The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1530: World guardian will

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After all, the rain demon Amadeus did not give the control of the altar to the spider lord, and personally opened the world sacrifice, with his own powerful power and the flesh and blood of the world’s creatures, he invited the arrival of the consciousness of the **** world. The engulfment of time began.

A deep-rooted roar is full of fear and anger. This is the voice of the world. The consciousness of the **** world is deep and powerful, like pitch-black ink, silently infiltrating and swallowing everything in this world.

The altars lit up with blood-red light, and six blood-colored lights rushed into the sky, like six huge pillars. The sky split open, and a hideous claw stretched in. The world barrier was like a fragile eggshell, which was torn by it. broken.

An angry roar sounded, and a looming tall figure appeared quietly in the sky. He was a hundred feet tall, with a big snake around his waist, messy long hair, four arms, and a huge axe in his hand, facing the blood-red paw. It's an axe.

The metal collision sound of "锵~" was earth-shaking, the axe was raised high, and a shallow trace appeared on the blood-red claws. The trace disappeared almost instantaneously, but it still angered the monster on the opposite side.

Amid the sound of "Kakchak~", the world's barrier shattered steadily, and blood-red claws suddenly stretched out and grabbed the Baizhang giant's body, abruptly tore his body, the wound quickly healed, and the giant axe swung frantically Slashing fiercely on the blood-red claws.

The fist that is retracted can be better shot out. The blood-red claws flinched at this moment, and the blood-red claws are shot out in the next moment. The unruly axe of the Hundred-Zhang Giant does not bring much damage to it, but is instead caused by the giant claw Fight back fiercely.

As the world barrier cracked a big hole, in the deep and deep darkness on the opposite side, the blood-red claws changed from one to two, and the two claws stretched in together, forcibly tore a bigger crack.

The whole world is screaming, and there is a bitter **** spirit from the channel, the world is trembling, the world barrier is tortured, the whole world feels a trace of danger coming, the power of the world quickly condenses on the huge giant. The axe faced the blood-red claws and it was a frantic slash.

In front of the altar, Rain Demon Amadeus looked up at the sky, with a solemn expression on his face that could not be erased. The guardian will of this world is actually such an image. He seems to have seen this image somewhere. This should be It is the existence in the legend, the general world, even the big world, it is difficult to form such a guardian will.

There seems to be a problem in this world!

Rain Demon Amadeus couldn't help but beat the drums in his heart, did he stoke a big basket? This world has giants, dragons, trees of life, trees of death, orcs, elves, dwarves, wizards, and many other races.

According to the spider lord's intelligence, when he first communicated with hell, at this moment, it was said that there were ten thousand races. What kind of people created such a world?

The potential of this world is very high, but it is blocked, and the people who blocked this world seem to be the creation gods. They live a life of isolation. Although they cannot break through to a higher level due to restrictions, they win in safety until One day, the overlord giants in this world wanted to go one step further and broke this ban.

This is a widely circulated thing in this world, as long as it is known to anyone who has received a certain amount of extraordinary knowledge and education, and the proud giants have never denied it, but the more rain demon Amadeus thinks about it, the more it becomes I feel that the legendary creator **** is unpredictable.

Is he still there?

A question came to mind. If this world weren't for the giants to destroy the world, it is estimated that it could exist for a long, long time, and the world is still there. What about the God of Creation?

There are more or less connections between the God of Creation and the world. If God of Creation should fall, the world will also enter a state of rapid decline. This is common sense unless there is a huge transformation within the world. Promoting the evolution of the world from the inside out, so as to get rid of this situation of slow death of self.

However, it is clear that this world has not experienced such a decline, and even suffered severe damage in the attacks of the Spider Lord, but has been slowly recovering. From this, it can be seen that the God of Creation may really be there. Just did not continue to pay attention to the world.

What kind of strong person should be who can ignore the medium-sized world with unlimited potential?

At this moment, Rain Demon Amadeus suddenly regrets it. He is just a seventh-order high-level **** demon. It is not impossible for him to create the world. As long as the conditions permit and the resources in his hand are sufficient, he can create A small world is not too difficult, but a medium world is really not something he can do.

If this world is not generated naturally, then its owner is definitely a rank nine powerhouse!

When I thought that I might offend a Tier 9 powerhouse, Rain Demon Amadeus couldn’t help getting cold. You must know that Tier 9 powerhouses are standing at the pinnacle of the void, and each of them is famous and famous. The super powerhouses, how they want to care about themselves, probably don't know how they died, and they don't have the slightest resistance at all.

When the strength reaches the seventh level, every increase of a major level is a world-shaking change. The eighth-level strong fights the seventh-level, it is no problem to fight against the tenth-level strong, and the ninth-level strong fights the eighth-level strong. It's not a big problem to choose thirty or fifty and retreat from the whole body.

As the world barrier was torn open a huge crack, a huge monster with a length of thousands of feet squeezed in a little bit. This is a **** dog, but not a flame **** dog, but a blood flame **** dog, and this blood flame **** dog It is not an entity, but a pet clone that is manifested by the power of the world by the **** world, a tool that shatters and devours the world.

Amid the loud noise of "Rumble~", the world barrier shattered into a large area. The blood flame hellhound could already enter, but it was very cunning and didn't rush in. Instead, it madly raged outside the world barrier, trying to open it wider. The bigger channel, while enticing the Hundred-Zhang Giant to take the initiative to attack, wants to pull him out of this world.

The Hundred-Zhang Giant seemed very resistant to being close to the outside of the world, and he was reluctant to approach the huge space crack, and the Bloodflame Hellhound refused to come in so early, and had been doing damage outside. The scene was a bit funny for a while.

The six blood-red light beams became more and more serious as the world barrier was broken, and they were supported by the magic of hell. The Hundred-Zhang Giant was slapped by blood-red claws and hit a blood-red light beam. The impact caused many scars on his body.

A cumbersome message appeared in the consciousness of the Hundred-Zhang Giant, and the ignorant consciousness suddenly understood something, and his cold eyes suddenly fell on the semi-submerged island and fell on the rain demon Amadeus.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

will die! will die! will die!

The high-risk warning came suddenly, and Rain Demon Amadeus didn’t even think about it. He tore the space for the first time and wanted to escape. The strength of this Hundred-Zhang Giant could never be Tier 6, or even Tier 7. Why does a medium-sized world have such a strength? Strong guardian will? !

With a crisp "pop~", the space crack burst, and half of the rain demon Amadeus's body was cut off, one arm and one leg fell on the spot The Hundred-Zhang Giant's hand struck an axe. Sora, Rain Demon Amadeus fled thousands of miles in an instant.

The Baizhang giant cast his gaze into the distance, and locked tightly on Amadeus, the rain demon, who went cold all over, and hurriedly opened the second space crack. The space crack was not formed before it was twisted and dissipated without a trace.

The world consciousness intervened, the space crack could not be opened, a message appeared in his mind, and the rain demon Amadeus plunged into the sea, turning into a small ocean current and quickly escaped.

The Baizhang Giant retracted his gaze and focused his attention on the huge blood-colored altar ten meters high, and the axe in his hand was raised high and fell fiercely.

A voice appeared in the minds of Rain Demon Amadeus, Spider Lord, and Evil Eye Tyrant at the same time, and it was also an order to guard the Scarlet Altar! This is the task given by the world consciousness of the first world. At this moment, the three **** lords have the desire to die.

How could this be? !

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