The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1456: Delia, please guide us

"Do you know why I say I can't redeem Teresa, and can't afford Godhead? Do you know what is the hard currency between us?" It seems that because I have said a lot, Diliya, the goddess of light, simply exposed More information.

The Justice Judges, the Wind-affected, and others are really interested in the so-called Mystic Alliance, and they cast their eager glances. After all, if they can join the Mystic Alliance, they can establish private communication channels with Ville and Lilith. Then buy the Godhead from them, if it's someone else, they don't even have the qualification to buy it.

"Bonus." The goddess of light spit out two words gently, making everyone stunned.

"There is merit in heaven and earth, and virtue in all things, which is merit. The counterpart of merit is karma, which is the power of sin." The Goddess of Guangming said very seriously: "Everyone in our organization is very careful not to make mistakes. Things, because merit will not only increase, it will also decrease. All of us are people who have contributed to the world, otherwise we will be impoverished."

"In other words, the people in our organization are all good people, and whether they are rich or how rich is largely determined by how many good things this person has done." The words of the Goddess of Light made everyone stunned. There is actually such a thing. thing?

Can merit be traded?

Do good deeds can become stronger. Does this kind of thing really exist?

No, it should be that doing good deeds can make you rich, you can buy a lot of things when you are rich, and you can become stronger with a lot of good things. It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that.

The goddess of light Delia cast her eyes on the justice judge and whispered: "I once thought of recommending you to others and recommending you to our organization. After all, my recommended place was lost early. But in the end, no one was willing to recommend you. You, do you know why?"

The righteous judge's eyes flashed, and he asked tentatively: "Insufficient merit?"

The goddess of light nodded and said with certainty: "Exactly!"

"Your title is the Judge of Justice, and there is no lack of personal integrity at all, but why do you have insufficient merit and even a lot of karma? Have you ever thought about it carefully?" The eyes of the goddess of light flashed with compelling light. In her eyes, the merits and karma of the righteous judge are mixed, and karma is not even less than merit.

The face of the justice judge changed slightly. He never thought that he would be a bad person. He always demanded himself strictly. He had his own set of codes of conduct, and sometimes forced himself to implement it, even if it was some wrong decision. And behavior.

The former justice judge firmly believed in his own principles, because no one but himself could give accurate judgments about what he did right or wrong, but now the goddess of light suddenly told herself that you have brought you to the world and everything because you often do wrong things. It hurts and is entangled in karma and is not accepted by them. How can he accept it?

And there are people in the world who can judge right or wrong?

Listening to her, this judgment was given by the world, which made him even more unacceptable.

"It turns out that I am a bad person." At this moment, the justice judge felt that his faith was broken, and the whole person suddenly became bad.

The light of compassion flashed in the eyes of the Goddess of Light, and she gently shook her head and said: "Not so. I wanted to introduce you to our organization. It means that you are not a bad person. A real bad person cannot be recognized by me. I want to let You can correctly judge whether you are doing good or not. After all, as long as you join us, doing good deeds will increase merit, while doing bad deeds will increase karma and reduce merit. Right or wrong is too obvious."

The Justice Judge was taken aback for a while, yes, since Diliya, the Goddess of Light, wanted to guide herself into their ranks, it meant that she was qualified, but there was no referrer, but why didn't others be willing to introduce herself?

Seeing the doubts of the justice judge, the Goddess of Light smiled bitterly and said: "People are selfish. Each person has only one quota. When there are multiple candidates, everyone will always choose the one they are close to. What's more, Terrell, your advantage is really small. For us who can see the karma of merit, the karma clearly visible in your body is really indifferent."

"I once wondered why you, a person who claims to be righteous, have such a strong karma. It was not until later that I investigated and observed carefully for hundreds of years. The merits of your body are all hard work. Yes, and the karma in your body is obtained by helping others to do bad things. You are burdened by the people around you!" The words of the goddess of light made the face of the justice judge suddenly change.

The expression on the face of the goddess of light is slightly subtle, "Just a good person. This good person will do good things afterwards. You can share merits and save a bad person. If this bad person does many bad things afterwards, you can only divide his karma. ."

As the voice of the goddess of light fell, the justice judge was really bad, and he stammered: "This, this..."

The face of the goddess of light is full of compassion: "Usually speaking, things gather people into groups. You clearly have your own perseverance, have your own principles, and clearly yearn for light and justice, but why do you always meet a group of people who are not incompatible? mixed together?"

The expression on the face of the justice judge became extremely complicated, "I just want to restrain them."

