The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1485: The craze for becoming a **** (part 2)

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Not all gods can be respected by Ville and Lilith. The two of them, one is already an almighty wizard in the middle of the sixth stage, and the other is a bright wizard who is close to the peak of the fifth stage in the fifth stage, among the fifth-tier gods. There are not many people who can compete with them.

The goddess of the moon, the goddess of agriculture, the goddess of spring water and healing, the gods of commerce, the gods of craftsmen, the gods of storms, and the goddess of hunting came to the door with the fifth-tier gods who had established a good cooperative relationship with them in the continent of the gods. At their request, Ville and Lilith chose conditional cooperation.

There is no problem with preaching and becoming a **** in the Snowwood World, but the distribution of the mission area and the kingdom of God on earth needs to be exchanged for resources.

What resource?

Space resources!

As a new world, the world of Snowwood has swallowed different spaces. Coupled with the support of the tree of life and the tree of death, the expansion of Xiaowei’s overall attributes, especially the improvement of spatial attributes, is really not that small. It's too small.

But this is not a small one. It depends on who it is compared to. Snowwood World may be comparable to the continent of the gods, but it is really nothing compared to the Wizard Islands and the huge outlaws, as more and more The race and the gods settled in, and Ville had to think about it later.

So if you want to settle in, you can first provide a few different spaces to increase the territory of the snowwood world. This is not difficult for the gods. Before becoming a god, you can get the different space to build the gods of the kingdom. After becoming a **** Are you afraid that you won’t find other different spaces?

The gods rushed into the world of Snowwood, and then they all faced the same dilemma, the number of believers was insufficient!

The source of the earliest inhabitants of Snowwood World is very single. Giants cannot believe in other gods. The dragons and half-dragons are not cold to other gods except for the dragon gods. The ice and snow goblins have their own gods, and the blood clan also believes in the night lady. This blood god, as for the relatively large number of races such as flame fairies and forest fairies, they have little relationship with the above gods, and it is very difficult for them to develop into believers.

You say forced?

Haha, you need strength to do bad things, otherwise you can't even do bad things. Behind the flame fairies and forest fairies are the giants, dozens of Tier 5 powerhouses, should you try to challenge them?

This, they really dare not. No one who can become a **** is a real fool. Even the **** of the storm does not dare to force Thunder Naga to believe in himself. After all, he will study carefully before he comes in again. Through the power information of the Snowwood World, the Lord of the World Will Declan is undoubtedly the top priority. The little princess Alesia of the Thunder Naga clan is one of the chess pieces of the Lord of the World, and he gave birth to one. Son, this son is the future candidate for the God of Thunder.

The Thunder Naga clan is undoubtedly the basis of faith for the **** of thunder in the future. The **** of the storm should move the storm mermaid to the world of Snowwood honestly. You must know that this is the basis of your belief. In addition, The human races seeking life at sea are also indispensable, but the number of human races in the Snowwood World is too small, especially the number of non-belief human races is even rarer.

There is a group of human races who also have no beliefs, but it is as difficult as reaching the sky to develop them into believers. This group of people is: wizards!

The prestige of Black Dragon Sage Professor Witzel is a well-known existence in the wizarding world of the Wizard Islands. He has many students, and the most famous are the sixth-order all-attribute wizard Wil Declan and the fifth-order light wizard Lilith Ken. Dahl, together with the classical school almost all out, moved to Snowwood World, and established a comprehensive academy in Snowwood World. His influence was not small at all.

This is the academy where a Tier 5 master sits. Which academy in the Wizarding Islands dare to compare with them? In particular, there is more than one Tier 5 master in this college, and Tier 4 demigods are dozens of hundreds, so the strength should not be too strong, and the college is initially built, with very few colleges, and naturally more attractive.

But this attracted all the wizards, the attraction to the gods was minimal, and it was not very helpful.

