The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1420: Who has a pit in his head?

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Doomsday World Consciousness Noah hated Lilith, and spared no effort to attack her, a huge black cloud smashed down at the Light Sanctuary, and dense monsters from outside the Light Sanctuary rushed madly and pounced on the light. A self-detonation attack was launched on the sanctuary knot.

Guangming Sanctuary was squeezed fiercely, shaking violently.

Lilith raised her hands high, and with a wave of her magic wand, the tree of life and the tree of death turned into huge projections abruptly supporting the light sanctuary and forcibly withstanding the pressure from the outside world.

Lilith knows this truth. The Doomsday World Consciousness Noah is also very clear. He has most of the power of the giant world as a backing, and he is not afraid of consumption. It can even be said that if it is not for the Frost Giant King and the Thunder Giant King, he is watching, flames. The Giant King hasn't completely conquered Devouring yet, so he can't wait to continue to stand in stalemate with Lilith.

But he can't. He still has two and a half Tier 6 enemies that have not been resolved. How could he spend such a large amount of energy on three Tier 5 enemies.

Yes, his enemy is not only the newly promoted fifth-tier high-end Lilith, but also the fifth-tier tree of life, the fifth-tier tree of death, and if he has to say it, there is also the ultimate big that he has not seen. Enemy: Snowwood World.

Really have to fight for consumption, he can't fight Lilith!

It's just that he didn't know this secret, and Lilith was unwilling to consume the power of Snowwood World here. He and Xiao Weier came to grab resources and strength, not to disperse money and waste energy.

A huge crystal coffin quietly appeared. A sleeping beauty lay in the crystal coffin. As Lilith waved her wand and fell between the tree of life and the tree of death, one end was connected to the tree of death, and the other was connected to the tree of life. .

If the righteous judge were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this beautiful demigod was the goddess of pain and torment he had been struggling to find relief.

Lilith pointed the magic wand high in the sky, "Death swallowed!"

The crown of the tree of death stretched out a heel tentacle, and the tentacle fiercely plunged into the dark clouds in the sky, and countless dark forces ran along the tentacles straight to the crystal coffin.

"The balance of destruction and creation, the transformation of life and death, the purification of light, and the transformation of power!" Lilith let out a coquettish rebuke, and the crystal coffin exudes a dazzling light, forcibly blocking and purifying the evil spirit in the dark power. The remaining power gradually turned gray and poured into the crystal coffin.

The faint light of the goddess of pain and torment flickered, and the gray power overwhelmed her, and soon turned into a faint white and turquoise to the tree of life from the other end of the crystal coffin. The tree of life introduced these powers into the sanctuary of light, The Bright Sanctuary suddenly became more vibrant.

"Interesting blood, interesting rules, but unfortunately it only has Tier 4 strength, and the crystal coffin level is only a semi-sacred item. If it is an artifact, it would be fine." Thunder Giant King Baldrick's eyes flashed with excitement, and then Shaking his head and sighing, he looked very dissatisfied.

Frost Giant King Eric shook his head lightly and said: "That kid was only Tier 4 when he was in the twelfth house. Tier 5 is not qualified to break through. As Tier 4, they can have such strength and can capture Tier 4 masters. It’s already pretty good to build a semi-artifact, and even we can’t guarantee that we will be able to build the artifact every time."

Thunder Giant King Balderick squinted at him and said: "If this sentence is replaced by Noah, I can believe it, what you say? I just ask you, have you built a magical tool?"

The Frost Giant King Eric couldn't help but get a black line. I can't tell you, I haven't even successfully built a semi-artifact, right? After wasting countless precious materials, he finally confirmed one thing that he was not suitable for building weapons.

Doomsday World Consciousness Noah looked at the two giant kings, and kept complaining in his heart. Does this little girl have any grudges against you? Do you point out her identity and deficiencies again and again? I'm afraid I can't deal with her.

However, the strength of Tier 4 is a hundred million points short for me. The black cloud suppresses, and the powerful power does not need to be absorbed by the tentacles of the tree of death, but he is forced into it. Don't you want my power? Then I'll give it to you, as long as your teeth are good and your appetite is big enough, if your appetite is not big enough, don't blame me if it's dead!

The tentacles of the tree of death are like a thin water pipe. No matter how much power you put in, I can only transmit so much. No matter how much power you put in, it will automatically overflow and you will not be able to put it in, making the doomsday world consciousness Noah’s plan again. fantasy.

"Is it really prepared? The tree of life and the tree of death have very strong defenses, but the only strong ones are the tree of life and the tree of death. The little girl has just reached the fifth rank, and uses the fifth rank power. Unfamiliar, she is the strongest point and the weakest point." Thunder Giant King Baldrick continued to evaluate Lilith.

