The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1424: Atonement by the Giants

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Amidst the loud noise, the flame giant King Noah forcibly broke the ice seal on his body, and flew his whole body in front of Xiao Weier. He was frozen before, but he was still able to clearly perceive everything in the outside world. He would only feel happy about the contract signed between Xiao Wei and the two giant kings, but he was not unhappy at all.

If you must be uncomfortable, then what the **** are these **** here chirping and the dark history of the giants?

Noah, the king of flame giants, gave Caroline a deep salute, and the latter eagerly returned a salute.

Noah took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and finally said very authentically: "As the creatures of the world, the most gifted and powerful giants from the world, we ended up messing up the world, even for our own sake. Privately caused the world to suffer a huge loss and turned you into a tool. I wait for the giants to sin deeply. If there is anything we can make up for, please do not hesitate to order!"

Hearing Noah’s words, Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King Eric were silent, and finally saluted Caroline (Fansti) one after another: "But I have a life, dare not violate it!"

There was a calm look on Vansti’s face, “Don’t say some things that you can’t say, don’t do some things that shouldn’t be done, and some things have happened irreversibly, but you can take a warning. The reason why the giants are today is To a large extent, it is because the God of Creation is too doting on you and has given you too many gifts, which has caused your swelling."

"It is not you who is wrong, it is the God of Creation. If God of Creation can treat all races fairly and justly, let you become a member of ordinary races instead of being born like a dragon, or even a powerful race that surpasses the dragon. Maybe you won’t have the subsequent great rebellion."

"The reason why the creation **** separated the spirit of the world from the world consciousness was to limit the birth of true wisdom from the world consciousness, and thus become the devourer of the world like the previous doomsday world consciousness, bringing disasters to the heavens and all realms. The role of the Creation Temple is to support the stability and tranquility of the entire world, isolate the world from the outside world, and avoid invasion by powerful enemies."

"The original intention of the creation **** was good, but because of his love and love for you, he ignored your own feelings. The better the protection, the greater your rebellious psychology."

"I had a sense of independence very early. I can see the rise of giants, dragons, and innate gods clearly. For your giants, I used to take great care of them. This is not only the order of the creation gods, but also It’s also because I see your creativity."

"While Chuangshi God prefers you, I also take good care of you because of the Chuangshi God, but I am just a spirit of the world, and I inherit part of the knowledge of the Chuangshi God, and I know more about the outside world. Not much. When the giants began to seek higher levels of power, I was shaken!"

"The giants are also the children of the world in my eyes, and they are also the world's most beloved children. It is difficult for a parent to refuse what children want, but there are some things that you don't want to give you. I see Your hard work and hesitation finally couldn't bear you fighting each other in pursuit of a stronger power. Therefore, I have given you a message of the creation temple."

There was a trace of inexplicable expression on Vansti's face, there was love, sadness, nostalgia, and a trace of remorse, even more remorse.

"I just want you to feel the power of the Temple of Creation and give you some pursueable goals and motivation to struggle, but I did not expect that the wisdom and madness of the giants are actually..."

How is it?

Even if Vansti didn’t say anything, both Vil and the three giant kings knew very well that the Creation Temple was really powerful, but in the end it was still breached by the giants. After paying a heavy price, the giants broke through the creation. The temple broke the foundation of the world, shattered the spirit of the world, caused loopholes in the world barrier, and attracted **** demons.

The spirit of the world was broken, and the true spirit escaped reincarnation and became the goddess of fate, Fansti, and her remnants were reduced to research materials of the giants, which separated many spirits with different functions.

Among them are the powerful innate spirits that are directly separated from the fragments of the world's spirits. Almost all war fortresses and mobile cities use this type of innate spirits.

The wisdom of the giants is indeed not to be underestimated. On the basis of these innate spirits, they have developed relatively weak acquired spirits. Those so-called research spirits and various other spirits that control some magical devices belong to the acquired spirits.

Acquired spirits are not easy to make. They are also precious and scarce resources. Innate spirits are even more consumables. They can only be separated from the fragments of world spirits and will not increase. Newborn innate spirits have little wisdom but have powerful learning And computing power, and there is a very powerful induction between the innate spirit.

Previously, Caroline transformed into Vansti and summoned all the innate spirits in the Secret Realm of the Flame Giant. It can be said that the Secret Realm of the Flame Giant is already in a semi-paralyzed state. After all, the innate spirit responsible for running the Secret Realm was wiped out by her, and only left. The Hou Tian Ling with limited ability, the entire secret realm space does not collapse is already very good.

However, the monsters in the secret space have been cleaned up by several giant patriarchs and Little Will, and the world consciousness of the doomsday has also escaped. The crisis has passed, and the lack of innate spirits is not fatal.

Vansti did not mean to blame them, and even attributed the blame to himself and the God of Creation, which made the faces of the three giant kings extremely rich. Looking at the little girl in front of them who was only the size of their palms, he didn't know for a while. What should I say.

In front of us, you are like a small toy the size of a palm, but in your eyes, our three Tier 6 giant kings are actually just three ignorant children who can be forgiven for doing bad things?

Should the contrast be so big?

But the more Vansti was so, the more uncomfortable they were, and in the end they just knelt down and pleaded for punishment.

Vansti thought for a while, and in the end he could only let them assist Little Ville to redeem their sins. Of course, this is not mandatory. According to her words, the strength of her brother is not improving, but only recovering, as long as there is enough. In time, my brother will be able to find everything in the past.

The three giant kings are indispensable, and it can even be said that they are very happy to do so.

"He is my son, the current patriarch of the Thunder Giant, who can I help without him?" The Thunder Giant King Baldrick was afraid of sending his own breasts. He has already handed Vail to the few tribesmen, Thunder The giant clan can be said to be completely headed by Weil. After all, except for his short-lived Tier 6 Thunder Giant King, only the Tier 5 Thunder Giant Justin, who is trapped in the 12th House, is left, and the rest are hundreds of old. Weak women and children, there is not even a Tier 4, Xiao Wei can be said to be their last hope.

what? You said that Ville is not simply a pure Thunder giant?

Thunder Giant King Baldrick: I don’t listen, I don’t listen, he has the blood of the Thunder Giant, that is, the Thunder Giant!

Frost Giant King Eric said very seriously: "After signing the contract, the relationship between us has changed drastically. It's okay to assist him. After all, he and my little daughter Salomi are still married. The son-in-law is also half a son."

Little Ville couldn't help but get a black line: You shameless guy, now that daughter is holding me up and taking advantage of me?

Little Ville can’t wait to knock them to the ground immediately, stepping on his face to make them called Dad, but now he seems to be really unable to beat them, after all, they are the real giant king, not the half-hearted like Noah in the world consciousness of the end. Fire Giant King Noah nodded earnestly and said: "I can apologize to two adults at once, I am willing to wait, but before that, should we solve the **** doomsday world consciousness first? If he escapes, the consequences are unimaginable. We cannot bring this scourge back to the world. His harm is too great."

Thunder Giant King Baldrick and Frost Giant King couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this, and couldn't help laughing.

"Four passages leading to the Exile, one is under our feet, one is suppressed by the Secret Realm of the Earth Giant, and the other is protected by this kid's fiancée. The last one, do you think we will have no plan?"

Frost Giant King Eric shook his head lightly and said: "Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to admit that this kid is very careful about things. He has fully considered what may happen before this year, like the Flame Giant’s secret realm space, and has done a lot. Preparation, and the fourth channel is precisely the last gift he left to the consciousness of the doomsday world!"

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