The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1422: Caroline: My name is Fansti

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Thunder and flames, ice and flames, storms and flames, flames of hell, Little Ville even tried a combination of shadow and flame, light and flame, and endless methods to make the world consciousness of the doomsday Noah craved to death, almost collapse.

There are no ups and downs in various attributes. There are only people who have the attributes. Little Will has the fifth-level high-level strength, while the world consciousness Noah of the doomsday is the sixth-level. Although the sixth-level is very watery, the sixth-level is the sixth. Tier, even if it is a pseudo-sixth Tier, still cannot be defeated by Little Weier casually.

However, multi-attribute combo skills, especially combo skills that incorporate flame attributes, can easily bypass the flames of Noah's doomsday consciousness and directly attack his body. Even if the flame attributes cannot cause damage to him, other attributes can do it. To.

Doomsday World Consciousness Noah was full of flames, wielding a flaming spear impermeable to the wind, and forcibly broke the attack of Xiaoweier, resolutely refused to let these things approach him, and let out a roar: "Boy, your attack is weak Powerless, it is impossible to hurt me. If you are willing to surrender, I can consider spare your life, as long as you..."



"It's hot!"

The Doomsday World Consciousness Noah ushered in the two attacks of ice and fire from Ville, the powerful impact caused by the conflict of two fifth-order high-level attributes directly knocked him to the ground, and then a meteorite smashed down severely," Boom! Boom! Boom!" It was a bombardment.

"Boy, I want you to die!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah's body swelled, and his whole body soared into the sky, staring at the flame armor and stabbing at Littleville with a spear, the latter moved in a space and hid a hundred feet away. .

"Forgot to tell you, I'm actually very good at spatial attributes." Little Ville kept moving in space, but Noah, the world consciousness of the apocalypse, had to chase him violently, not giving him the slightest chance to counterattack, the entire Flame Giant Secret Realm The space is in a mess, the earth is cracking and the mountains are shaking and dusty.

"Space confinement!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah abandoned the flame spear, and suddenly stretched out his hands. The space within a radius of ten miles was forcibly imprisoned by him, and the spatial channel opened by Ville was instantly shattered.

"Fire Kingdom!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah realized that if he only used ordinary means, he might really not be able to win him in a short time. His only advantage is probably that his level is higher than him, even if it is true. The combat experience is probably not as good as the little guy on the opposite side, full of flames, and other elements are excluded. Although it increases its own flame ability, it also increases the opponent's flame attribute, but it restrains the multi-attribute combination of Little Ville to a certain extent. Technique.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the country of flame, Ville was holding a flame sword and battled with Doomsday World Consciousness Noah. The sound of spears and long swords collided endlessly, and Doomsday World Consciousness Noah suddenly found something that he couldn't accept. The matter, his body is obviously the sixth-order flame giant king, but he can't win with repression, and the two of them fought equally.

Noah's eyes flashed with a gleam of doomsday world consciousness, and the spear in his hand suddenly pierced out, and Little Ville's long sword flashed, and the spear was slanted. He attacked again, but suddenly rushed forward and slammed into Little Will.

The flame-filled hands just hugged him, ignoring the piercing of the flame sword in Ville's hand, and the face of Doomsday World Consciousness Noah was full of crazy weird smiles: "Boy, I caught you!"

"Hahahaha, obediently become a part of me, your body, I will accept it!" Doomsday World Consciousness Noah grabbed the hands of Little Ville's shoulders and the black light flickered, and powerful power suddenly poured in.

A big smile appeared on the face of Little Ville's flame giant's transformation: "You have been fooled!"

"Boom!" With a loud bang, Ville's flame giant broke through a large hole in the back, a figure flew out in a blink of an eye, broke the screen in a blink of an eye, and escaped from the flame country. Who is Ville who is not in human form? .

Noah showed a look of astonishment on the face of Doomsday World Consciousness. The flame giant he had grasped suddenly hugged him, and the light on his body was extinguished, and then "boom" exploded.

Doomsday World Consciousness Noah screamed and flew out, the flame armor on his body shattered, and pieces of red stones came on the face again, hitting him with a blue nose and a swollen face, "The earth rock puppet?"

From far away, the light on Xiaowei's body flickered and turned into a flame giant, and the corner of his mouth nodded with a smile: "The correct way to say is, the lava puppet of the earth, the king of flame giant, how long will it take to wake up? "

I saw the Doomsday World Consciousness Noah trembling all over, the dark eyes of his eyes gradually stained with a faint fiery red, his body fluctuated, and the entire Flame Giant Secret Realm space was trembling slightly.