"This realm of light is very powerful and is definitely the nemesis of darkness, and the life breath of the tree of life also has a lot of restraint on the destruction of the doomsday, but compared to the tree of life and the tree of death, the expansion of the light realm is too large, and the power is very Disperse, if it is broken by a point..." Frost Giant King Eric nodded in agreement, and put on a very worried look.

Doomsday world consciousness Noah can't help but a black line, why do I always feel that you are more like letting her lose this battle than me? You must know that this is a battle related to the life and death of the giant world. If this girl loses, after she takes control of the giant world, all giants will become their own rations and puppets.

Are they really not worried at all?

It is still said that these two Tier 6 giant kings did not put themselves in their eyes at all, thinking that a Tier 4 little girl could not be suppressed, and watched her advance to Tier 5, and then they needed their help to win, not at all. Could it be their opponent?

With my own understanding of the giants, this is really possible, this is the character of the giants, habitual death!

The giants, especially the high-level giants, many of their behaviors and decisions, in the view of the doomsday world consciousness Noah, are really dead, and they like to die very much. He is clearly right in front of them, controlling the flame giant king. Body, but the Thunder Giant King Baldrick only cleaned up the undead monsters in the Flame Giant's secret space. The Frost Giant King frozen the palace and restricted his actions. There was no action to take him down.

They watched themselves assaulting the giant world, and even helped them make plans to clear the obstacles. What else can this be?

If they are not brain-dead, can they make a move that uses a huge alien space to fuse a small world with world consciousness?

If they are not brain-dead, will they retreat quickly when they have the upper hand, giving themselves the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to devour it step by step?

If they are not brain-dead, they are only afraid that they will no longer exist with the destruction of the doomsday small world, so the doomsday world consciousness is still very grateful to them, and he is prepared to make several giant kings very honored after taking control of the entire giant world. He becomes a part of his body, gains immortality with him, and even becomes the most powerful undead puppet under his men to fight more worlds.

Abandoning the plan of a comprehensive siege from all directions, gathered all the power that can be gathered, and attacked a little bit. The light field was opened by the monsters' self-destruction. Faced with the self-destruction attacks of Tier 4 and Tier 5 monsters, Lilith had to shrink her defense. , At the same time, the tree of life and the tree of death line of defense were established, which was able to block them, but it became a little rushed for a while.

"Not in the air, not on the ground, why not consider underground attacks? These monsters can't have the ability to walk underground?" Seeing the light field shrink a little bit but there is no sign of being broken, Thunder Giant King Baldrick Very straightforwardly said: "As the saying goes, shoot people first, shoot horses first, capture thieves first, capture the king. Rather than wasting time with her a little bit, it's better to sneak over and take down that little girl. What the mage is most afraid of is not close combat. ?"

Doomsday World Consciousness Noah: What you said makes sense, but the area below is not so easy to break through. The area will penetrate the ground to protect itself, especially the light attribute is very restrained to the monsters under its own, and short-distance stealth is not a problem. , But eight hundred miles?

"A single monster can't do it. Wouldn't it be possible to use the relay method? A monster leads a group of monsters forward. After exhaustion, they directly abandon it, and then use a new monster with extra energy to continue to lead other monsters forward. As long as the plan is properly planned, it will eventually achieve the goal. Earth, as long as you get close to that little girl mage, then..." No need to say the rest, the expression of Eric the Frost Giant King speaks for itself.

Then, the world consciousness of the doomsday Noah spent a lot of effort, lost nearly half of the Tier 5 monsters, passed the layers of light, the roots of the tree of life, and the roots of the tree of death, and finally succeeded in the three Tier 5 The monster was sent to Lilith, and...

What about the half-dragon female martial artist who can beat Little Ville with a long spear?

No matter what others think, anyway, the world consciousness of the doomsday, Noah saw that the three-headed Tier 5 monster was exploded by the little girl, three under five divided by two, and he still couldn't help but shivered all over, staring at the Thunder Giant King Baldri with a bitter look. K, Frost Giant King Eli: This is what you call a crispy mage who kneels up close?

"Unexpectedly, this little girl's melee combat ability is so But I found out..." The Thunder Giant King Baldrick was arrogantly interrupted by the doomsday world consciousness Noah before he said the king.

"Enough!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah let out a roar, and he played with them two days and nights underground sneak games, wasting a lot of time and energy, and also consuming a lot of his own strength, in exchange for it. It turned out to be a little bit of enemy intelligence?

"Believe the words of you giant kings with pits, I am really drunk." The words of Noah, the world consciousness of the doomsday, made the Thunder Giant King Baldrick and the Frost Giant King Eric feel deeply offended.

"It's really enough. It has been delayed for three days and three nights. That kid has already done what he wants to do. You should leave the game too!" The words of the Frost Giant King Eric made the world consciousness of the doomsday full of spirits. Did he ignore it? what?

I always feel that they have been led by the nose. Is it my own illusion?

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