The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 176: Cat Fist VS Skeleton Dance

"Why is the training method of the two knights, Lilith and Weir, different from the others?" After a round of "hard work" training, the wild cat girl Nicole focused on the person she focused on, surprised. I found that there were actually two training programs that I couldn't understand.

"Oh, the two of them, they are geniuses. After reading almost all the boxing techniques for a few times, they can be learned by casual practice. Therefore, the training is mainly based on the basics of swordsmanship." Senior Jasmine Knight said indifferently, "Anyway. For people like them, the improvement of strength is as simple as drinking water. They also have their own ideas. It is better not to interfere with them casually for us mediocre people."

I am also a genius! The wild cat girl Ni was crazy in her heart, but she deliberately pretended to be surprised, "Then Knight Will also "Imitate Two-Tail Cat Body Refining Boxing"?"

"That's not too difficult. Give him half an hour to figure out the boxing technique carefully, and then he can beat it all over again. Maybe the first time will be a bit rusty, the second time will be much better, and the third time will be natural and smooth. Comparable to the hard work of an ordinary person for a month or two, and by the fifth time, I can almost master it. Therefore, ordinary people of us should not compare with them. It is too easy to hit people." The senior Jasmine knight seemed to have something in mind. An expression of an unbearable look back on his face.

"Our knights in Mabstershire don't pay much attention to fancywork, but pay more attention to power and effect. We need to maintain agility and agility in the mountains and forests. Therefore, I grew up in the mountains and I am still very agile and flexible. Confident." Nicole, a wild cat girl, pretended to be confident, "Although he may not be better than him in swordsmanship, I can definitely beat him to the ground with my bare hands!"

"Are you going to fight him empty-handed?" With a weird smile on the face of the senior Jasmine Knight, he gently shook his head and said, "Forget it, he knows how to use a boxing technique called chaotic fist."

"Chaotic fist? What kind of fist is that? Is it unique to the human race?" Nicole, a wild cat girl, showed a puzzled look on her face. I haven't heard of it before. Is there really any secret?

"Random punches to kill the master is the essence of random punches." Jasmine, the senior knight god, mysteriously approached the wild cat girl Nicole's ear, and whispered how to use the so-called random punches to defeat Ville when he was an apprentice knight. The "brilliant deeds" of a junior knight was announced, "At the time, Knight Vail was only a rookie knight apprentice who had practiced for two months, but he was defeated after a hundred rounds of battle with that junior knight. Unprepared will faint."

The wild cat girl Nicole's face turned red all of a sudden, thinking about the so-called chaotic punches, it feels terrible, but is this type of punching too shameless? If he challenged him with boxing, wouldn't he also want to use this method against himself? He is a girl, shouldn't he be a gentleman according to Human Race?

"I still want to challenge him, I don't believe there is such a genius in the world!" As a genius of the cat tribe, Nicole, who has been hidden as a secret weapon since childhood, has seen too many so-called orc geniuses. But in the end it was just that, not as awesome as the rumors. During this period of time, I concentrated on collecting a little bit of news about the Kendall family and Will Declan. It was originally only in a small area because of his cleverness and a little reputation, he suddenly broke out in half a year that was difficult to execute. The knight cultivated his talents, and then achieved a blockbuster at an unimaginable speed to become a formal knight.

And it doesn't seem to be the end of the official knight, he is still an intermediate knight who has mastered fighting spirit, is it really okay for half a year? I became a great warrior at the age of twenty-five. This is the result of rigorous training since the age of six, one step at a time. It is also the result of the patriarch’s painstaking effort and a great accumulation of resources. It’s even more of an experience. I don’t know how many battles I have honed. This young man became an intermediate knight in half a year, unless he has an adventure that ordinary people can't understand. Well, that's how many orcs so-called geniuses came out. You must know that when you become an intermediate fighter, you are also thirteen or fourteen years old. At that time, he had been training for seven years.

"Good luck, that kid rarely suffers. I hope you can let him deflate." The senior knight Jasmine didn't care. She had already persuaded her. She still wanted to hit the wall very hard, so you can't blame it. By myself.

"Vill Declan, I, Nicole Nick, challenge you, not a knights duel, just a duel of fists!" Nicole stood in front of Ville again, the latter sighed helplessly, and shook his head. : "Does a duel with too great a power gap really make sense?"

Nicole looked at Xiao Weier firmly, nodded and said: "There are some things that I have to confirm personally before I give up. If you don't accept my challenge, I will persevere to challenge you every day until the day you accept it! "

"Forget I'm afraid of you, but it's not suitable to fight a girl like you physically, and will be scolded by her mother. Let's be more basic than the body." Little Ville secretly changed the direction of the competition. Please, he is a twenty-five-year-old warrior, not a real fifteen-year-old junior knight of the human race. The actual combat experience is much richer than his own, and his physical fitness is not comparable to himself.

"How does this compare? Power? Speed?" Nicole looked at Little Weir curiously. Didn't this guy see his identity? If you can see it, how can you come up with such a duel?