"Haha" A faint ridicule appeared at the corner of the goddess of light: "But people of the same level basically have their own rules of conduct, and you are not so much a restraint, but rather a help. You will only help them very often, and The consequence of doing this is to make them even more unscrupulous, even if you criticize them at the time, they still can’t stop them from continuing to commit the crime next time. You, indulge them!"

"It's not like that, me, me..."

"Your justice is no longer so pure because it has been close to karma for too long." The Goddess of Light said softly: "Once a wise man said that living with a good man is like entering a room of Zhilan and not smelling it for a long time. , That is, it will be transformed with it. Habitation with bad people is like entering an abalone restaurant, and not smelling it for a long time, but also with it. The reason is that simple."

"The reason is so simple, haha, the reason is so simple. It turns out that it was not I who influenced them, but they assimilated me." The justice judge's spirit was weakened, and the whole person seemed to have lost the mainstay. , The eyes became dull.

“So it’s not difficult to find the people of our organization in the Wizarding Islands. Those who have a mind to do good, and even look silly and naive in the eyes of others, may be our official members. No one is born a saint. No one does not ask for rewards. We do the right thing and the rewards are so rich. The so-called not asking for rewards is just because you can’t see our gains.”

The Goddess of Light said in a deep voice: "A large number of our members stay on the battlefield of the abyss, and the reason is the same. Killing the **** demon to protect the world also has merits, and there are not many merits at all, and there is no need to think too much. , Just kill!"

Hearing the last four words, the judge of justice couldn’t help but shook his body. He slowly raised his head and couldn’t help but smiled bitterly: “It’s just a killer. It turns out that this is the way that really suits me. Trying the **** devil doesn’t need a brain at all. , Don’t need feelings, just kill. And for others..."

"Sure enough, the world is too complicated, and people's hearts are too complicated. I'm still too naive."

The Goddess of Light said in a deep voice, "What is before us is a great merit. If my analysis is correct, someone used Terrell to get us here, and wanted to use the sacrifice to us to attract the **** demon to invade the wizard. The islands, if we can break their conspiracy, we will protect the world in disguise. The merits are absolutely rich. So..."

The corners of the righteous judge's mouth twitched slightly, "In other words, because I brought you here and gave some people the opportunity to attract **** demons, I have more karma?"

After hearing this, the expression on the face of the goddess of Guangming became slightly stiff, and finally she nodded slightly without speaking.

"In other words, you knew from the beginning that I did something wrong?"

The Goddess of Guangming shook her head and said: "Not so, cause and effect is a very wonderful thing. Things can only be wrong after it happens. After Jagger's death, a large amount of karma suddenly appeared in your body and attracted my attention. After the death of iron and blood, your karma is heavier. As time goes by, even if no one sacrifices, your karma is slowly increasing, giving me new guesses."

"After all, things really started because of you, and judging from the speed of karma increase, our situation may be very bad. Once the other party succeeds, the consequences will be serious." The words of the Goddess of Light shocked everyone.

The Wind Blessed suddenly said: "Is the Black Dragon Sage Professor Wizel one of your members? And he is also a core member."

The Goddess of Light was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that Professor Wezel seemed to be the teacher of Will and At the same time, he was also the leader of Will, and now he and Will have been exposed, Professor Wezel It is also difficult to keep secret.

Everyone knows about Professor Wezel, a black dragon sage, who is younger than them, but successfully broke through and advanced to the fifth rank. This is obviously very different from other dragons. He doesn't like sleeping, but he likes the east. Running to the west, the human race was mixed, and finally a black dragon with the name of a great sage was mixed up, and there were indeed too many unreasonable things on his body.

Shouldn't the black dragon destroy the city and rob the princess?

What is your picture of teaching sages, spreading knowledge and educating people everywhere?

It now appears that people are doing good deeds, and doing good deeds has too many rewards.

"I want to know whether there is a recommended quota in the hands of the Black Dragon Sage? Is this quota already occupied by Declan?" The Wind-loved is very persistent in joining the so-called mysterious organization.

The goddess of light nodded slightly and said: "The Black Dragon Sage is indeed a core member of our organization. We only have one quota per person in our organization, but if the recommended person becomes a full member, the recommended quota of the recommender can be released. Black Dragon Sage The quota in hand should be free now."

The Blessed One, the Judge of Justice, the Artifact Forge, the Shadow Killer, the Thunder King, your uncle, let's go, and others are all heartbroken.

They are all veteran demigods. The merits accumulated in the battlefield of the abyss have long been enough, but they did not choose to leave. Now they have a new idea, which is to get the recommended place from the black dragon sage Professor Wezel .

But before that, they must first get out of here alive.

"Dilia, please guide us to destroy the enemy's conspiracy and leave from here!"

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