The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1436: Giants, come back!

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There are three holy palaces in the Guangming Sanctuary, the Battle Palace, the Guardian Palace, and the Guangming Palace. Among them, the battle palace is mostly combatants. The guardian palace mages, healers, and wounded are mostly, while the Guangming Palace is the location of the high-level and management personnel. , The conditions for dealings are the most stringent.

As a Tier 5 master who is one of the three masters of the Sanctuary of Light, Tommasina’s time is very precious. In addition to dealing with various affairs for most of her cultivation time, she can be said to be the most powerful and busiest in the entire Sanctuary of Light. One.

Today, it is rare for Tomasina to not practice, nor appear in the management office, nor even attend any activities. Instead, she sits quietly in a small private space and quietly sips tea, while sitting not far from her. The impressive is the fifth-order light wizard Patricia, the palace owner of the guardian palace.

The door of the small space opened wide, and a tall figure squeezed in. Before anyone came in, the voice had reached nearly a thousand: "Xina, it's rare to see you having such a leisurely time. Is there any good news... "

Tamick stepped into the small space, his gaze swept his face and his expression changed slightly, his figure reached nearly a thousand in an instant, and he slapped Little Weir's shoulder with a "slap" and laughed and said, "Little guy, Welcome back! I thought your kid couldn't come back."

Little Ville knocked down Tamick's hand casually, rolled his eyes and said: "For a Tier 5 powerhouse, a matter of dozens or hundreds of years, but in a blink of an eye, how long have I left? Does it need to be exaggerated? "

The knight of the **** of light, Tamike, laughed and said: "For some people, one day is like three autumns, but for others, even if they haven’t seen each other for a thousand and ten thousand years, they won’t miss it, and it’s not as good as meeting each other. not see."

Patricia, the fifth-order light wizard, rolled her eyes and smiled: "Tamyk, if you have the ability, don't ask me if you are injured, otherwise I will give you the best treatment."

Patricia bit the word "best" very hard, Tamick smiled with a guilty conscience, and hurriedly changed the subject and patted Little Weir on the shoulder twice and said: "Your brat is really big enough, too. You dare to go anywhere, do you know where you went before?"

"The Secret Realm of the Exile." Xiao Weier's answer of course made the three fifth-order bright masters unable to help but have a black line.

"Then do you know the level of the Secret Realm of Exile?" Tamick glared at him viciously.

Xiaoweier shrugged and said casually: "The fourth-order secret realm, if the secret realm level is too low, I will not go, after all, I am a fourth-order master."

"Is it because the level of the secret realm is too low? It is too high!" Tamick said fiercely: "You are the seeded player who can advance to the fifth rank. Who gave you the courage to enter the secret realm of exile? You must know that the **** secret realm is known as the existence of **** difficulty, and no one can pass the level at all."

"The Secret Realm of the Exiled Land is not so much a Tier 4 Secret Realm, but a false Tier 5 Secret Realm that is accurate. It is basically a secret realm that no one can pass." Tamick took a deep breath and said, "The gods The cemetery is the alien space with the richest high-end resources in the abyss battlefield. There are countless secret realms there, and there are dozens or hundreds of demigods among them."

"Our eight sacred realms have conducted rigorous exploration and research on the resources available on the abyss battlefield. The higher the level of the secret realm, the more detailed we study. Among them, the exile secret realm is the secret realm we have studied the most. After all, it involves The legacy of the giants of the world overlord thousands of years ago."

"After countless studies and deductions, as well as exploration and verification, we can basically confirm that the secret realm of Exile is a pit, and no one can pass that test, because the owner of the secret realm does not allow anyone to open the secret realm of giants that may exist, that is The legendary place of exile." Tamick's tone was unusually firm.

"You admire the giants?" Little Wil seemed to hear something different from his words.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Tamick pressed his chest hard and said with a big smile: "There are a few men in the world who can ignore the power of the giants, and how many people in the world can not be legendary. Attracted by the extraordinary civilization of the giants."

"But it is a pity that the giants in our world no longer exist. A long time ago, I also fought side by side with a giant tree warrior. I once knew the glory and power of the giants from his mouth. I have always dreamed about it. It’s a pity to be able to fight a giant warrior between men with fist and fist..."

Tamick took a deep breath to calm the blood in his heart, then sighed and shook his head and said: "It is a pity that the giants have withdrawn from the stage of history. Their strength is not a reason for recklessness. The civilization of the giants is very great, but it cannot be wiped out. The sins they once committed. Twelve Tier 6 powerhouses joined forces to exile them and cut off their way back with a powerful seal."

"The seals laid by the twelve Tier 6 powerhouses are not so easy to crack. We all agree that the so-called Secret Realm of Exile is a pit at all, because the twelve strong do not want the giants to return! The Secret Realm of Exile is basically a pit. It's not a trial secret realm, but a death desperation!"

Speaking of this, Tamick glared at Little Weir, and glanced over Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Mrs. Night beside him, "Even if you want to die, you can't pull your relatives and friends around, in case they have a good or bad one. , You will definitely regret it for a lifetime."

"Wait!" Tamick suddenly reacted, his eyes narrowed involuntarily, "Your kid really came out of the Secret Realm of Exile? Or did you not really go deep into it at all, just before the Secret Realm of the Zodiac Just quit?"

"No, no, your strength?" Tamick's hand holding Little Will's shoulder stiffened slightly, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

"Vill Guangming Sanctuary is newly promoted to the fifth-order wizard and the fifth-order **** knight." Thomasina answered Tamick's question instead of Ville.

Patricia then smiled and said: "Lilith Kendall, the newly promoted fifth-level wizard of the light attribute of the Sanctuary of Light, the fifth-level **** knight of the light attribute."

Thomasina continued: "Luo Declan, the fifth-order holy druid, the fifth-order **** warrior."

Patricia seemed to feel that Tamick's mouth was not wide enough, and added: "Ye Declan, Tier 5 blood!"

Tamick was stiffened all over his body. He looked at Xiao Weier and suddenly asked: "You, you guys, don't you really have cleared the Secret Realm of Exile, right? Could it be that..."

Ville and Lilith smiled at each other, and announced a message: "The secret realm of Exile is cleared, the seal of the zodiac is contacted, the giants, return!"

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