"What you learned from Curator Jasmine just now was "Imitation Two-Tail Cat Body Refining Boxing", right? This is a boxing technique known for body flexibility and balance, and the exercise of knight training is actually to increase the control of the body. Ability, improve basic quality." Xiaoweier looked straight, and said solemnly: "Then we will compare the control of the body today, let you see how big the gap is between the junior knights and the intermediate knights! You should do a few first. I will imitate an action that I think is difficult, and then I will do a few difficult actions, and you will imitate it. Whoever imitates unsuccessfully will count as a failure, how about?"

"Okay!" Nicole carefully recalled the content of "Imitation Two-Tail Cat Body Refining Boxing", and found that many extreme movements were eliminated, and other movements were also greatly reduced. Oops, I was fooled! These movements should not be difficult for him. The young man's body is very soft. After half a year of targeted practice, most of the movements can be done, but he is not an ordinary person. How about the things you simplified? I can always increase the difficulty a little bit.

Nicole pulled back and did three actions one at a time. They were all from "Imitation Two-Tailed Cat Refining Boxing", but the difficulty was artificially increased by her a little bit, and the cat bowed her waist into a body. Folding in half, the catwalk turned her head back, and she practiced a 90-degree side bending and a 180-degree head circle. The last cat group made her sit on the buttocks, causing a group of female knight apprentices around to exclaim again and again. Speaking out, Angel looked stunned, and he could actually do this to such an extent! Amazing! It seems that I am too far behind, so I have to keep working hard!

"Tsk tut, flashy!" Little Ville curled his lips in disdain, and then pointed out the shortcomings of these actions and the actual impact on the human race, making Nicole angrily want to fight with him in real life, "Why do you say so much? No, give up if you don't."

"Men can't say no!" Little Weier stood up calmly, thought for a moment, and directly turned the three movements into a simple routine, interspersed with two buffering movements, and there was no jerky feeling in one go. There was silence all around.


"Is it OK to practice like this?"

"Three extreme moves, with two ordinary over-movements interspersed in between, the difficulty seems to be reduced a lot at once, but it still feels great!"

The voices of admiration came one after another, and Nicole was slightly silent. Is this a genius? In such a short time at the scene, it was possible to connect three unrelated extreme actions together, "You have passed, now it's up to you to write the question."

"I've been to a dangerous place before and killed the skeletons and zombies there. That was the first time I saw the skeletons. I was very impressed with those monsters. Let me do a few moves and you can imitate them." Weier suddenly thought of how he was forced to do some very shameful actions in the soul space by the devil boy. At that time, he was his toy, and the past was unbearable.

Little Weier stood straight up slightly, stretched both sides of his hands flat, and then made a "click", his wrists were tilted up forty-five degrees, and the movements were stiff but not beautiful. Next to the forearms, upper arms and shoulders, the left and right arms moved once It is very weird, but it brakes one part and the other places remain motionless. Then he pushed his head with his right hand and staggered one section of his neck flatly, but his head remained upright. Pushed with his left hand at the waist, he moved one section to the right by himself, followed by his legs and feet, and quickly assumed a weird posture. Then Ville imitated the skull's lateral movement skills, and the body joints made a "click" sound, like a weird dance show of skulls.

Ville finished the skeleton performance, stretched his waist and raised his hands high, and after a burst of "cracking", he cast his eyes on Nicole. The latter's face was shocked. How did this happen? You can actually combine bluntness and naturalness smooth and jerky perfectly. Can you really do this kind of perfect control over muscles and bones?

Nicole carefully recalled all of Will's actions, and came to a frustrating conclusion that she couldn't do it herself!

"I, I admit defeat." Nicole admitted that she had lost very aggrievedly, but did your actions really work? Is it purely designed to be difficult for people?

Ville curled his lips in disdain, and gave up. Skeleton dance is just an appetizer. The real main course space dance step hasn't appeared yet. You can't do it, so you dare to challenge yourself? Hehe, girl, you are still too tender. But twenty-five years old is not a girl.

"Okay, that's the end of the midfield improvisation. Let's continue training." Ville stopped those female knight apprentices with bright eyes, but the senior knight Jasmine was thoughtful. The action just now was very strange. Does this have any deep meaning? Why does it look like a routine that dances more than exercise.

I have to say, Jasmine Senior Knight, you are really professional, and you are the truth! This is how the Devil Boy deliberately took out the dance routines to vent his depression, such as the skeleton dance, break dance, space dance, and other difficult dances, all passed to him one by one. At the same time, I also vent my distress of not getting along with ordinary people for hundreds of thousands of years. All kinds of messy knowledge are stuffed into his mind without money, such as football, basketball, rugby, tennis, badminton, table tennis, yoga, fencing. , Fencing, skiing, skating, etc. made Little Will very nervous for a while.

However, there is a reward for paying. At least in these activities, Xiaowei has seen a lot of exercise skills. Now he has begun to move out and use it in the city defense army.

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