The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1438: I would call you the son of the world

"It's okay, I don't have more energy to play this kind of game now." There was no panic or angry expression on Xiaoweier's face. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and proposed to cancel the guardian expedition number, let himself, Lilith, Blame Li Luo and Mrs. Night regained their freedom.

"In the next period of time, we will do our best to build the Giant Sanctuary. We don’t have the time and energy to take care of the Light Sanctuary. Moreover, the four of us have already advanced to Tier 5. It’s not appropriate to stay in the Light Sanctuary, let alone an expedition team. ." Ville’s words made Thomasina, Patricia, and Tamick a black line.

An expedition team with four Tier 5 masters at the same time?

They can't even think about it.

Xiaoweier: If I want to, I can organize an expedition team composed of five sixth-tier masters and thirty or fifty fifth-tier masters, but does it make sense? It's totally disrupting the balance of the game, good or not.

"We didn't leave the Sanctuary of Light unconditionally. We will peacefully disband the Guardian Expedition after we have achieved enough meritorious contributions." Without saying a word, Ville released a constructed puppet, Tier 5, with a "bang".

"A Tier 5 puppet, a small suspended island with a diameter of ten miles, a small war fortress, a mobile city, and ten semi-artifact-level magical equipment made by the flame giants. You can choose from."

Tommasina, Patricia, and Tamick couldn't help but be shocked, with embarrassed expressions on their faces. It is not that you have given too much, but we are ashamed.

The Guardian Expedition Team originally belonged to the Sanctuary of Light. Although the formation time was short, the record was quite a bit, which was enough for them to escape from the abyss battlefield.

Although all the other members of the Guardian Expedition have disappeared, they have a clear conscience. After all, they were neither missing in the Bright Sanctuary, nor accidents during the mission, but to be honest, the three leaders of the Bright Sanctuary are also true. I don't care much about those little ones.

Before Ville returned, they already knew that Susan, Vivienne, Lord Kryon, the Knights of the Wall, and the Ooze Monster Zac had disappeared in the Tomb of the Gods. This is what the forces in the Tomb of the Gods told them. Yes, the kidnappers told them that the target of the kidnappers was Little Will, and Susan, Wei Wei'an and others were just the hostages implicated.

But this kind of action is undoubtedly a face-slapped Gods Cemetery and Bright Sanctuary. The forces of the Gods Cemetery are complicated. Some people think that this is a dog biting a dog and has nothing to do with them. Some people want to please the magical craftsman Little Ville and him. The relationship was settled, but the kidnappers and hostages had left the cemetery of the gods, and they were helpless.

And the Guangming Sanctuary where the Guardian Expedition Team is located did not stand up for them. Although this is because of the favor of other people, it is undeniable that they are not authentic. They are in the management of the Guardian Expedition and other Sanctuary Tier 5 Among them, they chose the latter, and now it’s too late even if they regret it.

Regret it?

Seriously, regret, regretful intestines are knotted.

You know that these are four Tier 5 masters, and behind them are four Tier 6 masters, thirty or fifty Tier 5 masters, and the eight sacred realms of the Battlefield of the Abyss cannot be matched, but they are forced to do this. The friendship was ruined.

They looked really greedy at this generous gift, but it was extremely hot when holding it. Without him, it was too much!

"If you feel that something is too precious, you might as well do me a few favors." Little Weier seems to know the truth of Shengmi's fighting against the mistress, and he does have some selfishness in it. After all, the Bright Sanctuary is the sanctuary where the guardian expedition team is located. , Their three Tier 5 masters did not treat themselves badly, although they did not contribute to the disappearance of Susan, Vivian and others, it was not their fault.

We must know that Susan, Vivian and others did not disappear in the Sanctuary of Light, but were taken directly from the graveyard of the gods. They were at best inaction afterwards, but this is also human nature. Susan, Vivienne and others did not show enough value to make their hearts move.

Ville needs to play out the influence of the giants, and needs to use the power of the giants to increase the power of the eight sanctuary of the abyss battlefield. Only in this way can they better resist the invasion of **** demons. Although in the eyes of Ville, this It's just a drop in the bucket, just doing useless work.

In front of the real powerhouse, a Tier 5 master is not a master at all, and even Tier 6 is not a master. Tier 7 is the starting point for a true master, and it is also the bottom line to have some right to speak, especially if you have seen the black-haired man. After gaining strength, Ville has a new understanding of resisting the invasion of **** demons.

"First, I hope you will complete the communication work in the early stage of the creation of the Giant Sanctuary. I will ask the Frost Giant King to cooperate with you on behalf of the entire Giant Clan. In the process of communication, try to promote the good things in the Giant Clan’s hands as much as possible. , To increase the goodwill of other sanctuary towards the giant sanctuary to facilitate the development of future work."

"Second, help hide the existence of the master of the construct. He will not really appear in the giant sanctuary. The master of the construct is of great significance. The nine-story holy tower is his home. Well, by the way, I, Lilith, , Xiao Luo, Xiao Ye's strengths are also concealed."

Tommasina, Patricia, and Tamick looked at each other. The first request was normal. Even if Ville didn't say it, they would do it, but Ville explained that they would do it more seriously and better.

It’s just the second requirement. They think it is right to conceal the information of the master of the construct. After all, the master of the construct is actually a dwarf, and it is a dwarf who has been imprisoned and sealed for tens of thousands of years. If you say it, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. You must know that the Construct Wizard is one of the mainstream genres today. There is not too much of the Construct Wizard, even the Abyss Battlefield has a say.

But why conceal the strength of these four little guys?

Wouldn't it be better to just publicize it? You must know that the fifth-order powerhouse has stepped into another level, naturally it is the high-level of the abyss battlefield, and it is not comparable to the fourth-order demigod.

If they show their Tier 5 strength, whether it is in the Abyss Battlefield or the Wizard, their status and status will be different immediately, and many things will be extremely smooth. This is not available to Tier 4 demigods, and Tier 4 is half. God, and Tier 5 is called a god-level master for no reason.


"It's to paralyze the enemies hidden behind them. Susan and Vivian are not subject to being caught. The ultimate goal of the enemy should be me. To hide our true strength will help disrupt the enemy's realization. Break their conspiracy."

"As for the convenience brought by the fifth-order identity..." Little Ville pointed to the giant kings and giant patriarchs casually, and said with a smile: "With them, do you think there is any inconvenience for me?"

"And what needs to be concealed is only for the outside public. For the real high-level people, it is not necessary, because the people who should know already know it." Xiaoweier shrugged and said, "Even they knew it earlier than you. Clearer."

After all, the twelve powerhouses in the zodiac are the people at the apex in this world. Well, in addition to the fairy goddesses and beast gods, as one of the creators of the seven-story holy tower, Ville is not Believing that his true strength can be concealed from them, as Xiao Wei's strength advances, the seven-story holy tower has also expanded a lot.

Tommasina, Patricia, and Tamick suddenly discovered that the little guy in front of him did not seem to be standing on his own level, but was on his own level. Regardless of his strength or personal connections, as for the overall power, It is not comparable to the three of them.

Not to mention the entire giant race as a backer, there are actually several master gods who are favored by the world, should he be so spoiled by the world.

I would like to call you the son of the world!

Well, the illegitimate kind, after all, no one knows it.

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