"Asshole, you are already defeated, isn't it good to be a part of me obediently? Why do you have to resist me?!"

"I am Noah, the great flame giant king, get out of this king's body!"

"Hahahaha, Noah, do you think you are still the Fire Giant King before? This body is not only yours, but also mine. Use your own body to suppress me? Hehe, Fire Giant King, you are killing yourself Sent to my mouth, your body has been stained with my color, and it is impossible to get rid of it in your life, even if you die!"

Ville, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick, and the Frost Giant King Eric quietly surrounded him, "Don't you think that your opponent is Noah alone? We still have two Giant Kings here."

"So what? The battle of the soul, you can get in?" Doomsday world consciousness Noah said coldly: "I am world consciousness, the way of the soul, I am invincible! You giants who have no brains just need to be me obediently The rations are just fine!"

A big smile appeared at the corner of Littleville’s mouth, his left hand slowly stretched out, and a girl in his palm appeared in front of everyone, "Your soul is indeed the strongest in the doomsday world, but this is the giant world, and now you are not the giant world. The world consciousness. Your soul essence is very strong, but there are also existences whose soul essence is not below you and have more advantages than you!"

Caroline, who was standing in Will’s palm, fixed her eyes on Will, without even looking at Doomsday World Consciousness Noah, her face suddenly burst into a bright smile: “It’s great to be able to help you. I finally found you. Now, brother."

While talking, Caroline flew out quietly, opened her arms and cast her eyes on the floating island. Her aura gradually became holy and misty. The complexion of Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric changed drastically. may?!"

Caroline's holy light slowly spread, and an erratic voice came out from her mouth: "My name is Fansti, I order in my name, wake up!"

There was a violent tremor in the Flame Hall of the Hanging Island, and rays of light rose into the sky, high or short, bright or dark, and the light turned into cute little elves flying all over the sky, and the little elves muttered words, seeming to be calling for something.

"Spirit." The expression on Xiaoweier's face was slightly complicated. It was not the first time that he heard the name Vansti. She called herself: brother.

Caroline, who does not look amazing, has transformed at this moment, and her small body has actually become a little smaller. As each spirit plunges into the halo around her body, her aura also rises rapidly, and in a blink of an eye Break through the pinnacle of Tier 4 and step into Tier 5.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a huge ball of light with a diameter of ten meters in the Flame Hall rose into the sky. The ball of light exploded in mid-air, transforming into a light man, a girl composed of light, and the light girl quietly appeared in the sky. In front of Caroline, one big and one small stretched out hands at the same time.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric moved their fingers slightly, and finally chose to give up the shot at the same time, watching the huge bright girl merge into Caroline's body, and then reappear behind Caroline.

Caroline's aura climbed all the way, the first stage of the fifth stage, the middle stage of the fifth stage, the high stage of the fifth stage, and the peak of the fifth stage. Finally, with a "boom", he broke through the shackles and advanced to the sixth stage.

"Robber in another world, in my name, sentence you, guilty!" Caroline cast her gaze on Noah, the world consciousness of the doomsday, a voice without emotion in her mouth, her fingers stretched out slightly, a ray of light came, the consciousness of the doomsday world Noah let out a scream, a huge black ball of light suddenly flew out of the flame giant Noah's body, turned into a stream of light, rushed out of the flame giant's secret realm space in a blink of an eye, and flew to the distance.

"Damn, damn, damn, you bastards, I won't let you go!" The Doomsday World Consciousness abandoned the body of the flame giant King Noah, and was forced to give up his achievements for nearly a thousand years and fled in embarrassment~www A voice from a distance came: "You will all die. Becoming a part of me is a destiny that you cannot escape. This world will eventually go to extinction. At that time, you will all become my food, and your destiny cannot be violated. !"

"Hahahaha, guess what I found in the head of the foolish Flame Giant King? The place of exile, the divided and abandoned 70% of the world, the four passages, and the coordinates of the Thunder Giant's secret realm space."

"Hahahaha, as long as I control and swallow that 70% of the space, my strength will surpass all of you, and the ultimate winner will still be me!" The doomsday world consciousness quickly went away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The flame giant King Noah slowly opened his eyes, "Can't let him get those spaces, otherwise..."

"Noah, what else can you do now? Honestly, heal my injuries!" Frost Giant King Eric punched him into ice, together with the injuries in his body.

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