficult to come in after leaving.

Three months passed. Every time Ville went out, he was entangled by the Thunder Giant King. After being thrown away again and again, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick even wanted to live with him inseparably. Was strongly rejected by Ville.

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick, who found that this way was blocked, immediately summoned the other giant patriarchs and put pressure on Eric the Frost Giant King. It must be your fault for my son to be so different. If it weren’t for you to threaten him, would he be like this? ?

If you cause the trouble yourself, solve it yourself.

The Frost Giant King Eric has been working hard to recover his body, even through Fernanda in exchange for some sacred potions and water of life from Little Ville. The body's recovery speed is more obvious than before dozens or hundreds of years, but his mood is not at all It didn't get better because of physical improvement, but because of the harassment of Thunder Giant King Baldrick and others, it became worse.

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick was really obedient to Little Vil. He was not treated as a son, but as an ancestor. The other giant patriarchs, to be honest, they fight alone and no one is. Little Ville's opponent, not to mention that his hometown is under the control of the other party, that really treats him as an ancestor.

Frost Giant King Eric was irritated by several other giant patriarchs, and finally had to appear in front of Little Vil again.

"Boy, put away your little tricks. The situation in the giant world is getting worse every day. That **** apocalyptic world consciousness has been devouring the origin of the giant world and growing. We are running out of time. Leaving as soon as possible is the best choice. "

Little Will lay lazily on the recliner and wandered leisurely, sipping a glass of juice in his hand slowly. Recently, he went out early and returned late and did a lot of preparation work, which made him a little tired.

Looking at Little Vail, who was squinting his eyes and ignoring him, the blue veins on the forehead of the Frost Giant King Eric jumped, the biting cold exploded in an instant, and his huge fist slammed down.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the lounge chair under Ville instantly turned into dust, leaving a deep pit on the solid ground. Ville appeared in mid-air, holding the glass of juice. Spill out.

"Is this considered an attack?" Ville smiled at the Frost Giant King Eric, who looked at him coldly and nodded and said, "This is the first time!"

"Boy, I can tell you that the giant world will not last for long. The injury of the idiot promise is not lighter than me. He is almost reaching the limit. The giant world is built by our three giant kings, but it is supported by the promise. Really a large alien space, if Noah is defeated, the doomsday world consciousness will completely lose its suppression. At that time, even if you have the mark of the zodiac clearance, you may not be able to For the Frost Giant King, Weir nodded. Said: "In every relationship, the big deal is that I blew up a few different spaces, forcibly broke the giant world, and then escaped in the void with the help of the zodiac brand. "

Frost Giant King: I really want to kill you now...

"Let's talk about it, how can you win and save the promise immediately?"

"God, I heard that you have this kind of good thing in your hands. Just give me ten or eight. You can have any kind of god. I won't pick it."

"Ten eight? No! Do you think the godhead is Chinese cabbage? Our giants did not rely on faith in the gods to cheat to achieve the fifth rank."

"Oh, forget it, I always feel a little motivated. When I have enough rest, or if all of your three opportunities are used up, I will go."

"You, count you as cruel, I have Godheads in my hand, but there are only three. These godheads can be given to you, but the kid must save people immediately!"

"Three are too few, at least eight."

"There is no room for bargaining, I only have so many. In other words, we only have so many Frost Giants."

"The Frost Giants don't have it, can't you borrow from other giants?"

"Why do you want something and ask us Frost Giants to borrow it?"

"You have offended me, and I can take you away, and because I am in a bad mood, it's all your fault."

Eric the Frost Giant King: There is a saying that MMP doesn’t know if it is appropriate to say it?

"Five, this is the bottom line. If you are still not satisfied, then use it. You have been waiting for thousands of years. I don't mind waiting any longer."

"Deal! Five gods are in hand, I immediately go to the flame giants to rescue."

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