In the end, these gods had to introduce believers to fill the world of Snowwood, and there were two things that caused them the most headaches. The first was that the main gods strictly ordered that they were not allowed to move the believers of the gods continent, which belonged to the gods. Basically, the power of faith generated by these believers is one of the sources of power to stabilize the world. The more critical the moment, the more indispensable it is.

The second is that not everyone is qualified to enter the Snowwood World. This is a new world. The new world is easily guided and easily defiled. Therefore, before entering the Snowwood World, there will be layers of screening. People who do not pass the test will not be allowed to enter the world of snow wood even if they are no more religious.

For example: Bishop Collis of the Church of the Goddess of the Night!

Reasons for refusal to enter: brain disability, vision defect, lack of correct knowledge of the truth, extreme personality leading to poisoning of beliefs, and disqualification from entering the snowwood world.

Note: Re-education of the gods is required, and the time to enter the Snowwood World is determined based on the results of the re-education.

Only believers in the land of the gods are restricted from entering the world of Snowwood. The members of the temple are not included in this list. It can even be said that the Holy Spirit in God's country can enter the world of Snowwood earlier and build the kingdom of God on earth.

It is difficult for Tier 5 gods to have the Second Kingdom of God, and their own divine powers cannot afford the consumption of the Second Kingdom, but this is not an obstacle to their preparations for the Second Kingdom. They clearly know that the original world is about to come. Suffering from a full-scale invasion of **** demons, leaving a back path is the safest way.

And this back road was also pointed out to them by the lord and gods, and even many methods and suggestions were almost plainly told to them, as long as they did what they did, they could get what kind of results.

The members of the church closely related to Little Ville have been reused. The formerly unknown spring water and the goddess of healing church Jill grand nun was promoted to the spring water of the world of snow and the goddess of healing church saint, and the bishop of the moon goddess church Edris became snow The Pope of the Church of the Moon Goddess of Wood World, the Bishop Dorothy of the Church of the Goddess of Hunting became the high priest of the Church of the Goddess of Hunting in the Snowwood World, and Pastor Bambur of the Church of the God of Craftsman became the high priest of the Church of the Gods of Craftsman in Snowwood.

These gods have successively become gods within five years, and the influence they have brought is tremendous. At this moment, another independent **** appeared in the world of Snowwood: the **** of Styx. Grace.

Segorith has achieved Tier 5 in the Exile, but has never become a god. She has constantly consolidated her foundation, improved her strength, refined the Styx ferry, and at the same time created her own kingdom of God.

After receiving the support of Xiao Weiya, based on the original Death God Kingdom, she abruptly introduced the Styx River of the Underworld into the Kingdom of God a little bit, diluted it to form a Stygian River of her own, and then communicated with the Underworld, causing The breath of the underworld, with the power of herself and Xiao Weiya, created a world of undead spirits.

After the soul’s reception, washing, judgment, containment, reincarnation, and sending into the underworld, all functions were completed, Segores asked for a branch of the tree of death to suppress the kingdom of God, and then became a **** with a very high profile and became a god. The soul of Snowwood World takes authority.

The impact of Segorith’s becoming a **** is huge, making other demigods and the outside Tier 5 gods even more urgent. The gods are not infinite. The Snowwood world is just a new world. Although the gods can increase the strength of the world~ Increase the heritage of the world, and the same will occupy the heritage of the world.

How many Tier 5 gods can be accommodated by the advancement brought about by the royalization of the three giants?

How much world heritage can the tree of life and the tree of death be combined, and how much divine status can be increased?

How much benefit will Will Declan bring to the world and how much will he increase?

When more and more Tier 5 gods poured into the Snowwood World, the demigods on the Snowwood World and the Abyssal Battlefield finally couldn't sit still.

The enthusiasm for becoming a **** has just started to reach its peak, and the heat finally inevitably erupted as the snowwood world gods reached double digits.

On the guardian island, the news that the Alliance of God Explorers is about to hold the second general meeting spread at the speed of light throughout the Wizard Islands and the battlefield of the abyss, the whole world was in an uproar!

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