The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1429: The Latent Crisis of the Exile

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If you don't die, you won't die. It's not without a reason that the giants went from being the overlord of the world to being almost exterminated.

The place where the Exile Land is divided is not meaningless. In addition to resisting the expropriation of the seal of the zodiac, it also retains a very obscurely blocked passage to hell, which has been in a half-open state. That was the last escape route for the giants.

What kind of existence does **** look like for the giants?

That was the force that almost destroyed them. In the original world, they are world overlords, but when they arrive in hell, they can only be regarded as middle and upper-class existences. Sixth-order in **** is not uncommon, and there are hundreds of seventh-orders, and even legendary ones. The eighth-tier and ninth-tier powerhouses all exist.

Not everyone has the courage to enter the **** and start a new life. Death God is one, but he is only an individual after all, and there are not many relatives around him. With his Tier 6 strength, he can run a single gang very well. In the worst case, he can still go to the underworld to go around, where Ye Heng's law of death is good.

However, the giants are different. There are also giants in the hell. A large group of giants rushed into the hell. The most likely thing is to be taken up by the 7th-order **** lord.

The giants have invaded **** and even captured large areas in the early stage. They are not unfamiliar with the information of hell. One thing is that they are always unacceptable. There is no **** lord of the giants in the hell, but the dragons suppressed by them. There is more than one **** lord, and their status is higher than that of the giants, and they can even enslave the giants.

This makes it unacceptable for the giants who are accustomed to dominating and hegemony. How can the giant dragon enslaves the giants?

When thinking that the Ju clan will become slaves to other races and even giant dragons after the migration, the giants are extremely repulsive to hell. Unless they have to, they will not choose this path, and the giants are actually stupid in hell. The image of a person, there is not much higher wisdom at all.

If they really fall into hell, once they show enough wisdom and all-round talents, there is a high probability that they will be divided up by the **** lords of all parties, or even wiped out!

This is the status quo of the giants in hell!

"Didn't the passage to **** and the underworld have been divided and suppressed by you? Our passage from the place of exile into the giant world has been almost cut off." Ville and Lilith looked at each other with a look of surprise on their faces.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick scratched his head and said: "That is just a lie, a lie that fools the abandoned blood and goblin races. The passage to the underworld is easily closed, but the passage to **** is not that simple. We It can be weakened, it can be hidden, but it can never be closed. After all, the place of exile is just a huge alien space rather than a complete world, and the space barrier is far less powerful than the world barrier."

"Since you can separate the Giant Realm and separate the original exile and the passage of **** together, why can't you separate a small alien space and separate the passage?" Weier is very strange, this method shouldn't be difficult. For the three giant kings, it is not an impossible task, and it can even be said to be easy.

The Frost Giant King Eric shook his head and said, "Do you know why the giant world we have divided is only 30% of the Exile?"

"Isn't it to escape the seal of the Zodiac?"

"There is this part of the reason, and the bigger reason is that in order not to trigger the passage of **** and let it spread out, in order to be able to carry the passage of hell, 70% of the land of exile is the minimum requirement. If it is less, it is very likely. It will cause the exile to be drawn into **** by hell." Eric's words silenced Little Ville and Lilith.

"Do you think I have the ability to cut off that passage of hell?" Ville rolled his eyes, these people take themselves too high, don't they?

The three giant kings shook their heads at the same time. Noah, the flame giant king, shrugged and said: "Although you helped me expel the doomsday world consciousness, and used small means to kill the doomsday world consciousness, but in the face of the powerful hell, I did not I don’t think you can do anything, at least you can’t do anything now."

"Little guy, we are content to be able to safely take away the giant world. Too greedy is even more dangerous." Frost Giant King Eric also expressed his disapproval of him.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick shook his head and said: "Not far from that space channel is the palace of a strong man. Any disturbance may attract the other party's attention, in case..."

"We can't afford to bet." The words of the Thunder Giant King Baldrick made Ville's expression even more ugly. He didn't know what to say. The Giants were really enough to die, or that their luck could actually be It's so bad.

"Although the other party hasn't reacted much for thousands of years, the **** demons and the rich **** magic power that entered through the space channel at the beginning are also quite a lot. It cannot completely rule out the possibility that the other party has been waiting and waiting for us to take action. "The patriarch of the Earth Giant, Magnolia Earle, said softly: "There is a treasure in my hand that can temporarily block the passage, but..."

It's just that this treasure is too precious, she is not willing to use it in this place, and this thing has extraordinary significance to the whole world, if she really throws it to the **** demon, it is estimated that she will be beaten by other strong people when she goes out. Kill.

So sad and hard-working giants, Little Ville mourned for them for three seconds, and then worked out a solution with Lilith and Fansti. Seeing the movements of the three little guys, the three giant kings and several giant patriarchs couldn’t help being satisfied. With a face of shame, they asked these young people to help wipe their butts, especially when they gave up early. On the contrary, these three young men were not afraid of tigers, and they collected information and deduced plans in an orderly manner.

One by one was put forward by them, and then handed over to the giants for review and judgment, and then one by one was overturned, but many of these methods were indeed not thought of by the giants before.

Artifact, different space, magic circle, seal of the zodiac, transfer graft, counterattack...

One method and strategy were freshly released, and one by one was shot Sometimes Ville, Lilith, and Fansti found it incredible by themselves, but they never gave up, constantly changing the simple and ordinary ones. The sealing channel methods are listed, and then each method is refined and refined.

Three giant kings and several giant patriarchs have also joined this work. Various high-end technologies have benefited Vil and Lilith a lot, but the final judgement is handed over to Vansti. Her prophetic talent is always able to give Give an accurate answer.

One day, two days, three days, five days, ten days...

After Ville, Lilith, and Fansti, the monsters Li Luo, Wei Ya, Mrs. Dark Night, and Little Lori Mochizuki also joined the team through the world of Snowwood.

Ten days later, Ville and Lilith posted this problem in Apostle Space, and then...

"The method is found!" Little Weier's spirit was slightly shaken, but he secretly added a sentence in his heart: worth eight hundred merits!

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